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Famasofwar's AOI Nyx - Blessed with the Nyx (6.82)

February 26, 2016 by famasofwar
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famasofwar (4) | April 13, 2015 10:23pm
michimatsch wrote:

I noticed you put a Dagon into the support build situationals. When should I opt for a Dagon?

As mentioned, dagon is a good item for if you are going against squishy heroes early on. It can result in very strong amounts of early game kills. Think Crystal Maiden or Disruptor. The item doesn't scale amazingly well though, and it can be difficult to regain money back from as you do need a very heavy amount of kills for it to become a profitable, so I would only suggest the normal dagon or upgrading it simply once. It simply depends on how squishy their draft is and if they have heroes that will be roaming enough to where you can perform good pick-offs.
Xyrus (104) | April 8, 2015 11:56am
michimatsch wrote:

I noticed you put a Dagon into the support build situationals. When should I opt for a Dagon?

When you're Snowballing against Squishy Heroes. Nyx Assassin is a terrible Farmer, but if he gets constant Kills, he can rake in the Gold with pickoffs due to the extra damage from Dagon.
michimatsch (26) | April 8, 2015 9:41am
I noticed you put a Dagon into the support build situationals. When should I opt for a Dagon?
famasofwar (4) | October 16, 2014 1:21pm
Ripslasher wrote:

Wow as a Nyx user I think this guide has one and only one Flaw and that is the fact that Nyx ain't an auto attacker so being a support will make you Be more susceptible to ganks and pick offs because of his low Hp pool in other words IF YOU AIN'T GOOD ENOUGH DON'T TRY THIS otherwise you'll turn into a liability

Yes his low HP pool will definitely make him susceptible to getting killed. That is why I always recommend tp and items like drum or urn early game :).
Ripslasher | October 14, 2014 3:44pm
Wow as a Nyx user I think this guide has one and only one Flaw and that is the fact that Nyx ain't an auto attacker so being a support will make you Be more susceptible to ganks and pick offs because of his low Hp pool in other words IF YOU AIN'T GOOD ENOUGH DON'T TRY THIS otherwise you'll turn into a liability
Moodkill (9) | October 8, 2014 11:05pm
Blubbles wrote:

Support Nyx? Da fuq?

Like they all said it's the most common Nyx playstyle. He isn't just a dagon all the way hero.
Cataclysm2146 (3) | October 8, 2014 5:53pm
Blubbles wrote:

Support Nyx? Da fuq?

Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's the most common way to play nyx.
Smuggels (82) | October 8, 2014 5:53pm
Blubbles wrote:

Support Nyx? Da fuq?

^^^ its pro level. mostly used when you need a mobile support with burst and Intel lockdown. ive run him as a pos 4 before but a pos 5 just doesnt work. he needs farm to transition into late game. as a pos 4 he can combo quite well in a roaming duo. so Nyx with SS or nyx with disrupter i find is amazeballs.
Blubbles (13) | October 8, 2014 5:04pm
Support Nyx? Da fuq?
famasofwar (4) | October 8, 2014 3:19pm

How come the Blink Dagger is luxury? It's definitely a core item, and you don't even speak about it in your guide. Think of Impale as a Ravage that only hits in a line: being able to Blink-stun helps a lot, it also has a very small cooldown if compared to Tide's ultimate.

Another thing, when going off-lane the Poor Man's Shield is an absolute must! Combining the 20 damage block with Nyx's 2.5 base HP regen is like having a cheaper Vanguard.

I agree! Poor man's shield is a great item to have, and I have gone it on nyx many times. It is a cheap transition item from early game to early mid game. I do not find it completely necessary in every case to acquire it, as it may slightly delay finishing your boots which could be very important depending on how much farm you are able to acquire alone. My build already has the gold spread pretty well, so sometimes that 300 gold can be harder to muster. If you are able to go it, I definitely think it is a good idea though! Thanks for reminding me.

As for blink dagger, I do not consider it completely core for Nyx. His move speed is already high when in vendetta, and if you are going to plan on initiating, you will be invisible regardless. Impale is also a skill shot now and covers only a narrow range, so while it has the possibility to stun as many people as a ravage, I would only expect 2-3 heroes to actually be in a row to get hit. I would much rather have someone like centaur blink in and stun after my initiation than solely relying on impale itself, which is unreliable.

As for not speaking about some items, I am debating whether adding a section to talk about luxury items is worth it. I may do so in the near future, hard to say.

Thanks for the comment.

Moodkill wrote:

If you're going to go Carry/Ganker why not get an ethereal? I mean it's risky and expensive but does huge damage along with your dagon.

Dagon is not in my ganker/carry transition build so adding ethereal wouldn't work entirely. Are they great items together? Yes! They deal a lot of damage. You also have to remember that dagon is the most expensive item in the game when upgraded fully, and ethereal is not very cheap either. If you buy both of those, you can only reliably damage one hero, which may not even result in a kill. Dagon also pushes back other items that could be very useful. I would rather put my gold towards items that give me the ability to kill 2-3 heroes in a team fight rather than just one. It is not worth it in my opinion. I have dagon listed as a luxury item on my support however, as it would allow for you to be able to hunt heroes still, and passively flow your gold into an item when you have a surplus for added damage and stats.

Thanks for commenting.
Moodkill (9) | October 8, 2014 3:15pm
If you're going to go Carry/Ganker why not get an ethereal? I mean it's risky and expensive but does huge damage along with your dagon.
Peppo_oPaccio (70) | October 8, 2014 9:56am
How come the Blink Dagger is luxury? It's definitely a core item, and you don't even speak about it in your guide. Think of Impale as a Ravage that only hits in a line: being able to Blink-stun helps a lot, it also has a very small cooldown if compared to Tide's ultimate.

Another thing, when going off-lane the Poor Man's Shield is an absolute must! Combining the 20 damage block with Nyx's 2.5 base HP regen is like having a cheaper Vanguard.
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