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14 Votes

Everywhere at once - Phantom Lancer Codex

January 11, 2012 by BusDriver210
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Sentinel#248175 | June 28, 2012 8:11am
The build order and items are inappropriate here, I think.

Maximising doppelwalk first is key to surviving the difficult early game with PL. Low starting mana and HP and no real killing power means that you need to be able to doppel out of a gank at any moment, and you can't do that if it costs 150 mana.

The items are all wrong, too - mostly because they seem to leverage off DOTA 1 recipes, which no longer apply. The Heart is a waste of money on PL, and Treads are far more useful than BoT for the extra AS (and thus images) that they give you.
Burma Jones (7) | May 6, 2012 8:10pm
What, are you this "guide's" author's alt account or something? First post huh? Haha, wow, you're cool guy. Nice first

And what a lamer comment you made too:
"Anxious to bash"? I just stated something factual, and pretty neutrally. It was a plain copy paste, and not necessarily a bad guide anyway. How is that bashing? I'm just pointing out to you that it clearly takes away from the guide.

Realistically though it's not even an actual guide, just a bunch of references from Dota 1 guides on another website. You even left in all the old and wrong information.

Yes, you are most certainly just the author on an alt account. I wouldn't be surprised if you were the only person who has down-voted my guide too. (Once on each account of course. What a guy.)

Yep, you joined the website May 4. The day I made my guide and commented on this one. What a coincidence!

I can't believe you actually made an alt account just to down-vote my guide (that I actually wrote and made from Dota 2 experience and testing) and try to deflect the comment I made. Just wow.

That's pathetic and destroys the purpose of how the website functions. I really hope the admins get rid of you.
Mazohyst (1) | May 4, 2012 4:28pm
Burma Jones wrote:

Not necessarily a bad guide but a plain copy paste from Dota 1 guides. =\

Which he stated several times in his guide. Honestly, I think you're just a bit anxious to bash this guide because you have yours up currently.

I've tried this guide and have found it to work quite well.
Burma Jones (7) | May 4, 2012 2:29am
Not necessarily a bad guide but a plain copy paste from Dota 1 guides. =\
LuvLes (32) | January 14, 2012 11:45pm
I say just take the time from now, until release, to rephrase and paraphrase your guide. At least make it your own and give it a flow. Copy and pasted work, while it does supply all the information/resources, that isn't a guide. It's a reference sheet or tips for experienced players.

Instead, take what you liked from others' guides and combine it with your own experience in-game. That is how I created each and every one of my guides for a while now. A lot of people like it and I think that by you doing so as well, would pay off.

Good information here though, too bad I could just go over to playdota to get that information.
Atlas (117) | January 14, 2012 7:01pm

Because I love the hero and the game. Older Dota players will definitely understand the guide and the main reason was to construct one for my own use. Hes my favorite hero in the game and these are some of the best tips from the best guides. Why else?

They will understand it, but how could they possibly apply it into a game where Azwraith isn't present?

Another thing, "copied and pasted" guides are heavily frowned upon here, even if you give credit to the original author. This is a mixture of different guides, so technically it is still copied.

Not going to bring it down, though, because I think getting these copied guides is just going to be inevitable, and at the rate we are getting plagiarized guides I'm pretty sure no amount of control will stop people from coming in and doing it anyway. At this point it can stay, it may or may not be taken down in the future, though.
dresmasher (24) | January 14, 2012 3:52pm
Good guide, though you should edit some of the comments from the other guides, Diffusal Blade no longer builds into a Manta Style lol.

Boots of Travel is a very expensive item and doesn't give much on it's own, most of us will go for Power Treads and get bot in late-game no doubt.

Not sure if two Bracers & some status will be enough for your early game tankage, at best that Ultimate Orb from Manta Style will give you some status but you'll be stuck on Diffusal Blade Power Treads for quite a while.

Some people do make Vanguard/vladimir's offering on him, I don't rly like vlads since it's nearly useless but van doesn't look that bad even though the illusions don't get the block.

You should really remake your item-build, your core is extremely expensive, I suggest you either lower it to pt/bot + diffusal or pt/bot + yasha (though diffusal is the obvious core for pl) and add the other items as late-game extensions. or make early, mid and late-game core items, that way people will know how to work with pl during all the stages of the game.

BusDriver210 | January 14, 2012 3:14pm
Because I love the hero and the game. Older Dota players will definitely understand the guide and the main reason was to construct one for my own use. Hes my favorite hero in the game and these are some of the best tips from the best guides. Why else?
Atlas (117) | January 14, 2012 10:57am
Why release a guide for him when he isn't even released yet? You get far more attention for it if it's a new guide, and no one is going to vote now because he isn't released.
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