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I think it's a great item. As soon as you rupture they're going to toss stuns at any stunners in their lane (if none, you) in range then TP out.
BS generally doesn't build bottle as bloodbath covers his laning regen, and movespeed is good on any ganker. Imagine nightstalker moving at regular speed. Plus it gives you an escape after a dive and thirst wears off (slow, probably behind lines) as you can cyclone tp out or use your slight movespeed advantage.
What is wrong with you guys? Why would you ever buy Euls on Bloodseeker?
- he doesn't require mana regen(if you are going to argue that he does, well euls gives much more than he needs, RoB would easily fix this or Soulring/Bottle)
- you need it to cancel tp's? Maybe just kill the guy with your 2800 gold invested in any damage item instead of buying euls (wtf?!). For example silence the guy(or bloodrage yourself, depending on situation) ult the guy and keep hitting him, when he is about to tp, just hit him until he is just about to tp and forcestaff him to dead, works fine
- you got a team to, then can disable your enemies in this kind of situations
- you don't need the movespeed, you just don't ****ing need it, why would you
- if someone tp'ing from you is an issue, get mkb
If there is sth. I am missing I'll be glad to hear.
Regardless of your attempted rebukes, I fail to see what Eul's Scepter of Divinity offers over Skull Basher besides +30 MS and needless Intelligence/Mana Regeneration.
ok, but you havent got bloodrage till mid game, so its a vast amount of time without much damage, i'd say if you really want full chase without a damage item get phase rather than treds.
i'd say you should get at least 1 level of bloodrage at either level 2 or 3, just generally having a silence makes it so much easier 2 gank. Honestly i don't have a problem with euls and it does seem kinda awsome :)
however, I don't understand one point, if your getting the euls for the chase and maxing thirst, why get a blade mail rather than something like a yasha or a damage item like a daemon edge?
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BS generally doesn't build bottle as bloodbath covers his laning regen, and movespeed is good on any ganker. Imagine nightstalker moving at regular speed. Plus it gives you an escape after a dive and thirst wears off (slow, probably behind lines) as you can cyclone tp out or use your slight movespeed advantage.
- he doesn't require mana regen(if you are going to argue that he does, well euls gives much more than he needs, RoB would easily fix this or Soulring/Bottle)
- you need it to cancel tp's? Maybe just kill the guy with your 2800 gold invested in any damage item instead of buying euls (wtf?!). For example silence the guy(or bloodrage yourself, depending on situation) ult the guy and keep hitting him, when he is about to tp, just hit him until he is just about to tp and forcestaff him to dead, works fine
- you got a team to, then can disable your enemies in this kind of situations
- you don't need the movespeed, you just don't ****ing need it, why would you
- if someone tp'ing from you is an issue, get mkb
If there is sth. I am missing I'll be glad to hear.
Yes yes please explain what the EULS IS FOR!
Stun, MS, Stop
however, I don't understand one point, if your getting the euls for the chase and maxing thirst, why get a blade mail rather than something like a yasha or a damage item like a daemon edge?
what's the Euls for?