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5 Votes

Ez Pudka Ez Life

June 12, 2015 by Master Steve Senpai
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Master Steve Senpai | June 18, 2015 10:30am
masaaki14 wrote:

the purpose of a pull is to not push the lane, and putting axe there kinda lets axe farm the creepwave close to his towerso he is at less risk. if you wanted to push the lane creep skipping is indeed the best way, but he is very vulnerable to ganks that way.

True, that's a valid idea. I'll add it in when I can :D
masaaki14 (11) | June 16, 2015 2:16pm
the purpose of a pull is to not push the lane, and putting axe there kinda lets axe farm the creepwave close to his towerso he is at less risk. if you wanted to push the lane creep skipping is indeed the best way, but he is very vulnerable to ganks that way.
Master Steve Senpai | June 14, 2015 10:29am
masaaki14 wrote:

To complete the plan, let axe go into the midlane, or some hero whp can easily clear creepwaves from level one.

Pretty smart but still gives the enemy better control and influence over other lanes. Plus axe mid can straight up creep skip himself and help push mid lane XD rather than needing a pull :P I've got to admit it's genius tho :D the jungling Pudge pulling mid creeps
Master Steve Senpai | June 14, 2015 10:03am
masaaki14 wrote:

For the luls section has a few actually legit items on pudge.

Euls is a very powerful item on pudge, and does pretty much the same thing as the blink and force staff. It gives you a much better chance of hooking the enemy and disabling him in time. Blink and force staff position you for the hook, euls gives you time to set yourself in position for the hook.

Glimmer cape is very useful on pudge as it allows him to channel his ulti more effectively, and as a bonus grants him more magic resistance. Pudge already has a above average magic resistance and stacking more on him makes him remarkably tanky towards magic. Plus you can cast it on allies to save them/position them. If a support bought it, then let him use it on you. Otherwise, feel free to buy it yourself.

Shadow blade is a less effective blink on pudge, but it can still be useful. The purpose is exactly the same. It serves as an escape, a way to sneak up on the enemy, a positioning device to help you hook better, and also for more positioning speed. The difference is, blink give you better positioning than the shadow blade, is not countered by wards and dust, and can get you across unpassable terrain. One thing the shadow blade has is that observer wards are less effective, but if the enemy is smart enough to buy sentries, even that is gone. There are probably other advantages to the shadow blade, but i haven't experimented with it enough to know.

Yes a few of those are very legit, and therefore aren't neglected in the other Pudge builds but for a mid-lane Pudge I have felt that those items are very underwhelming when compared to the items you could get.

Euls does give you easier access and easier hook shots but it also delays your hook timing, as either it deals no damage if you hook during the cyclone or you have to wait for the unit to land in which the enemy has a few second to use a spell/item. If the enemy team is semi decent, mass tps will be seen where the enemy might be saved and you might even get killed. That's why I enjoy a more mobile Pudge rather than one that depends on a setup.

Glimmer cape is very very useful indeed. I debated with myself over where to place this item for a mid lane Pudge. My biggest issue with the item is that it costs mana, something that Pudge already has problems with not to mention that it offers no extra mana or mana regen. Pudge already has built in magic resistance and the attack speed does nothing for a Pudge. It also mentions that Pudge should be getting the enemy out of position so you should be getting a longish duration off of your ult if you have good positioning from force-staff and blink

You hit the nail on the head with Shadow Blade. I placed it as a 'for teh lol' item is because the force-staff phase blink should give pudge enough mobility and it can't be as easily countered. Shadow blade also gives more raw auto-attack damage that Pudge doesn't need plus it also doesn't give any help to the mana issues that Pudge has. I felt that it offers a lot less and if you are rich enough to buy an item such as shadow blade, you should have enough gold for the other items that help you more.

Thanks a lot for bringing up these points ^^ I will expand on the bonus and reasons to not buy for those items in the near future :D
masaaki14 (11) | June 14, 2015 10:01am

Thanks for linking a video ^^ I also viewed around YouTube to find a video but all have many points I really disagree with personally. But this one will also do :D XD

Also I personally really dislike pulling mid lane creeps as it makes mid lane more difficult for your actual mid laner. Last hitting under tower is more difficult plus your mid lane doesn't want to buy and use so much regen that the lane isn't pulled all the way to your t2. If your mid lane gets pulled into the t2 it allows the enemy to easily plan a gank and it give the enemy mid lane more incentive to put pressure on your other lanes.

To complete the plan, let axe go into the midlane, or some hero whp can easily clear creepwaves from level one.
Master Steve Senpai | June 14, 2015 9:47am
pasanoid wrote:

Thanks for linking a video ^^ I also viewed around YouTube to find a video but all have many points I really disagree with personally. But this one will also do :D XD

Also I personally really dislike pulling mid lane creeps as it makes mid lane more difficult for your actual mid laner. Last hitting under tower is more difficult plus your mid lane doesn't want to buy and use so much regen that the lane isn't pulled all the way to your t2. If your mid lane gets pulled into the t2 it allows the enemy to easily plan a gank and it give the enemy mid lane more incentive to put pressure on your other lanes.
masaaki14 (11) | June 14, 2015 9:33am
For the luls section has a few actually legit items on pudge.

Euls is a very powerful item on pudge, and does pretty much the same thing as the blink and force staff. It gives you a much better chance of hooking the enemy and disabling him in time. Blink and force staff position you for the hook, euls gives you time to set yourself in position for the hook.

Glimmer cape is very useful on pudge as it allows him to channel his ulti more effectively, and as a bonus grants him more magic resistance. Pudge already has a above average magic resistance and stacking more on him makes him remarkably tanky towards magic. Plus you can cast it on allies to save them/position them. If a support bought it, then let him use it on you. Otherwise, feel free to buy it yourself.

Shadow blade is a less effective blink on pudge, but it can still be useful. The purpose is exactly the same. It serves as an escape, a way to sneak up on the enemy, a positioning device to help you hook better, and also for more positioning speed. The difference is, blink give you better positioning than the shadow blade, is not countered by wards and dust, and can get you across unpassable terrain. One thing the shadow blade has is that observer wards are less effective, but if the enemy is smart enough to buy sentries, even that is gone. There are probably other advantages to the shadow blade, but i haven't experimented with it enough to know.
Master Steve Senpai | June 14, 2015 9:16am
Jobroaj wrote:

To deal with the mines thingy get a gem Pudge is one of the best gem carriers due to his unlimited health and if early game roam using TPs sure it may delay the farm but hey you do sort of get 300 gold from kills right? and not to mention dealing with techies with hooks are easy you do put Invis items on him sneak from behind hook then dismember with aghs it's incredibly powerful and as i said techies is squishy and pls explain those squishy hero food and the honorable mentions pls i'm a little bit new here.Thank you for changing the qop of pain it really just bugs me out anyways nice build +1

Yea, Pudge into the late game is a big counter to Techies, but you wouldn't want to buy a gem before 10 min, and that is when you generally reach lvl 6/7. Like I said, Pudge needs a few basic items first before he can truly straight up counter Techies. Standing on 4/5 Land Mines as a level 1/2 Pudge will still kill you XD. Alright I'll try to explain the food more :) Thanks for all your input, really appreciate it ^^
pasanoid (2) | June 14, 2015 8:23am

Nice guide. That jungling thingsis something which I am seeing for the first time. It would be nice if you could put some pictures/video showing how to do it properly.
Jobroaj (2) | June 14, 2015 3:15am
Oh and on your description on euls it says so that you can toss them in the air and attack them to your hook sry grammar nazi
Jobroaj (2) | June 14, 2015 3:11am

Hahaha :D yea qop of pain just like potm of the moon :D, It's not like I'm in a spelling contest but thanks for noticing XD

As for the Techies, I've thought about it ^^ The reasons I haven't put him in is: suicide is always annoying to deal with, His Land Mines also makes your rune control a bit more harder. The main reason I didn't list him was because he also makes roaming scary for Pudge as you don't know when you might go for a gank and end up with very little life especially in the early game. I would definitely put Pudge in the category of counters for techies but I don't think Techies is straight up food for a Pudge. Just a personal opinion tho :D

Agreed with your BKB points, that's why I only listed it in the support category and it's noted that it's very situational, and only purchased if desperate for a disable. I only listed it to cover all possibilities. Although I'm going to add the reasons not to buy bkb just as you have if you don't mind ^^

Thanks for the comments :D

To deal with the mines thingy get a gem Pudge is one of the best gem carriers due to his unlimited health and if early game roam using TPs sure it may delay the farm but hey you do sort of get 300 gold from kills right? and not to mention dealing with techies with hooks are easy you do put Invis items on him sneak from behind hook then dismember with aghs it's incredibly powerful and as i said techies is squishy and pls explain those squishy hero food and the honorable mentions pls i'm a little bit new here.Thank you for changing the qop of pain it really just bugs me out anyways nice build +1
Master Steve Senpai | June 13, 2015 3:45pm
masaaki14 wrote:

i think for a pudge to be effective, either his team needs to be good enough to support him, or his enemy team supports must be not warding properly.

It is very hard for a pudge to be the sole playmaker without any wards, or any dewarding if the enemy supports are competent/enemy is smart. For example when i play against a pudge, i always make sure to try and guess where he is at all times and avoid getting surprised by him by keeping a constant lookout on the map. If the team against pudge does not ward, this becomes extremely hard because you never know where the pudge might be due to the dark map. I even ward using my own gold if my supports refuse to buy wards, even if i'm playing PA or weaver. I refuse to play against a pudge without wards, even if i'm the one who buys them

Ah yes, thank you for reminding me to mention Smoke of Deceit, Sentry Wards and TP Scrolls :)

Yea Pudge when getting to a higher level becomes very hard to play, but if you have learnt enough about human behavior you can always guess where the enemy wards are, when they time-out also how your teammates are able to help you when it comes to a gank.
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