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anyways great guide i learned allot :D
Its funny ill give u that
And I don't want to keep it PG-13! It's Dota, it's Steam. I'm trying to write a sophisticated guide with a bit of an ironic title, I'm not trying to teach 13 year olds how to play. You literally have to say that you're above the age of 13 when you sign up to Steam!
I'm not trying to say that 13 year olds shouldnt be playing Dota, and if my guide can help them, so be it, but I don't think they should have priority on Dotafire.
It's not an offensive title unless you're immature enough to be triggered by a common swear :)
I approve of the maths done for justifying boots first full-rambo against the enemy, and the additional advice on how to flank the enemy is useful as well.
One minor thing, more of an FYI: the slow from
You are welcome.
Maybe you should also at a skillbuild?
Nice guide nonetheless
Helps for:
-Running down pesky mortals ;)
-Farming, and this is especially im portant since Ursa has no way of flashfarming cuz he cant afford the mana for Overpower over and over.
-The damage increase is reduced to 50% while enraged.
Also I like SoV a lot if ure snowballing.
Scythe of Vyse is a pretty big item for Ursa, and totally synergises with his skills. It's just a bit... pricey? Every other item for Ursa provide him with other useful things, but Scythe is really just a 5650 stun - Ursa doesn't benefit from the intelligence. It's one of those dream items that I never seem to find the gold for, you know? Again, I'll try to specifically test it.