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2 Votes

Enchantress: First Pick Competitive Material

June 29, 2012 by jbai
Comments: 2    |    Views: 28916    |   

Hero Build

DotA2 Hero: Enchantress

Hero Skills

Rabble-Rouser (Innate)


10 12 13 14


1 3 5 7

Nature's Attendants

2 4 8 9


6 11 16


15 17 18

Enchantress: First Pick Competitive Material

June 29, 2012

Competitive Role


Enchantress is currently near a top-tier pick (just below the likes of Invoker, Chen, Lycan, Prophet, Darkseer) right now due to her great versatility and early-game lane-domination potential.

A properly played enchantress essentially dominates whichever sidelane she is jungling on, by repeated early-game ganking and zoning with powerful neutral creeps before enemy heroes have even skilled their second/third abilities.

Enchantress then transitions into a versatile semi-carry (similar to a mid-game Furion or Windrunner) and can fill any gaps in her team's lineup.

Support items (Mek, Pipe) or semi-carry (Bloodstone, Aghanim's, BKB) decide her role.

Item justification

Starting items: Due to low manacost of Enchant, and guaranteed income source through relatively safe jungling, Enchantress should get at least two of the early support items to relieve gold pressure from heroes who are actually laning.

My personal preference is Observer Ward, Sentry Ward, Tangoes, and a Clarity, for vision/dewarding purposes, in case enemy wards your jungle camps.

Buy courier if needed, or Ironwood branches if there's spare gold.

Core items:

Enchantress needs nearly nothing except boots to function.

Force Staff is basically a core item on every Intel or mana-dependent hero in the current metagame: Mobility for chasing/kiting/escaping in teamfights plus decent stats and damage increase, and easily farmed cheap buildup is too good to pass up.

Enchantress can be hard-support and ward all game if needed, but like Windrunner/Prophet, can make great use of extra gold if she gets some farm.

Stack bracers if enemy nukers are a pain (Tinker, Bounty Hunter etc).

Get any of the listed items depending on situation of your game. They are all very popular and strong items in the current metagame.

Skill justification

Max enchant first to reduce cooldown/increase slow debuff.

Nature's attendants is very costly mana-wise early-game, and has long cooldown, but is still a powerful healing spell and maxed second.

Get impetus when possible to increase damage potential.

Max untouchable/stats last.

To be added

General strategy, Teamfight strategy, Creep micromanagement, Allies and Enemies

General strategy:
Enchantress is NOT an AFK-jungle farmer (e.g. Enigma or Lycan). She is actually a slow jungler, as Enchanting creeps (usually large ones) does not give gold/exp of that creep.

Her power lies in extreme-early game pressure and ability to win lanes.
She is also a powerful aggressive counter to enemy jungling heroes (Lycan, Enigma, Chen).

If you're not ganking/pushing with Enchantress during levels 1-3, you are not playing her to her full potential.

Creep micromanagement

Ctrl + 1 - Enchantress
Ctrl + 2 - All creeps. Use TAB to cycle between creeps
Ctrl + 3 - Enchantress + Creeps together
Ctrl + 4 - Courier

After dominating Large Centaur, Ursa, or Troll creeps, position yourself to lead with the creep in front. Activate autocast Impetus if levelled. Shift queue Enchant on enemy hero and autoattack, while micromanaging your creep to stomp proximity. With Troll, you can initiate with Ensnare and followup with Enchant Slow.

Return control back to Enchantress and animation cancel to land a few more hits.

Compared to real RTS games (Starcraft, Company of Heroes, Warcraft III), micro is piss easy.

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