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Format Tests

February 15, 2015 by Nubtrain
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Format Tests

February 15, 2015

Chapter Title


Will be updating to 6.82

Hello and welcome to Nubtrain's guide to Shadow Fiend, my favorite hero of all time. Shadow Fiend is an amazing powerhouse, possessing early - mid game dominance with a strong presence late game. With three powerful Shadowrazes that deal 300 magical damage each and a powerful ultimate Requiem of Souls, Shadow Fiend is a force to reckon with. Shadow Fiend is also an amazing farmer and ganker, that is if you can land Shadowraze...

Nevermore's Lore

It is said that Shadow Fiend has the soul of a poet, and in fact he has thousands of them. Over the ages he has claimed the souls of poets, priests, emperors, beggars, slaves, philosophers, criminals and (naturally) heroes; no sort of soul escapes him. What he does with them is unknown. No one has ever peered into the Abysm whence Shadow Fiend reaches out like an eel from among astral rocks. Does he devour them one after another? Does he mount them along the halls of an eldritch temple, or pickle the souls in necromantic brine? Is he merely a puppet, pushed through the dimensional rift by a demonic puppeteer? Such is his evil, so intense his aura of darkness, that no rational mind may penetrate it. Of course, if you really want to know where the stolen souls go, there's one sure way to find out: Add your soul to his collection. Or just wait for Nevermore.

(Shadow Fiend Arcana)

Video Guide
(OLD, still relevant)

Making steady progressions to the structure/look of the guide



  • One of the Best Farmers in DotA
  • Very High Damage Output
  • Good Projectile Speed
  • Strong Mid-Lane Presence
  • Not that item dependant


  • Pretty Squishy
  • Reliant on Souls
  • High Skill Cap
  • Needs Decent Momentum

Chapter Title


Shadow Fiend razes the area in front of him, dealing damage to enemy units in an area.
Cooldown: 10 Seconds each, Damage: 75/150/225/300, Type: Magical
Range: [Q] 200, [W] 450, [E] 700

Notes: Shadowraze is a 3 part spell that have varying ranges of where the spell lands, the three Shadowrazes do not share a cooldown. Theoretically you can deal 900 magical damage at level 7! (Before base spell reduction)

Shadowraze nukes in front of Shadow Fiend, meaning you need to be facing where you want to target. There is a .67 second cast time and a .04 animation delay when casting a Shadowraze so you also need to properly time your shots too. Practice makes perfect...


Shadow Fiend steals the soul from units he kills, gaining bonus damage. On death, he releases half of them from bondage.
Maximum Souls: 15/22/29/36 souls (30/44/58/72 bonus damage)

Notes: Take as first skill so you can stack souls earlier when you land last hits. When you die you will lose half the souls you have so that makes dying a more punishing threat. That means if you had 36, you're going to have to farm about 4 waves of minions. Should be no problem farming souls back with Shadowraze but do keep death to a minimum. You also take the souls of your friendly minions and heroes when you deny them. Killing a hero grants 12 souls instead of 1 so getting a kill when you're low on souls will greatly pick you back up in terms of damage. Having more souls correlates with how much physical damage you'll deal and how much your ultimate will hurt.

Presence of the Dark Lord

Shadow Fiend's presence reduces the armor of nearby enemies.
Aura Radius: 900, Armor Reduction: -3/-4/-5/-6

Notes: Stacks with other armor reducing effects.

Requiem of Souls - Ultimate

Captured souls are released to deal massive damage and slow nearby enemy units. Requiem of Souls creates one wave of damage for every 2 souls stored by Necromastery. The closest enemy units are hit the hardest and has a 1 second cast time before it is activated. Upon death, a 2nd Requiem of Souls will be released dealing half the amount of souls.
Damage per Line: 80/120/160, AoE: 1375/1425/1475, Movement Slow: 10%/15%/20%, Damage Reduction: 50%, Duration: 5 Seconds

The damage dealt is equal to the number of souls stored with Necromastery so the more souls you have the more damage Requiem of Souls does. Requiem of Souls releases waves of damaging lines around Shadow Fiend with 1 line per 2 souls stored for a total of 18 waves of lines. The closer the enemies are to the center of eruption, the more lines will hit and that means more damage. Lowers both movement speed and attack damage of units in a radius so it's highly recommend to use against glass canons like Terror Blade.

If you have a Shadow Blade, the invisibility won't break until you release your ultimate so you don't have to worry about cast it at the wrong time. However with the invisibility rune, that's not the case.

Patch 6.75 added a passive mechanic to Requiem of Souls, when you die you release another Requiem of Souls dealing half the amount of souls you have. Great addition to Shadow Fiend for taking out near dead opponents if they happen to take you out. Reminds me of some Borderland 2's shield effect.

landing shadowraze

Landing Shadowraze can be difficult to master since it requires good positioning and timing to get all three to land. In a typical scenario, you'll be getting off Shadowraze W and R the most since they're the medium/long ranged ones. Shadow Fiend has a pretty long cast animation so you have to factor in animation canceling especially if you're chasing someone.

Things to cover:
  • Getting Better at Aiming
  • Using More Efficient Razes

Landing Shadowraze can be difficult to master since it requires good positioning and timing to get all three to land. In a typical scenario, you'll be getting off Shadowraze W and R the most since they're the medium/long ranged ones. Shadow Fiend has a pretty long cast animation so you have to factor in animation canceling especially if you're chasing someone.


(Q) - The least used out of the Shadowraze buttons since it's at near melee ranged. It's also the easiest to land since it's shot in front of you, simple as that.

(W) - You can use your auto-attack range to help you indicate how far this raze will land. Your auto-attack is at a range of 500 and raze(W) explodes at 450 so with it's 250 AoE you'll definitely land at that range. If you understand that then raze(W) is also quite easy.

(E) - The longest range and possibly the harder out of the three to land. It's great if you want to stay away at a long distance to farm or harass if you feel there could be a surprise gank on you.

Anticipating Movement

Landing a Shadowraze on an enemy requires you to think at least 1 second ahead of where they'll be. For example if enemy hero is going from X to Y you need to take notice of their movement speed and animation then understand how fast you can react with the right Shadowraze.


Link below are the animations for each spell...



Enemy Units
Shadow Fiend razes the area in front of him, dealing damage to enemy units in an area.












10 per Shadowraze

10 per Shadowraze

10 per Shadowraze

10 per Shadowraze


[Q]200 [W]450 [E]700

[Q]200 [W]450 [E]700

[Q]200 [W]450 [E]700

[Q]200, [W]450 [E]700






Damage per Shadowraze

75 Magical Damage

150 Magical Damage

225 Magical Damage

300 Magical Damage

The three Shadowraze spells do not share a cooldown, so theoretically you can deal 900 magical damage at level 7! (Before base spell reduction) Do not use rank 1 Shadowraze at all, it's a waste mana. Two auto attacks are more than enough to do some harassment until you have rank 2 Shadowraze. Learn to conserve mana and do not spam Shadowraze.

Shadowraze nukes in front of Shadow Fiend, meaning you need to be facing the target. There is around a .5 second animation delay casting a Shadowraze so you also need to properly time too. Practice makes perfect...



Enemy Units
Shadow Fiend steals the soul from units he kills, gaining bonus damage. On death, he releases half of them from bondage.












12 (+24 damage)

20 (+40 damage)

28 (+52 damage)

36 (+72 damage)


12 souls per hero kill

12 souls per hero kill

12 souls per hero kill

12 souls per hero kill


1 soul per creep kill

1 soul per creep kill

1 soul per creep kill

1 soul per creep kill

Take as first skill so you can stack souls earlier when you land last hits. When you die you will lose half the souls you have. That means if you had 36, you're going to have to farm about 4 waves of minions. Should be no problem farming souls back with Shadowraze but do keep death to a minimum. You can take souls from minions and enemy heroes. You also take the soul of your friendly minions and heroes when you deny them. Killing a hero grants 12 souls instead of 1 so getting a kill will be a big lead over your opponents. Once souls are maxed though, it's nearly useless...

Presence of the Dark Lord


Enemy Units

Shadow Fiend's presence reduces the armor of nearby enemies.







Aura Passive

Aura Passive

Aura Passive

Aura Passive

Armor Reduction





Notes: Stacks with other armor reducing orbs/auras/effects.

Requiem of Souls - ULTIMATE


Enemy Units
Description: Captured souls are released to deal massive damage and slow nearby enemy units. Requiem of Souls creates one wave of damage for every 2 souls stored by Necromastery. The closest enemy units are hit the hardest and has a 1 second cast time before it is activated. Upon death, a 2nd Requiem of Souls will be released dealing half the amount of souls.

80 Magical Damage per line

120 magical damage per line

160 magical damage per line

Area of Effect Ultimate

Area of Effect Ultimate

Area of Effect Ultimate
Area of Effect
1375 AoE

1425 AoE

1475 AoE

Slow/Attack Damage Reduction
10% Slow, 50% Damage Reduction

15% Slow, 50% Damage Reduction

20% Slow, 50% Damage Reduction

The damage dealt is equal to the number of souls stored with Necromastery. Requiem of Souls explodes waves of damaging lines around Shadow Fiend with 1 line per 2 souls stored for a total of 18 waves of lines. The closer the enemy is to the center of eruption, the more lines will hit and that means more damage. Lowers both movement speed and attack damage of units in a radius of 700. Requiem of Souls has a 1 second cast time and breaks invisibility when casted. It's possible to do full damage with Requiem of Souls if you have either Shadow Blade or Phase Boots; stand on top of the enemy then ultimate.

Patch 6.75 added a passive mechanic to Requiem of Souls, when you die you release another Requiem of Souls dealing half the amount of souls you have. Great addition to Shadow Fiend for taking out near dead opponents if they happen to take you out. Reminds me of some Borderland 2's shield effect.


Landing Shadowraze can be difficult to master since it requires good positioning and timing to get all three to land. In a typical scenario, you'll be getting off Shadowraze W and R the most since they're the medium/long ranged ones. Shadow Fiend has a pretty long cast animation so you have to factor in animation canceling especially if you're chasing someone.

Things to cover:
  • Getting Better at Aiming
  • Using More Efficient Razes

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