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Nice guide. Though I agree movement speed is important for Pudge, since I build mine based on that as well, I don't think Sange and Yasha is a good late-game item. By then, with your Mask of Madness, Boots of Travel and Force Staff, you already have insane movement speed. The maim is really unnecessary because you have Rot. the extra strength and attack speed aren't really that much. I think the value of Sange and Yasha is really not worth the price for a late-game item. If you want attack speed and extra tankiness, I think Assault Cuirass would be a better choice. Its aura helps in team-fights as well. But overall I like your guide, which is short and simple. Also, Force Staff on Pudge FTW!
Nice guide. Though I agree movement speed is important for Pudge, since I build mine based on that as well, I don't think Sange and Yasha is a good late-game item. By then, with your Mask of Madness, Boots of Travel and Force Staff, you already have insane movement speed. The maim is really unnecessary because you have Rot. the extra strength and attack speed aren't really that much. I think the value of Sange and Yasha is really not worth the price for a late-game item. If you want attack speed and extra tankiness, I think Assault Cuirass would be a better choice. Its aura helps in team-fights as well. But overall I like your guide, which is short and simple. Also, Force Staff on Pudge FTW!
Thanks for the feedback, also Rod of Atos could be good indeed
Nice guide. Though I agree movement speed is important for Pudge, since I build mine based on that as well, I don't think Sange and Yasha is a good late-game item. By then, with your Mask of Madness, Boots of Travel and Force Staff, you already have insane movement speed. The maim is really unnecessary because you have Rot. the extra strength and attack speed aren't really that much. I think the value of Sange and Yasha is really not worth the price for a late-game item. If you want attack speed and extra tankiness, I think Assault Cuirass would be a better choice. Its aura helps in team-fights as well. But overall I like your guide, which is short and simple. Also, Force Staff on Pudge FTW!
Do you need more pushing power? Are your micro skills off the charts? Then go for a Necro book. Assign the 2 necro creeps to numbers 4 and 5, and add both to control group 3. These Necronomicon Warriors are powerful, but also difficult to micromanage, what with your hero already somewhat needing micro skills.
Getting Rot at lvl 1 is pretty common because it can be used as an escape (you are ganked at lvl 1 so you can try to deny yourself) but the important thing is to max Meat Hook by lvl7 to have max range.
About the late game items, I'd rather get a Scythe of Vyse for the extra disable or, at least, a Shiva's Guard/ Assault Cuirass: the Heart of Tarrasque doesn't add much E-HP (Effective HP) since your armor is low and by the time you get it the enemy carry will pierce through you with hits that deal 300+ damage without extra armor. The HP regen is quite nice but I'd rather buy a Pipe of Insight then.
As a late game option I also put Shiva's Guard for more armor. The point of the build tho is to deny enemy farm and experience by continually harrass and gank them in order to make them have a weak late game.
About Heart of Tarrasque if you reach the goal to make it around 30m it really make the difference and you will probably die in a mid game scenario only 1vs5.
In the blink dagger dilemma section you messed up the [Blink Dagger] link kind of thing, just fix it, the guide its overall fine, just some stuff you should explain better, like why get [Rot] at lvl 1.
I don't think you need both Arcane Boots and Force Staff for the mana regen: I myself can do quite well with just an Urn into Boots of Speed and Blink Dagger (rushing a Bottle at the beginning, obviously), but need to bottle crow when I don't get the rune; your way of playing him is better for the newer players I guess. I don't mind getting Force Staff either, I find it more useful in some situations (with a Nature's Prophet/ Lifestealer in the enemy team) and the extra mana is, as you say, always welcome. I also tried the Power Treads: I like them quite a lot (tread switching is so good on Pudge) but most of the time they delay your Blink/Staff and the attack speed is not so needed; I'd still take them instead of the Arcanes when not going for plain Boots (but it's personal preference I guess), though.
About the late game items, I'd rather get a Scythe of Vyse for the extra disable or, at least, a Shiva's Guard/ Assault Cuirass: the Heart of Tarrasque doesn't add much E-HP (Effective HP) since your armor is low and by the time you get it the enemy carry will pierce through you with hits that deal 300+ damage without extra armor. The HP regen is quite nice but I'd rather buy a Pipe of Insight then.
About Agh's, I personally don't like it since most of the time you should target the carry in late teamfights right after he activates his BKB, so you can disable him for a big part of its duration: by doing so you do disable the enemy but don't get the extra HP. Catching the enemy supports in teamfights when you have Aghanim's Scepter is nice but it's something that your hard carry should do anyway.
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Testking Pass4sure 2V0-621D 70-533 VMCE_V8 1Y0-301 SSCP C4090-460 1z0-050 1D0-520 JN0-1300 500-006
Nice guide. Though I agree movement speed is important for Pudge, since I build mine based on that as well, I don't think Sange and Yasha is a good late-game item. By then, with your Mask of Madness, Boots of Travel and Force Staff, you already have insane movement speed. The maim is really unnecessary because you have Rot. the extra strength and attack speed aren't really that much. I think the value of Sange and Yasha is really not worth the price for a late-game item. If you want attack speed and extra tankiness, I think Assault Cuirass would be a better choice. Its aura helps in team-fights as well. But overall I like your guide, which is short and simple. Also, Force Staff on Pudge FTW!
Thanks for the feedback, also
why get [Rot] at lvl 1.
About the late game items, I'd rather get a
As a late game option I also put
About the late game items, I'd rather get a
About Agh's, I personally don't like it since most of the time you should target the carry in late teamfights right after he activates his BKB, so you can disable him for a big part of its duration: by doing so you do disable the enemy but don't get the extra HP. Catching the enemy supports in teamfights when you have