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10 Votes

Finger him!

January 20, 2012 by WhiteMilk
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Lourenco | March 1, 2013 1:18pm
I believe that refresher orb can be used in a late-late game, you can lower their carry's hp a lot with it, making him panic a fall back and that could change the course of team fights. But, thats like the last item you should buy if you get in a game of 1h+++ and need something to turn the tide of battle
BongoBoy17 | July 21, 2012 3:33am
Hmm same meaning in lvling hex, but i would take it at 3(only 1 point in it). Then you skillorder would be 1: Spikes | 2:mana drain | 3: HEX | 4: Spikes and then normal skillorder with a point in mana drain on lvl 8 instead of hex. In my opinion this get you more kill potential but you dont lose your harrass abilyty because of not lvling mana drain and get out of mana..
ConMasterFlash (2) | April 4, 2012 1:13pm
Getting 1 level of hex just got buffed, so I would take that at level 2. Even if you are playing support having both of those really early should secure kills for your carry in lane.
A3gis (1) | April 4, 2012 11:51am
Won my very first game of DotA 2 with this build =P

I bought a bottle because I was mid and ganking a lot.
We were stomping them so I bought an early aghanims to finger people more effectively.

Here's my score:
WhiteMilk | January 22, 2012 5:18am
Mana drain is for support, hex is for easy killing.
BoredomIsFun (12) | January 21, 2012 7:55am
Confused...Imaple + Hex would be better as a support.
WhiteMilk | January 20, 2012 3:27am
In DotA when we chased enemies with Lion we used to yell "FINGER HIM!! FINGER HIM ALREADY!!!" :D
Lionbone | January 20, 2012 3:05am
Why the hell would you name a guide like that!? :(
WhiteMilk | January 20, 2012 1:14am
Ok noted, thanks for the tips guys.
JayDe101 (1) | January 19, 2012 11:24pm
great guide - support lion is cool. I do think for that role the mekanism should be more of a core though?
DemonicSnow | January 19, 2012 3:29pm
Okay guide, but I would rather see you sub the necronomicon for a CC staff like Vyse (since you already have Eul's). While it is a lot less costly and provides amazing pushing and ganking power, I feel sustained CC from Lion is the way to go. Also, I disagree with the Aghanim's choice. CC and support items > scepter imo. Also, what is the purpose of the Force Staff and Blink Dagger? Other items would be way more effective and could be farmed faster without picking up Blink and Force. Other than that this guide is pretty okay.
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