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6 Votes

Flimsii's Blinkin' 'n' Slamin' INT Anti-Mage

November 13, 2012 by The Hitman
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Invi | January 13, 2013 11:06pm
**** MAGIC
SLAM *****ES
Discordia#306820 | January 2, 2013 1:25am
Nice!Hey do you mind if I write a more indepth(still trolling) version of the build?
The Hitman (2) | November 20, 2012 10:18am

Why isn't Euls in the Situational build? I know tornadoing is pro high skill level asian stuff but you gotta tell players about ALL the Int Anti-mage builds!

Secondly there is no SUPER ASIAN LEVEL Diffusal Blade build, where you take no points in Mana Break so you can put them all in precious stats.

Then you have Refresher Orb so you can use your Ult twice! And Ato so nobody can run away from you!

Also you can forgo boots to get Blink Dagger and Force Staff since they give you enough mobility with Rod of Atos!

Happy Slammin N Dunkin!

I was not even aware of that! Thanks for the ideas, I will totally have to edit this build and post what you have referenced in there so that others can try it and see if it works well for them or not! I appreciate your thoughts!

- The Hitman
Sp12 (25) | November 17, 2012 1:26pm
Blink, dagon, Eblade.
Slamin N Jamin (2) | November 17, 2012 8:50am
Why isn't Euls in the Situational build? I know tornadoing is pro high skill level asian stuff but you gotta tell players about ALL the Int Anti-mage builds!

Secondly there is no SUPER ASIAN LEVEL Diffusal Blade build, where you take no points in Mana Break so you can put them all in precious stats.

Then you have Refresher Orb so you can use your Ult twice! And Ato so nobody can run away from you!

Also you can forgo boots to get Blink Dagger and Force Staff since they give you enough mobility with Rod of Atos!

Happy Slammin N Dunkin!
The Hitman (2) | November 13, 2012 2:47pm
wilddeonpwn wrote:

This isn't his build... he gets Dagon, only sometimes Force stick and Euls.

Anyway, when you take a build, explain it, 'cos right now no-one knows what to do with this build.

I know this isnt his build, I did strictly say that it was a TROLL BUILD and that it should not be taken seriously. Please READ before commenting, thank you.
Atlas (117) | November 13, 2012 2:29pm
wilddeonpwn wrote:

This isn't his build... he gets Dagon, only sometimes Force stick and Euls.

Anyway, when you take a build, explain it, 'cos right now no-one knows what to do with this build.

You Blink and then Slam of course.
wilddeonpwn (102) | November 13, 2012 1:24pm
This isn't his build... he gets Dagon, only sometimes Force stick and Euls.

Anyway, when you take a build, explain it, 'cos right now no-one knows what to do with this build.
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