I have discovered that there are 5 very essential parts to a successful dota draft.
My own system for identifying the BEST heros and the BEST items, as well as being able to draft accordingly for what your team needs, all boils down to the 5-star rating it will receive.
I will show you a pool of powerful heros that have all FIVE abilities, and the best items as well.
This is not really my opinion. It is merely observation.
For any hero or team to be effective, it must have these FIVE core abilities:
1. Lockdown - slows/stuns/silences
2. Initiation/Escape - blinks/invis/speed bursts
3. Teamfight - nukes/aoe/dps
4. Pushing - spammable aoe nukes/cleave
5. Late Game - must scale well into late game
BEASTMASTER - his ROAR ultimate provides lockdown [1] and initiation. [2] he can also use it to escape from a gank. his aura and axes are great teamfight [3] and pushing [4] abilities. he also scales well into late game [5] with aura and some nice items like blink or assault cuirass, the bkb piercing stun is amazing late game as well.
PUDGE - his hook and ultimate provides lockdown [1] and initiation [2]. if he gets a good hook and good rot he can teamfight very well [3]. his pushing [3] is very good as well, with a hood of defiance. and he can scale well into late game [5] with his % base abilities, stacking strength and aghs.
MIRANA - arrow provides lockdown [1]. leap provides initiation/escape [2]. starfall is a great teamfight [3] and pushing [4] ability. scales well into late game [5] with good items like desolator, manta, mjollnir, etc.
BATRIDER - lasso provides lockdown [1]. with a blink/forcestaff you get the initiation/escape [2]. the aoe flames are great for teamfighting [3] and pushing [4] and he can scale well into late game [5] because his lasso is so powerful.
WINDRANGER - has shacks for lockdown [1] and initiation [2]. escapes well with windrun, and all four of her abilities are great in teamfights [3] as for pushing [4] she has ultimate and her arrow nuke, so she can clear waves and kill towers. scales well into late game [5] with ultimate giving her insane attack speed.
AXE - call provides lockdown [1] and initiation [2]. enhanced with a blink dagger. it is also a powerful teamfight ability [3], AND a good pushing tool [4]. so with one ability he has ALL 4 STARS - scales well into late game [5] simply because of his tankiness and utility, although right clicks are not great he can still win fights.
DARK SEER - his vaccum is a mini stun so that helps with lockdown [1] and initiation [2]. he also has speed bursts to escape. obviously his abilities are very teamfight [3] oriented, and he can use ion shell to push [4]. he scales well into late game [5] because his teamfight abilities are so powerful, and wall makes an illusion of their carries.
FACELESS VOID - chrono and bash provides lockdown [1] and leap provides initiation/escape [2]. all of his abilities are pretty helpful in teamfights [2] and he can be a solid pusher [3] with a battlefury or mjollnir, and can easily escape if ganked. he scales into late game [5], as usual.
PUCK - he has silence and ultimate for lockdown [1]. he has orb and a 3-second invulnerability which provides initiation/escape [2]. he has great teamfight abilities [3] and he can push quickly [4] with his 2 nukes. he also scales well into lategame [5] simply because of his usefulness, and with a hex this becomes even greater.
MAGNUS - has ultimate and push for lockdown [1] initiation [2]. his push also provides escape if needed. one of the best teamfight heros in the game because of his abilities [3] and he can even push [4] with his cleave/spamming nuke/battlefury. scales well into late game [5] because of his ultimate.
PUDGE - see offlane pudge
MIRANA - see offlane mirana
MORPHLING - his 2nd ability is a decent lockdown [1] and his wave is a good initiation/escape [2] ability. he has good teamfight [3] as well because of his ability to shotgun a hero, and can push [4] well with his wave. he scales great into late game [5] because he is a carry.
STORM SPIRIT - he has a trap for lockdown [1] and he can initiate/escape [2] with his ultimate. his abilites are great for teamfighting [3] and he can push [4] with a few quick spells. also he is a late game [5] carry.
BREWMASTER - he has 2 slows and his ultimate has a stunner for lockdown [1] and he can initate/escape with his ultimate as well. he is a powwerful teamfighter [3] and can push easiliy by spamming his nuke. you need some good mana regen for this. he is also a great late game [5] carry.
ALCHEMIST - he has a stun for lockdown [1] and likes to initiate [2] with shadowblade, which can also be used for escape. he is a great teamfight [3] hero with his acid spray, and can quickly push waves [4] with radiance or mjollnir or battlefury. he is a powerful late game [5] carry as well.
TINY - he has a powerful stun for lockdown [1] and can initiate [2] easily with blink dagger or even throwing a teammate. he has good teamfight [3] because they are AOE abilities, and he can push a wave with a combo. [4] this also needs good mana regen. he is a late game [5] carry also.
GYROCOPTER - has the homing missile for lockdown [1] and initition [2]. he can kill everyone in a teamfight [3] with his abilities, and pushes waves [4] with the same skills. he is naturally a late game [5] carry
LINA - she can stun for lockdown [1] and can initiate [2] with it as well, or with blink. she is great in a teamfight [3] because of her aoe abilities, and can push waves [4] with a quick combo. she can carry late game [5] with her passive attack speed ability, and with some items.
ANTIMAGE - has a ministun with his ultimate, which counts as lockdown [1] considering it cancells tps and channeled abilities. he can initiate/escape [2] with blink, and teamfights [3] well with an item or two. one of the best split pushers [4] in the game, and one of the best late game [5] heros as well.
NAGA SIREN - net is a great lockdown [1] and can initiate/escape [2] with her song. all of her abilities are good in a teamfight [3] and she can split push [4] like no other. she also goes berserk into late game [5]
SLARK - can lockdown [1] with his pounce, as well as initiate/escape [2] and has good teamfight abilities [3]. split pushes amazingly well [4] and goes late game.
MEDUSA - her ultimate provides lockdown [1], initiation [2], and escape. she has good teamfight [3] with her split shot and other abilities, and can split push [4] as well. she is a great late game [5] carry.
ALCHEMIST - see mid alch
EMBER SPIRIT - has lockdown [1] with his searing chains, and he can do initiation [2] tricks with his skill combos. he can escape well with his spirits, teamfight [3] great with his abilities, and split pushes [4] as well. he goes into late game [5] too.
KUNKKA - he has 3 abilities that provide lockdown [1] and he can initiate/escape/survive [2] with his abilities as well. naturally they are good teamfight [3] too, and he can split push with his crazy cleave ability. he also goes well into late game [5] too.
GYROCOPTER - see mid gyro
SANGE and YASHA - maim for lockdown [1] can initiate/escape [2] because of enhanced movespeed, good overall teamfight item [3] and helps with pushing because of the movespeed as well. good late game item to buy [5].
EULS SCEPTER - two seconds of lockdown [1] which can also help for initiation and escape. a great teamfight item [3] and the movespeed and mana regen helps for split pushing and spamming skills. great for late game as well [5].
SILVER EDGE - disables passives which counts as lockdown [1] and definitely a great initiation/escape item [2]. great for teamfights [3] as well, and naturally a good split pushing [4] item. great for late game [5]
SHIVAS GUARD - super slows counts as lockdown [1] and can be used to help initiate/escape if you need [2]. naturally a good teamfight [3] item, and helps with pushing [4] if you need an aoe nuke, or just a huge mana pool. also a good late game [5] item.
All of these items have some type of lockdown, but they lack pushing power:
BLINK DAGGER - does not provide lockdown [-1]
BOOTS OF TRAVEL - amazing for joining teamfights globally, split pushing, initiating or escaping, and the best late-game boots. no lockdown [-1]
BLOODSTONE - interestingly enough, this provides escape (suicide), and teamfight, as well as pushing (spamming abilities), and goes into late game. no lockdown [-1]
MANTA STYLE - no lockdown [-1] but great for everything else.
HURRICANE PIKE - again no lockdown [-1] but great for everything else.
MKB - the only con of this item is it doesnt help with initiation/escape [-1]
Consider the following lineup:
[4] Sven
[4] Tinker
[5] Pudge
[2-3] Pugna
[5] Kunkka
[5] Slark
[3-4] Omniknight
[5] Storm Spirit
[4-5] Warlock
[5] Axe
You can see how one team has basically FOUR 5-star heros compared to our TWO. This was a tremendously difficult game, because we had to avoid fights the entire game. We could not 5v5 their team. In order to fight, we needed to get a pickoff to make it 4v5 or 3v5.
This was because they had FOUR 5-star heros and we only had TWO.
We almost won because our team was very coordinated, but we made one mistake that cost the game in the end. Had we picked better heros, we probably would have been able to 5-man more effectively, and could have avoided the loss.
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