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4 Votes

Free Gold's Guide to a Versatile Morphling

May 17, 2015 by Free Gold
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Free Gold | May 18, 2015 1:44pm
I don't build Hands of Midas; its just too clunky. Morphling can flash farm with sustainer, and delaying the regen in favor of hands of midas woudld slow your farm down. Its like delaying a battlefury on antimage.

Granted, only exception to this rule is if you're mid. If you're able to get your bottle + boots and still hit midas 9 minutes in, you should. Lets you snowball in levels even faster.
fires.of.hell (2) | May 18, 2015 1:16pm
Are you guys fond of building Hand of Midas on Morphling ?
KoDyAbAbA (65) | May 18, 2015 12:22pm
Alright, hang on, this is going to take some time!

first of all, i come into your guide and see a tonne of builds, i'm like, "okay here we go!".Then i see that the first two builds are pretty much different ways to play a farming carry morph(with that unnecessary ward spam) but i'm okay with that.Then, I move on to the 3rd and 4th build and i'm really upset.A lane won, or a lane lost, it doesn't matter, you are always going to get the same items, just on a different priority.

I don't like your inclusion of wards in the "lost lane" builds, simply because that's not how things work.Even if the lane is lost, the hero still has a considerable farm and experience advantage over other heroes in his team, who themselves have suffered from a bad lane, meaning that buying wards becomes terribly counter-productive as nobody gains anything.

Anyways, I agree with most of your item choices and love the neat and tidy presentation on the build...thingy.BUT, i very heavily disagree on rushing Boots of Travel.It's the kinda item you rush when you want to split push dual lanes very early on into the game, or you are doing insanely well. BoT is good, of course it is, but it does not give you enough to invest p2450 into it.

In that gold, you can get a Power Treads and be on your way for Drum of Endurance which ultimately results you in having just as much move-speed and infinitely more survivability and killing potential while BoT just gives you the ability to TP in and out, something Morphling doesn't need to do in the first place by the virtue of his ultimate.Also, even though it does give him the ability to be at two places at once, it removes morphling's ability to get away from a gank because his replicate will always be on cooldown :c.

In the guide, it has been written that BoT enables Morphling to put pressure on the enemy, but I say that it's not his job to!His job is to pick-off enemy heroes, something that doesn't actually a BoT.The assumption that this guide makes that Boots of Travel helps in picking off assumes that picking off simply means getting kills.Nope. Picking off is usually done in pairs or (in morphling's case) solo. you don't need insane mobility to do that, you need burst potential. It doesn't matter if you can be everywhere on the map and farm stuff if you can't do the stuff this hero is made for, assassinations.

NOW, lets get to the skills section (phew).

here's where **** goes down bruh .-.

It's explained just enough, but its messy, incredibly messy (just like my Naga Siren guide ;_;].take your time, explain them how each and everything works, and why its important.

You try to explain too much(which may not be of importance), but just end up confusing people.Eg : the morph tapping.

It's a good technique; granted, but it's very hard to pull off, very (VERY) mana intensive until like 40 minutes into the game, where you don't really need it anyways, and does not guarantee safety.

Now lets go to the advanced farming section, which is almost good if you ask me.

The first technique is is good, it enlists the timing and some basic important **** and whatnot,great going there.

The second technique can be subjected to criticism in the sense that it trivializes the importance of stacking in the jungle, which, if done by Morphling, decreases his exp gain by a lot, AND, taking the jungle creep to farm lane is very difficult since it has very bad attack damage (somewhere around 50 if i'm not wrong) which does absolutely nothing in lane (remember that morphling touches 50 damage by level 1 and its still ****ing difficult) and they have annoying Base Attack Times (BAT).

Third technique has been discussed above.

That's all for now folks! Kody out!
Free Gold | May 18, 2015 5:17am

I'm a big fan of Morphling, Have you forgotten that you can increase your GPM by having Axe ? Stack, Replicate Axe and evil laugh. Good guide overall. Keep up !

Sorry, forgot about that! I'll amend the replicate section immediately. You can also increase your farm by having an enemy or an ally get a Radiance. Bonus points if the ally is an alchemist - your replicate will get the base gold but the alchemist will get his grevil greed gold on any creeps your illusion kills!
fires.of.hell (2) | May 17, 2015 11:40pm
I'm a big fan of Morphling, Have you forgotten that you can increase your GPM by having Axe ? Stack, Replicate Axe and evil laugh. Good guide overall. Keep up !
T3xo (1) | May 17, 2015 5:12pm
Wall of text, hard to read.
TheSofa (54) | May 17, 2015 2:16pm
Hey, welcome to DOTAfire!

Check this out for learning how to format, it's what I use!
Free Gold | May 17, 2015 9:31am
First. (Post any advice/questions here and i'll try to answer them.)
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