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June 25, 2013 by Gonark
Comments: 1    |    Views: 6408    |   

Build 1
Build 2


DotA2 Hero: Enigma

Hero Skills

Gravity Well (Innate)


2 4 8 9

Demonic Summoning

1 3 5 7

Midnight Pulse

10 11 12 13

Black Hole



14 15 16 17 18


Hey guys,I'm Gonark and this is my guide on Enigma.
Enigma is an intelligence hero who is known to be one of the best team fight hero.
When you think of Enigma,you think of his ultimate,Black Hole.He excells in the jungle and can be put in side lane situations.


Malefice is a great spell in the early and mid stages of the game.It has both stun and damage making Enigma a decent ganker(Without Ultimate).While jungling maxing it after demonic conversion is crucial for ganking without having to use your ultimate.
This spell will ministun 3 times and damage 3 times for 6 secs.In the later stages this you wont be able to use this spell much in team fights other than as an escape mechanism.

Demonic Conversion

This is Enigmas powerhouse for farming/Jungling.Maxing this spell is always recommended wether you are jungling or in lane.At level 1,you want to start with the smaller camps,also you should be micro-ing your eidelons correctly.At level 3,go for the medium camps and at level 4 you can farm the entire jungle with no worries.The manacost is high but as long as you have a soul ring it should'nt be a problem.
This skill can also be used for going 1-1 early game.You convert a creep,malefice him and then place the black hole while your creeps damage your enemies.Eidelons are also essential for ganking(if your jungling) early game.

Midnight Pulse

This is Enigma's most underrated and forgotten spell.This spell is good for pushing and also a good combo with black hole.The problem is landing a perfect black hole is very difficult that you wont even have time to cast this spell.To combo this with a black hole requires time,meaning heroes with AOE Stuns will help,example: Magnus and Tidehunter comes to mind as they have devastating AOE Ultimates.
Other than that this skill is only used for pushing and dealing resudial damage after a Black hole or on an enemy stunned by malefice

Black Hole

This is what Enigma is really about.This skill will suck in any enemy heroes coming within range for 4 secs.In some cases,players can choose to keep black hole at level 1 because you dont gain anything else than an increased damage,which isnt the point of your spell anyway.Also levelling this spell increases the manacost by 100 per level.The 10 sec reduced cooldown is nice but if you have a refresher orb,it could be game breaking.
Typically you want to activate BkB,Blink and then land a devastating Black Hole for your team to follow up and then you can watch the opposing team evaporate.

Allies & Foes


Allies of Enigma are almost anyone with an AOE Spell,i will seperate Enigma's friends into two groups,Group A(Who can help Enigma with his Ulti) and Group B(Who can make the most of Enigma's Ulti)

Group A
-Magnus(Reverse Polarity)
-Naga(Song of the siren)

Group B
-Earthshaker(Echo Slam)
-Sand King(Epicenter)
-Keeper of the Light(Illuminate)
-Lich(Chain Frost)
-Ancient Apparition(Ice Blast)
-QoP(Sonic Wave)
-Leshrac(All of his spells)
-Skywrath Mage(Mystic Flare)
-Crystal Maiden(Freezing Field)
-Elder Titan(Earth Splitter)
-Kunka(Tidebringer,Ghost Ship)

Enemies of Enigma will also be put in two group,Group A(Heroes who can disrupt him jungling)
and Group B(Heroes who can Disrupt his Ulti even when on BkB)
Group A

Group B
-Silencer(Global Silence)
-Beastmaster(Primal Roar)
-Vengeful Spirit(Swap)
-Neutral Dark Troll Warlord(Ensnare)


Starting items for Enigma will depend on wether you are jungling or in lane.If you are jungling you'll want to get wards to protect yourself from enemy junglers.On the other hand if you are playing a support role,getting is a courier is most important.Although if someone else is getting the courier,getting wards can be gamebreaking as well.
If you are jungling,getting soul ring as fast as possible is extremely important,also you dont want to get Ring of Basillius if you are jungling,it just delays your core items.If you are pushing though,do not get a soul ring,Ring of Basillius will be most useful for Enigma while pushing.
In both cases,Boots for Enigma will be regular boots till late game.

Core Items

Enigma is generally item dependant if you want him to be most effective.A Blink Dagger is useful for those surprise attacks where you catch multiple people in your Black Hole and a BkB is useful since your Ulti is channeling.Mechanism is to be bought only when you are playing a support role or pusher.
If your enemy has a stun,disable or silence,i would recommend getting a BkB first,but getting both these items are crucial.So farming is important for Enigma.

Situational Items

In the later stages of the game it wont matter what role you are playing so situational items will be pretty much same in both builds.At this time you can finally upgrade your boots,just get Treads for tankiness or Boots of Travel for better mobility and movement speed.
Refresher Orb is only when you keep Black Hole at level 1,because Enigma cant afford the manacost in the early-late stages of the game.Imagine blinking,placing a lvl 3 Black Hole,refreshing but not being able to cast it again,it sucks,right?
Other than that,situational items would be Scythe of Vycse for a better diable.Also gem is considered situational if the opposing team has some invisibility,or if you want to search and destroy wards for a better gank.
If you feel you need more tankiness,get a Shiva's or a ghost scepter for those right-clickers.

Picking Enigma

Pick Enigma when-
-your team has at least two AOE damage dealers

Do not Pick Enigma when-
-your team has too many carries
-your team has 1 or no AOE damage dealers


This is my first guide,so feel free to comment,criticize or complement.I have been playing Dota for 4 years now(Both Dota and Dota2).Make sure to criticize in a productive way that will help me.Until next time,this is Gonark.

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