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Gem might be the only effective method of true sight against Weaver, but many teams have a hard time justifying the risk. Besides, if someone gets it, it's easy enough to have your team focus them down. I generally am more worried about sentry wards than gem carriers.
What are you talking about?!?!??!
Daedalus is still a dps increase over anything but rapier on a Weaver, no point to reject it. Does more for you than an MKB damage wise. Desolator is also the best orb effect for weaver as well as it is the only one which works with geminate attack.
Butterfly is also pretty poor as a first item, and in some games you will need a BKB so no sense rejecting that either. Skill build is fine, but item build is pretty bad.
You also say a gem is a rare pickup against a weaver... quite a laughable idea since gem is the ONLY form of true sight which is reliable against a weaver.
I've put Daedalus in situational--while I've only gotten it once or twice, I guess it can be useful.
Gem might be the only effective method of true sight against Weaver, but many teams have a hard time justifying the risk. Besides, if someone gets it, it's easy enough to have your team focus them down. I generally am more worried about sentry wards than gem carriers.
Desolator is a very popular option, true, and it can be good. I just find that other items such as MKB and Butterfly are more cost-effective. In hindsight, though, rejecting it was probably a bad idea--I'll put it in situational items. Thanks for the feedback!
Good starting and in lane items. But why on earth would you reject 3 of the best items of weaver? Daedalus, Deso and Radiance. I always get daedalus on weaver, it makes you hit really hard and take down a whole team all by yourself. Deso is controversial since it's a unique attack modifier Geminate Attack won't be trigger a deso hitm, still, it works amazingly well with The swarm.
For the skill build. it's great but i'll have to disagree with the "Swarm" at level 4, i always level the swarm at level 9 since A- The mana cost is a bit high (might cost you one or 2 less skushi) and lvl 1 swarm is not really effective unless you're a team and it's 5 man doto from level 1 which is not always the case. Still, this is all situational, it depends on the lane and how the game is going overall.
Desolator does stack with geminate attack, it is the only orb effect which works with it, simply because the -armour increases the damage from geminate as well as the normal auto attacks. Hence you get the best value for money going with desolator as your orb effect.
Also, the swarm is useful at early levels, the cooldown on geminate attack doesn't scale that well and the -armour can be useful in lane, especially for pushing and tower diving. You can slow down the advance of the enemy creep wave by swarming them before they get to their tower, hence ensuring your creeps keep attacking the tower. Also, if diving an enemy hero early on, the tower will aggro the bug and not you, letting you dive more safely.
For the radiance, it's still viable if you farm it really fast but it's not rejected by any means, i guess it's a good pick up on weaver.
For the skill build. it's great but i'll have to disagree with the "Swarm" at level 4, i always level the swarm at level 9 since A- The mana cost is a bit high (might cost you one or 2 less skushi) and lvl 1 swarm is not really effective unless you're a team and it's 5 man doto from level 1 which is not always the case. Still, this is all situational, it depends on the lane and how the game is going overall.
Thanks for the interesting insights man.
If the disable has a long cooldown, like
If you get
If you get
If you are
...and in some games you will need a BKB so no sense rejecting that either.
^this, it's Situational, but you do need it against heavy AoE, not just
Butterfly is also pretty poor as a first item, and in some games you will need a BKB so no sense rejecting that either. Skill build is fine, but item build is pretty bad.
You also say a gem is a rare pickup against a weaver... quite a laughable idea since gem is the ONLY form of true sight which is reliable against a weaver.