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6 Votes

Ember spirit-Powders Guide

April 23, 2014 by This_name_is_taken
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Allegiance (9) | April 24, 2014 3:44am
I kinda want to point out that Ember is far away from a "massive strength gain".

Considering his ****py agility gain, a strength gain of 2.0/level is really bad.

For Skills/Items:

Going for SoF + Chains only is completely viable on the midlane. But it depdens on the game and your playstyle.

The Desolator + Deadalus build (i would get crystalis -> desolator -> Daedalus) is far better for just snowballing throug the midgame.
Bfury is better for farming, anti-pushing and lategame damage. So if the early game is going poorly for you and your team i would get Bfury, sine it allows you to catch up a little.
This_name_is_taken | April 23, 2014 10:48pm
Like i said, i play a lot with a full party and that is justified by a lane partner. But i entirely agree to everything. This build is just to my play style, and if you see me play you will understand.
Timminatorr (57) | April 23, 2014 3:23pm
Yellowstar wrote:

All the builds are horrible.

For the safe lane, you don't take your only disable until level 8, which is the main source of kills?

And for the mid lane, where magic nukers can easily destroy you, no flameguard until level 10, when it becomes almost entirely useless?

There are far better items than BF rush, drums are phenomenal on Ember and he should be roaming and ganking with his insane mobility, not AFK farming.

Desolator is far superior to Daedalus on Ember, since -7 armor on everyone helps your team a lot, and should be gotten a lot sooner - for example, right after drums and before BF.

I agree with everything you say exept that you underrate the battlefury deadalus build.
Battlefury's are not just for farming on ember, the cleave is rediculous and that alone can take heroes down. It also is REALLY good at stopping any push in its tracks.

Desolator is only good if gotten right after drums and you plan on winning the game NOW.
It hurts you massively in the long run and makes you completely unable to make comebacks, so if your snowball stops in the process of getting deso you are screwed.
It like getting desolator on shadow fiend, it hurts your farming speed and late game potential.
Yellowstar | April 23, 2014 12:32pm
All the builds are horrible.

For the safe lane, you don't take your only disable until level 8, which is the main source of kills?

And for the mid lane, where magic nukers can easily destroy you, no flameguard until level 10, when it becomes almost entirely useless?

There are far better items than BF rush, drums are phenomenal on Ember and he should be roaming and ganking with his insane mobility, not AFK farming.

Desolator is far superior to Daedalus on Ember, since -7 armor on everyone helps your team a lot, and should be gotten a lot sooner - for example, right after drums and before BF.
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