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2 Votes

First line of Support...

January 5, 2013 by oigres_2
Comments: 4    |    Views: 11139    |   

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xCO2 (72) | January 7, 2013 4:51pm
Mirror wrote:

Wait did you say at the end you get bottle first?!? First if you are not going mid getting a bottle is VERY situational, as in your mid player tells you that the runes are all yours. That should really never happen since winning mid lane is very important.

Other that that even if you go mid NEVER and I mean NEVER EVER get bottle first. It gives 400 health. hmm... what gives 400 life for a 6th of the cost? Oh I know! a healing salve. whats this? you do not want to heal it off all at once? You get a tango too. Wait now we need the 200 mana a bottle gives! Good thing 2 clarity's give you 200 mana for 100 gold. Do not get me wrong bottle is a great item for a ganking mid but that 300 gold you have at the start could be spent on some good stats instead.

I also agree with every thing "mightycookie" said above, If you are a support by the crow and eyeballs!

I understand this is under construction so I will save my vote until a few basic changes are made.

There's actually quite a bit of instances you can go bottle first, a bottle-donkey strat and when you acquire extra gold for randoming are two examples of this, and the first bottled rune can become invaluable to winning the lane or ganking.
thekoven | January 7, 2013 1:46pm
you say to get 1 point in shackleshot at lvl 6 (after your ult at 5<LOL>)... then not level up again till level 11/13/14??? i will not be trying this build.
Mirror (22) | January 5, 2013 4:05pm
Wait did you say at the end you get bottle first?!? First if you are not going mid getting a bottle is VERY situational, as in your mid player tells you that the runes are all yours. That should really never happen since winning mid lane is very important.

Other that that even if you go mid NEVER and I mean NEVER EVER get bottle first. It gives 400 health. hmm... what gives 400 life for a 6th of the cost? Oh I know! a healing salve. whats this? you do not want to heal it off all at once? You get a tango too. Wait now we need the 200 mana a bottle gives! Good thing 2 clarity's give you 200 mana for 100 gold. Do not get me wrong bottle is a great item for a ganking mid but that 300 gold you have at the start could be spent on some good stats instead.

I also agree with every thing "mightycookie" said above, If you are a support by the crow and eyeballs!

I understand this is under construction so I will save my vote until a few basic changes are made.
mightycookie (5) | January 5, 2013 10:25am
you cant take focus fire at lvl 5......... in all aspects this guide isn't that good
windrun should almost always be gotten at lvl 1.
i recommend not leveling anything until you are in lane. maybe you get ganked in that case take windrun and gtfo. your team ganks but the enemy escapes with little health, snipe him with powershot. you have an oportunity to kill but no stun get shackle.
pretty basic. no pictures. unless you are going to make a huge great informative wall of text guide. put pictures in. also no force staff which its practically core on her, allows her to land shackles.
you call her support, (she can also semi-carry) but there are no wards nor courier nor any support items. this is just wrong.
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