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EW Invoker

December 8, 2014 by 2009
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SuperKamiGuru2.0 | December 13, 2014 1:44am
Tried it out and well had my best match of invo yet
2009 | December 9, 2014 7:39am
KoDyAbAbA wrote:

If you want milk and honey read these guys.

If you want the brass tacks here it comes:

First of all,

Wex exort invoker without Phase Boots? what are you going to do,run around at 330 movespeed where a Crystal Maiden will out-run you?

Not making Hand of Midas on a wex exort Invoker is a mistake as big as rushing battlefury on Bounty Hunter.

You will get kills.Only if you play against ******s who don't realize that a dust is as hard a counter to you as it gets.

With only one point in Quas, your Cold Snap does No damage (7 to be exact) implying that all that cold-snap centered mush you described does not do anything to help you.
PS: do you know that with level 1 Quas, the maximum damage that you can do 28.

If you think that you will be forced to play a hitting invoker, It is advisable to go the Quas- Wex build, focussing equally on both (not maxing wex as usually done) and rushing Phase Boots> Drum of Endurance>orchid of malevolence>Euls of divinity,resulting in you running at 522 move-speed on phase.

You said that if you sense a fight, invoke tornado and meteor.Let me tell you something.If you have 3 bloody points in Wex, your meteor will travel Only 800 units while your Tornado will only travel a range of 1600 while only disabling for 1.4 seconds,which is although a perfect time for landing Chaos Meteor,you can't follow it up with Deafening Blast quickly enough meaning that your death meatball does minimal damage(no points in invoke till late and no points in Quas implying that he will get knockbacked only for 133 units).

Samples of hitting invoker.

See that almost always my hero damage is in the top 2

Firstly, this build is WE, please understand that. You are prioritising Exort then Wex then only Quas. It is common sense to have 3 instances of Wex whenever moving around, drums of endurance + Power Treads and 3 Wex instances should give you a fairly decent to average movement speed among other heroes.

Secondly, Hand of Midas is clearly becoming more and more overrated among QE Invoker players and sometimes it is not worth going for and sometimes it cannot be pursued under the circumstances. I am not a believer in catch-up Hand of Midas, least of all on Invoker. It gives AS, exp and reliable gold but it does not always work under unwanted circumstances as it will only slow down item progression.

Your point made on Cold Snap is displaying your ignorance to the fact that you have creeps, teammates and damage yourself. You are probably the first person I have ever heard of going for Cold Snap for the damage it gives. It is meant to be a disable not a damaging spell. Cold Snap proccing twice is quite enough until you get your 2nd level in Quas as is shown in the guide and like I said, you can be flexible with your skill build, my skill build is merely a guideline.

Speaking of a hitting Invoker and based on your match results that you have shown, that is not a hitting Invoker but rather one that just runs around killing people with right-clicks all game long like a Clinkz after getting Orchid Malevolence. More or less 522 movespeed with decent amounts of DPS. Quas- Wex build is ultimately as Grimorum puts it, a crowd control build. The focus of QW Invoker is to have huge mid game impact in fights as a disabler and to help turtle and delay for the hard carry to come out of farming all nice and fat. Watch some professional gameplay clips, competitive gaming clips. A QW hitting Invoker based on what you have shown and stated is more or less just one who uses Cold Snap, 3 instances of Wex while hitting and a couple of big damage items.

3 bloody points in Wex is enough at that point of the game where heroes will normally rush in 5-man to a fight without keeping much distance. With a Blink Dagger, your positioning is ensured and the only hero you will be unlikely to hit with the Chaos Meteor and Tornado will be Sniper with a maxed out Take Aim. Again, watch professional gameplay clips. What I mean by invoking Tornado + Chaos Meteor is to have them prepared ASAP so that your Invoke will be off cooldown in time for your Deafening Blast. The blast is meant for the 280 damage more than for the knockback distance. Most players in pub tiers would normally be left disoriented and sitting in the location of the Chaos Meteor allowing them to take majority of the damage though not maximum potential damage. With consideration for teammates most likely being:
the currently popular pub heroes: Ogre Magi, Witch Doctor for supports, Phantom Assassin, Faceless Void for carries, it is not a huge challenge to get a teamwipe or a sufficiently huge advantage to keep you ahead of your opponents and take towers after the fight.

I will again clarify for you that this build is meant to have an impact in late game and thus includes farming in your pastime, not running around hunting for ganks that you may not find. I make it a point to farm when not ganking and to gank when not farming. To obtain kills or assists while farming, just throwing down a sunstrike is quite enough to earn you a good 100 or so reliable gold in a fight if it's an assist depending on how many heroes your sunstrike hits.

No offense but as far as I'm concerned, you seem to only be keen on making my build look as **** as possible without even trying it on the bare minimum against bots if not real players so as to not affect your stats.
2009 | December 9, 2014 7:01am
MuoiKhoang wrote:

First off, format the guide please.

So, WE Invoker. From your guide, I feel like this play style is basically Clinkz's style, with mini-stuns, but much less damage output. And since you won't be leveling up Invoke, chances are that if your target manages to get away from you, which they will most likely be able to since again, you don't have enough Quas to keep them in place, nor do you have enough DPS to burst them down, your target will be able to escape. Another thing is that your item build gives no mana regeneration. Believe me when I say that between the 200 mana for Ghost Walk, 100 mana for Cold Snap and 45 mana for Alacrity, your won't be able to gank more than twice before having to go back to the fountain.
Your build is very strong against low mobile heroes, though.
So, to make your build more viable, I suggest:
In short, get an item that gives mana regeneration and disable before buying DPS items.

Maybe something I didn't clarify in this guide is that this build is ultimately built to have an all-round impact, especially late game. Invoker is known to be one of the only Intelligence heroes that can scale well into the late game in terms of magic damage due to the common Aghanim's Scepter + Refresher Orb. However, in late game, most players would probably have figured out coming up with a Black King Bar will solve this issue, thus making Invoker have no real impact late game. I will clarify here that this build isn't meant to be your typical Early-Mid Game focused Invoker where you probably have a considerable KDA ratio running around ganking all the time. This build I would say suits my playstyle as someone who has rather adapted into the Chinese playstyle of late game focus and capitalising on mistakes to find kills. I understand what you are saying but mana regen isn't meant to be a big deal until Mid-Late Game where you have maxed out Invoke and you're casting spells every 5 seconds.

Otherwise, you may think it's a bit like Clinkz but the goal is to have a second DPS core with impact in the late game. Orchid Malevolence could be a great item but it slows down your other items and in my personal opinion isn't really necessary unless you're up against heroes that you must silence

e.g. Storm Spirit Queen of Pain Anti-Mage etc. Eul's Scepter of Divinity on the other hand slows down other item progression, it's a great item for Invoker yes, kudos to Grimorum for making it popular but the item doesn't fit the purpose of the build.

I don't encourage Bottle on Invoker because it isn't an efficient item on Invoker and it slows down item progression. Urn of Shadows ultimately doesn't give all that much mana regen same for Medallion of Courage even though it's only for the early game but Urn would be pointless unless you are going to be doing what Invoker normally does, heavy ganking. Medallion of Courage could be great but it is preferable for the supports to pick it up if you just want the armor reduction because like I said, it really doesn't give that much mana regen even for the early game.
KoDyAbAbA (65) | December 8, 2014 8:38am
If you want milk and honey read these guys.

If you want the brass tacks here it comes:

First of all,

Wex exort invoker without Phase Boots? what are you going to do,run around at 330 movespeed where a Crystal Maiden will out-run you?

Not making Hand of Midas on a wex exort Invoker is a mistake as big as rushing battlefury on Bounty Hunter.

You will get kills.Only if you play against ******s who don't realize that a dust is as hard a counter to you as it gets.

With only one point in Quas, your Cold Snap does No damage (7 to be exact) implying that all that cold-snap centered mush you described does not do anything to help you.
PS: do you know that with level 1 Quas, the maximum damage that you can do 28.

If you think that you will be forced to play a hitting invoker, It is advisable to go the Quas- Wex build, focussing equally on both (not maxing wex as usually done) and rushing Phase Boots> Drum of Endurance>orchid of malevolence>Euls of divinity,resulting in you running at 522 move-speed on phase.

You said that if you sense a fight, invoke tornado and meteor.Let me tell you something.If you have 3 bloody points in Wex, your meteor will travel Only 800 units while your Tornado will only travel a range of 1600 while only disabling for 1.4 seconds,which is although a perfect time for landing Chaos Meteor,you can't follow it up with Deafening Blast quickly enough meaning that your death meatball does minimal damage(no points in invoke till late and no points in Quas implying that he will get knockbacked only for 133 units).

Samples of hitting invoker.

See that almost always my hero damage is in the top 2
MuoiKhoang (6) | December 8, 2014 6:37am
First off, format the guide please.

So, WE Invoker. From your guide, I feel like this play style is basically Clinkz's style, with mini-stuns, but much less damage output. And since you won't be leveling up Invoke, chances are that if your target manages to get away from you, which they will most likely be able to since again, you don't have enough Quas to keep them in place, nor do you have enough DPS to burst them down, your target will be able to escape. Another thing is that your item build gives no mana regeneration. Believe me when I say that between the 200 mana for Ghost Walk, 100 mana for Cold Snap and 45 mana for Alacrity, your won't be able to gank more than twice before having to go back to the fountain.
Your build is very strong against low mobile heroes, though.
So, to make your build more viable, I suggest:
In short, get an item that gives mana regeneration and disable before buying DPS items.
2009 | December 8, 2014 4:30am

You make a fair point but since you choose to skill Exort a lot i don't think manacost should be such a big worry for you, especially considering your early drums and null talisman pickups

manacost does become a problem when you progress into the mid game because as i said, i use alacrity for farming too, alacrity has a 12 sec cd with 100 manacost, it is very good for farming and pushing quickly. skilling exort is for the damage output. even with drums and null, manacost would become a problem unless you go back to base often or pick up regen runes all the time
2009 | December 8, 2014 4:27am
Hamstertamer wrote:

First, I really like the idea that you're trying out Wex- Exort Invoker build, I definitely think there's some potential there.

However, I don't get the way you're doing it. If it's just maxing Alacrity and playing right-click Invoker, then meh, it's really not playing to the hero's strengths (which is having 10 spells to cycle through).

Biggest upside of maxing Wex and Exort is having both a really strong EMP and a really strong Chaos Meteor. So if you want to play WE Invo you should say how to use and land EMP, otherwise you're just playing a watered down version of QE Invo (since the only upside of going QW over QE is EMP in the first place).

If you just want to play around with Tornado/ Chaos Meteor/ Deafening Blast/ Sun Strike and deal tons of burst damage, just go standard QE with Euls/Aghs, you'll get way better benefit from these spells. The only things you're getting with WE that you don't have with QE are Ghost Walk and EMP.

This needs additional explanations on spell combos.

To be honest, Wex-Exort was the most popular pub build back in 6.48-ish era in Dota 1 for the sake of tornado meteor and I get what you're saying but I don't really want to elaborate too much into how to land the spells but i dont really focus too much on EMP for this build because the damage output can be just that much even without EMP. I understand that it's a bit of a watered-down version of QE but my focus here is maintaining a right-click and casting impact in late game because from my experience, most pub invokers fall out in late game unless they get a Refresher Orb. EMP isn't particularly known for damage but rather for the fact that it drains mana which can turn a fight around before it starts. The AOE combo is more effective with more damage output on WE than QE simply because there is more focus in Wex but it lacks longer disable time but like i said, the purpose is overall general damage output in both magic damage and right-click.
Hamstertamer (89) | December 8, 2014 3:48am
First, I really like the idea that you're trying out Wex- Exort Invoker build, I definitely think there's some potential there.

However, I don't get the way you're doing it. If it's just maxing Alacrity and playing right-click Invoker, then meh, it's really not playing to the hero's strengths (which is having 10 spells to cycle through).

Biggest upside of maxing Wex and Exort is having both a really strong EMP and a really strong Chaos Meteor. So if you want to play WE Invo you should say how to use and land EMP, otherwise you're just playing a watered down version of QE Invo (since the only upside of going QW over QE is EMP in the first place).

If you just want to play around with Tornado/ Chaos Meteor/ Deafening Blast/ Sun Strike and deal tons of burst damage, just go standard QE with Euls/Aghs, you'll get way better benefit from these spells. The only things you're getting with WE that you don't have with QE are Ghost Walk and EMP.

This needs additional explanations on spell combos.
2009 | December 8, 2014 3:34am

You make a fair point but since you choose to skill Exort a lot i don't think manacost should be such a big worry for you, especially considering your early drums and null talisman pickups

Haha you should see what I'm like when I talk about Razor ^^.

I really like Razor too ;) his item build can be extremely versatile in mega late game.
Chill The Frozen | December 8, 2014 3:30am
2009 wrote:

In my honest opinion, I think skilling Invoke when you can as with almost every other ultimate in the game isn't worth it, it increases manacost and reduces cooldown but with the right spells there is no need for more spells.

You make a fair point but since you choose to skill Exort a lot i don't think manacost should be such a big worry for you, especially considering your early drums and null talisman pickups

2009 wrote:

P.S. Sorry for such a long reply, I'm long-winded ^^

Haha you should see what I'm like when I talk about Razor ^^.
2009 | December 8, 2014 3:26am
Unscathed wrote:

You mentioned quas for the cold snap. Dont like it. Quas gave a good amount of health regen, which you mention not. Have you a solution for this?

Indeed quas is great for hp regen, 3 instances at a decent level 3 gives you 9hp/sec already but it is true this build is lacking in hp regen. Thus, I will lay out my philosophy in the game here that you kill before you get killed. Thus, with higher damage output than them, you can kill them before they kill you but i think it should be common sense to have 3 quas instances if you're low on health. I didn't skill quas very often when trying this build but it's primary purpose is so that you can cast Ghost Walk and Cold Snap. Drums boosts your tankiness somewhat throughout the early-mid game until you can get hex or skadi so you should probably survive the fights unless you are focused down because Invoker is not Pudge.
2009 | December 8, 2014 3:21am

I understand the concept you are putting across here but I have to say that considering the numerous you seem to want to use, wouldn't it be better to skill invoke regularly instead?

Just a suggestion. :3

It isn't really worth it because it only affects how many spells you can invoke in a certain amount of time. If you invoker regularly during the game when it's off cooldown, you could probably have the AOE Combo ready for a teamfight and after that you cast depending on whether Invoke is available. Skilling Invoke when available slightly minimizes your maximum potential damage output at a certain level. Sometimes you could just be that 1 level short of enough damage or distance where if you hadn't skilled Invoke, you would've had it.
In my honest opinion, I think skilling Invoke when you can as with almost every other ultimate in the game isn't worth it, it increases manacost and reduces cooldown but with the right spells there is no need for more spells. I just think that this is a mindset that is frequent in pubs but there isn't much of a point to skilling it regularly, I used to do it but my performance after I changed my skill build improved immensely.
P.S. Sorry for such a long reply, I'm long-winded ^^
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