Enchantress early game jungle,late game ownage
July 21, 2013
The Ownage
When you get your scepter which should be very easy determening that you have hand of midas and you clear camps faster then i take a s**t,you should clear your lane and harrass as much as you can.That provides less laning and more team fights which you own.When the team fights start you should always go where the action is,but remember not to be alone because you didn't finish your bloodstone yet,and you are still very squishy.In team fights make sure your team doesn't let the enemies start chasing you,then things get dangerous.You should be always a little aside,back and not in the center of the melee dudes fighting.Use your ulti on everyone and your slow if you have problems with enemies getting close,which is rare because you will see that everyone runs away from you(forever alone) and makes it worse since your ulti does damage based on range.
The Jungle
In the jungle(the mighty jungle) you will start with the big camps in the beggining because of your enchant ability,you could start with the camp aside to the stone(radiance) and with the pull camp spot(dire).You will not need to pull camps in the jungle,You could but you already have help from your enchanted creep,Btw your teammate maybe won't be able to hold an enemy creep wave by itself,so you basicly ruined your teammate's LH,XP and even your tower.When you hit lvl 6,you could start ganking.Open with your slow and follow it with your ultimate,your teammate will be able to help you since you deal so much damage.
Item Explanation
The point of this guide is to get a gold advantage in the jungle,Early to mid game so you could complete the items required to be very affective in late game.Hand of midas will provide a serious gold advantage as well as an attack speed boost which we are trying to get as much as possible with power treads.Power treads should be primarly used as intelligence,and as strenght when in tight situation.The reason Bloodstone is picked up late game is because this guide is focusing on damage from your Ultimate and attack speed from your treads,in late game bloodstone is very helpful for mana and for escaping,for and example:Running away turning your treads into strenght,The bloodstone will provide you health as well the mana for your slow and your Ultimate.
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