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For the dark moons: Luna

November 15, 2017 by dacker13
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Luna the carry

DotA2 Hero: Luna

Hero Skills

Lunar Blessing (Innate)

Selemene's Favor (Innate)

Lucent Beam

1 3 5 7

Lunar Orbit

8 11 13 14

Moon Glaives

2 4 9 10


6 12 17


15 18

Hero Talents

Lucent Beam Hits additional Target
+1 Lunar Blessing Damage Per Level
-2s Lucent Beam Cooldown
+110 Lucent Beam Damage
-40s Eclipse Cooldown
+1 Lunar Orbit glaive
+0.4s Lucent Beam Stun
-5% Moon Glaives Damage Reduction

For the dark moons: Luna

November 15, 2017


Luna is a Hard carry with a lot of early killing potential, But dose fall of lategame if she is not farmed. She can play mid if not laned with hard hitters supports like, like lion, bane, or venomancer, and She's not seen in the pro seen a lot, but can be a good pickup because if you get a bkb necrophos or some other big magic dealer becomes useless on the enemy team.

pro's and con's of luna


strong kill potential
strong ultimate
Fastest movement speed in the game


really squishy early on
Needs items to be usefull
Easly counterd by most hero's


Lucent Beam

This is your best skill. and thats why you should max this out first. We do this beacuse of its skailing. Use it to initiat or to gank an enemy hero.

moon glaive

what makes you good at farming, this is basically a free battle furry(more upgraded the more creeps or buildings it bounces on to). But you should upgrade this last sense you don't need it early game(because its scaling is bad).

Lunar Blessing

This skill you want to upgrade second. It gives your allies bonus damage, while giving you extra night vision. This helps your team do more damage during a team fight. And with the night vision, it helps more on catching fleeing heroes, or from being ganked in lane.


The skill that gets you kills, pop on your Black-King-Bar just use eclispe and watch the damage flow in.

Freinds and Foes

Any hero that can stun or buff can work for your advantage.
Some one like a Lion Magnus or Treant Protector could be a good advantage to the team.

**** LORDS(bad guys)
There are some people that can bring the downfall of this poor hero.
some one that can easly stun or silence you can ruin your day.

A good example is Silencer or Night Stalker they both have silences that can ruin your day.

play style

Generaly you want to put her in the safelane with another support. She can play the midlane, but you generally don't see it to often. She has so much potential. Most people frown upon Luna and underestimate her but she's still a ok hero. You want to let her farm for a while and split push towers until she gets her core items like manta and helm. this what the main carry does while the rest of the team defends or team fights.
(you want to be in those team fights, if you need to be, but generally if you destory a tower and 2 people die, its a good trade.)


Black King Bar

The Iten you get when you head into team fights. it helps you not die and stay in fights longer.

[Helm of the Dominator]

Your ultimate farming item.

[Power Treads]

The best boots a carry like you can pick up.

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