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4 Votes

FamasofWar's Traxex Carry Guide 6.82 Updated (Now over 30,000+ views!)

February 26, 2016 by famasofwar
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famasofwar (4) | March 5, 2016 12:55pm
runninghell wrote:

Hello, firstly thank you for the guide, drow is one of my favorite hero.
Well first i have a few suggestion to the guide, it IS a guide right? so maybe majority of people who read it is inexperienced player. So the thing with inexperienced player is they tend to be in a bad position during fight or gank. So maybe you can create positioning its own part in the guide, because the most important thing when playing drow is positioning and farm in my opinion.
Second, maybe you can add what you should do when you get harrased (1 game i go solo mid against tinker and have to buy 2 set of tango and salve LOL).
And lastly, sorry for my bad english.

I haven't updated this guide in a while, but since I did positioning in my more comprehensive Rubick guide, it is only natural that I do it here too since it applies heavily as you said.
So I concur!


Xarai wrote:

a damn good pusher and you want to write a guide for only hard carry ...... how odd
it was kinda well written iguess left a **** ton of things out and kinda insults me drow players like you are out there even more so for saying traxex even tho it clearly says DROW RANGER yeesh dude stick with what the game says we dont all fap to backstory

Drow is a carry with a pusher backdrop and should be focused as such imo. She can't sweep waves quickly enough for her to aggressively focus only on pushing. Keep that in mind. Also watch your mouth.
Xarai | March 3, 2016 1:40am
a damn good pusher and you want to write a guide for only hard carry ...... how odd
it was kinda well written iguess left a **** ton of things out and kinda insults me drow players like you are out there even more so for saying traxex even tho it clearly says DROW RANGER yeesh dude stick with what the game says we dont all fap to backstory
runninghell | March 2, 2016 1:59am
Hello, firstly thank you for the guide, drow is one of my favorite hero.
Well first i have a few suggestion to the guide, it IS a guide right? so maybe majority of people who read it is inexperienced player. So the thing with inexperienced player is they tend to be in a bad position during fight or gank. So maybe you can create positioning its own part in the guide, because the most important thing when playing drow is positioning and farm in my opinion.
Second, maybe you can add what you should do when you get harrased (1 game i go solo mid against tinker and have to buy 2 set of tango and salve LOL).
And lastly, sorry for my bad english.
famasofwar (4) | October 20, 2014 8:11am
Feel free to comment now that the guide has been updated.

Also point out any mistakes I made or things I did not update by accident!

Rode Krijger (4) | August 6, 2013 3:22am
That's why I mention that Helm of the Dominator is the better choice in almost any situation. You may not really need the armor when the enemy stays at a distance, because your agility will provide for it. But when they come close and your ult is cancelled, it helps with survivability a bit. It builds into Satanic very late game. But the main reason for me to favor Helm of the Dominator is the active ability that allows you to control great neutral creeps who have extremely great synergy with you.

Mask of Madness isn't that bad. Yes, if you're ambushed, you may be dead in no time. But that would be the same with a Helm of the Dominator. Mask of Madness may allow you to get you away from the situation and save you from dying though. It's a pretty good escape mechanism.

But because I'm too fond of the Helm of the Dominator, which is better in a lot of important ways, I hardly ever buy Mask of Madness. I'm just stating that Mask of Madness can actually be pretty good on Drow. The only reason I don't get it, is that there is an even better alternative you can get.
Destiny Shiraishi (6) | August 1, 2013 8:44am
Well, Helm of the Dominator does grant some armor which is favorable for Drow Ranger since she is squishy. I agree that Mask of Madness should not be taken, at all. If your theory is right where you can outrun people, what happens if someone ambushes you? You'll dead in no time flat.

Getting two levels of Silence is more than enough. Furthermore, you won't be able to sustain level 4 Silence at your current level so, getting level 4 silence is pretty much an overkill. Once you get Marksmanship, your Precision Aura will be considerably powerful at that point.
Rode Krijger (4) | August 1, 2013 6:06am
I do like the non-shadow blade item build. Shadow Blade may work at low skill matches, but will be countered hard by skilled opponents. When countered by Dust of Appearance, it will slow you by 10%, making your 3K item work against you.

Instead, get Yasha, which always gives you +10% movement speed, agility and attack speed and builds into Manta Style which gives even better stats and illusions to escape and/or deal extra damage.

I don't agree you should never get a Mask of Madness. Fair enough, Helm of the Dominator is better in many ways and should be your first choice in most cases. Its active can give you control over neutral creeps like the Alpha Wolf which will boost your damage by an astonishing 30%! But although HotD is strongly favorable over Mask of Madness, the latter has its uses. Indeed, you are to squishy to use its active in a teamfight. You will be focussed upon and die quickly, making your item work against you. But you can use the active to get away from a fight you can't win. Gives you +25% movement speed which will probably save your life, especially combined with Yasha. Let them outrun that... And when you are injured, its active can help you regain your HP even faster when fighting a safe creep wave. Gives 17% lifesteal (vs 15 of HotD) so that might come in handy. Still, Helm of the Dominator should be your #1 choice, but Mask of Madness has its uses.

And as others say: you might want to get one point in Precision Aura early. It won't seriously push the lane, but it will make life easier for you and your ranged teammates. 4-6 dmg is not much early on, but it helps with last hitting. Since the 1st level gives the biggest bonus and your agility gain is low early on, one level is enough. But it will make sure you benefit from your ult when the time comes (since level 6 is needed to get Marksmanship and level 7 is needed to max Frost Arrows).

By the way: Monkey King Bar is mentioned as an item to consider. It is highly situational however. You need it against Butterfly carriers late game. And yes, you need it against Phantom Assassin, but then again, when facing her you should reconsider picking Drow anyway. PA is one of the hardest counters to Drow, so it's best to pick someone else when facing her
dynasty987 (6) | July 24, 2013 3:01am
Wisdomseyes1 wrote:

the issue is more that 1 support can only do so much (and now we will be real and say people hate playing support in pubs because then the enemy team will end up saying "GG Phantom Assassin" or some stupid **** like that). with 603 starting gold you can get courier, Observers, salve, tango, and now you're left with 113 gold, which most of the time is a ironwood and clarity. You CAN't deward for a long time, because that 200 gold doesn't just fall out of the sky. It's less people are incompetent, and more the team composition is usually not very good.

and yes, there can be 2 supports... but the moment you have a lina CM on a team and the lina sees the CM buying wards and courier... instead of buying senties and smoke, they get like null talisman and try go go carry lina because they might as well or even stupider, just get a flying courier. Cm is the ward ***** after all, right?

That was half of what I meant. Unless you're running a trilane, in which case one support should buy sentry wards at the start, by the time a solo support has money for sentries (after upgrading courier, which depending upon the time you get the 200 gold, can be more important), the chances are the observer ward has pretty much run out.
famasofwar (4) | July 24, 2013 12:32am
Wisdomseyes1 wrote:

Getting multiple points in it early is a mistake, yes. getting 1 point at 2 or 4 (depending on your lane), or even at level 1 (if you are mid and need the last hitting advantage... because you are drow and will get outlaned by decent mids)

At level the first few levels put it at around 4-6 damage. 4 to 6 damage is a lot of damage in lane. It is better last hitting/ harassing for you and every single ranged hero on your team (which is the only time that pros pick up drow ranger. 5 ranged comp)

One creep getting more damage is not going to throw the equilibrium out of balance. Simply denying creeps will put the wave back into your favor. Now, if there are multiple ranged creeps, from bad pulls or creep skipping, the lane becomes very hard to control. But for the most part, precision aura will not destroy the lanes as it once did back when it globally affected ranged creeps

well as I said in the previous comments, I am planning on adding a build for that eventually that fits the criteria of around what you said. It is not a build I personally use though, which is why I have yet to add it.
Wisdomseyes1 (8) | July 23, 2013 6:02pm
I do not find the bonus from Precision Aura to be beneficial enough early on when you could be setting up your silence and frost arrows instead. I feel that having frost arrows and silence can make a mid ganking safe lane much easier, especially if there is only one stun. Not to mention precision aura will help push your creeps due to the aura bonus.

Getting multiple points in it early is a mistake, yes. getting 1 point at 2 or 4 (depending on your lane), or even at level 1 (if you are mid and need the last hitting advantage... because you are drow and will get outlaned by decent mids)

At level the first few levels put it at around 4-6 damage. 4 to 6 damage is a lot of damage in lane. It is better last hitting/ harassing for you and every single ranged hero on your team (which is the only time that pros pick up drow ranger. 5 ranged comp)

One creep getting more damage is not going to throw the equilibrium out of balance. Simply denying creeps will put the wave back into your favor. Now, if there are multiple ranged creeps, from bad pulls or creep skipping, the lane becomes very hard to control. But for the most part, precision aura will not destroy the lanes as it once did back when it globally affected ranged creeps
moldychicken | July 23, 2013 5:35pm
My verdict would be that you got a very good item build. would go for divine rapier with more hp giving items. and your precision aura is not leveled till 10. you want that at least 2 by 7 to help out with your other ranged heros, if there are no ranged heros but you then i would agree to wait till 10 to level it
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