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5 Votes

Fight for Mana

August 19, 2014 by ThrudsEveningPrimrose
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TheSofa (54) | August 27, 2014 9:22am
eeon wrote:

I m sorry but who the hell farms Eye of Skadi first item?

I do, actually.
eeon (6) | August 27, 2014 9:18am
I m sorry but who the hell farms Eye of Skadi first item? I mean yea, great item, especially on Medusa, but still, until you get it you can't do anything.

Also Drum of Endurance is a very good, cost efficient item, it costs less than an Ultimate Orb - that you have said it is the best item for Medusa - and it gives you +9 attributes plus damage and MS and AS aura, why not get it?

And Blink Dagger is a very very situational item, Medusa is by far NOT an initiator, your job is to don't die and kill everyone, for 2100 gold you can get an orb.

Orchid Malevolence is an item for heroes that can focus someone fast, Medusa is not that hero, you get little survivability from it and should not be rushed, I mean if the enemy has a PL with mana burn, your shield will melt and you will be left with no HP. For 4100 gold you can get a drum and an orb which give you 19 to all attributes instead of just 25 INT.

Never get MoM.

These are just my thoughts, myabe I'm wrong.
Krwiozerca (34) | August 19, 2014 12:47pm
Read the word: ****** - that guide must be so asome!
ThrudsEveningPrimrose | August 19, 2014 11:47am
Linken's is not a bad item, but it costs to omuch. 5200gold on a linken, and if linken blocks only a stun, which enemy will do, it means you wasted your 5200gold. A stun of 360dmg and 2 seconds, you will get 180damage and disabled for 2seconds while you are playing medusa. And lets think you got 800phsiycal dmg with 15percent reduction its mostly 400 :100 x 85=somewhat 350damage from the all of the damage form the enemy. If bane uses his ulti on you and whole team focuses you, and still your team does not help you, blame yourteamates. But you need to know this, a good player will never his ultimate ability on linkewith 5percent buff when activated. An ultimate orb wil lbe more usefull then buff of drum. Drum trashes 1of your item slots. You are a carry and you have 6slots, when you buy a drum, you will dealy your more important items and end up wasting 1slot. I do not have anything more to say about drums because drums are only good to push faster. Eye of skadi is a better choice because it gives way more durability. 25 stats and 250mana and 250health comparing to 15stats and magic block, in a teamfight, with 250mana you will have --625damage to block and 10.19
190 + 250 health which means 440hp and it will be 880with the damage block. 880health will be better than a damage block than a lasso or bane ultimate. Their ultimates on you will mean another teammate wont be focused. Also they shouldnt be able to focus you down in early game because o decent farmer should be able to farm skadi in 19minutes.
Fumbles16x (4) | August 19, 2014 8:43am
Hmm, well Medusa is a lot like Morphling in that she needs a lot of stats. That being said, buying a Drum of Endurance right after boots can actually make you a lot more relevant in the early game. It isn't core by any means, but if you think you will have to join a fight it's a worthy pickup.

Also, as miishin said, Linken's has way more uses than just Doom. Even a Storm Hammer from Sven can mess your ult up, so it's nice to have in some cases. The stats and regen are also excellent.
miishin (2) | August 19, 2014 7:45am
Why do you say that you should pick Medusa when the other team has heavy nukers? Medusa is really squishy early game and she gets destroyed by early nukers like Lina.
And calling Drums of Endurance a costly and trashy item is pretty dumb imo, if you want to be fighting early then a drums will do a lot for the price.
Linken's Sphere shouldn't just be bought for Doom, but also for other heroes like Batrider, Bane, Beastmaster, etc with strong bkb-piercing ults, and also for the stats+regen.
But I don't play Medusa, so I can't critique that much.
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