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2 Votes


February 22, 2014 by SOHEARNY
Comments: 2    |    Views: 25280    |   

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Gardevoid | February 24, 2014 4:50pm
Nice guide, short, understandable, and you dont have to kill yourself reading 30 meters of **** that won't help you ingame.
I like your guide, homever, I am an ursa player miself, and I disagree a bit on how you build your skills, I would of upgrade in this order:
1. Fury swipes
2. Overpower
3. Overpower
4. Earthshock
5. Fury swipes
6. Enrage
7. Fury swipes
8. Overpower
9. Fury swipes
10. Overpower
11. Enrage
12. Earthshock
13. Earthshock
14. Earthshock
15. Stats
16. Enrage
17-25. Stats

But your skill build is reasonable and solid.
Peppo_oPaccio (70) | February 22, 2014 2:15pm
Phase Boots should be taken before Vladmir's Offering: they improve your damage, your chasing capabilities and will eventially make you able to get a kill you wouldn't have gotten without them. The rest of the build is fine, though you might want to add the Assault Cuirass when you need to kill the enemies more quickly, Linken's Sphere against BKB-piercing disables ( Fiend's Grip, Primal Roar), Monkey King Bar versus Heroes with evasion ( Ursa's wost enemies) and maybe even the Scythe of Vyse if you need to outcarry someone like Anti-Mage. Trust me, even though it looks stupid, Vyse is worth it sometimes.
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