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4 Votes

Earthshaker: How to shake the earth

November 11, 2014 by BlueBrick
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hofelixho | November 26, 2014 3:30am
I just wanna say, please discard Force Staff and Shadow Blade cause Blink Dagger is definitely his item.
lampmaster | November 13, 2014 10:20am
Highly adaptable and versatile guide my friend. It provides tips for the experienced Earth Shaker player while also handing out free tips about warding and creep pulling for some of the newer players. My only suggestion would be to provide some actual gameplay pictures considering the fact that you already went through the trouble of providing us with those handy warding visuals. Maybe a section on advanced Fissure placement as well? Idk I'm just rambling on now.
lampmaster | November 13, 2014 10:20am
Highly adaptable and versatile guide my friend. It provides tips for the experienced Earth Shaker player while also handing out free tips about warding and creep pulling for some of the newer players. My only suggestion would be to provide some actual gameplay pictures considering the fact that you already went through the trouble of providing us with those handy warding visuals. Maybe a section on advanced Fissure placement? Idk I'm just rambling on now.
srawesomeguy | November 12, 2014 4:22pm
One time i went earthshaker, there was a terrorblade, phantom lancer, meepo and undying (im not sure if the tombstone zombies count?) On the enemy team. Need i say more? XD
Smuggels (82) | November 11, 2014 8:09pm
i like the guide great points and heaps and heaps of help for people wanting to learn one of my favourite heroes.

i wont give a rep just yet because of some things.

you forgot that once you have Aftershock all of your abilities gain the effect.

Echo slam itself doesnt stun. people forget that (a lot) you need to max Aftershock and Fissure with a point in Enchant Totem. you should have 2-1-2-1 by 6 and 4-1-4-1 by 8.

also enchant totem doesnt stun ... so there is no point in getting it as a support before you get aftershock. i prefer the qeqeqreqwerwwwsr build if i am safelane support if i am roaming i go 2-1-2-1 .

the actual damage possible to be done with creeps is huge so explain that to maximise your echo slam damage it is best to try and time it right.

anywho good guide some explanation issues but
ashwinthegrim (7) | November 11, 2014 8:42am
Good guide. +1 from me.

A couple of suggestions though.

I would put Force Staff above all your other luxury items. In other words, once you have your blink, Force Staff should probably be the next pickup. Your role demands that you blink into the middle of an enemy team and initiate, but once you do that, you need a getaway mechanism. Force Staff provides that. As an added bonus it also lets you get allies out of tough spots, and enemies into tough spots.

Mekansm on ES is a bad idea unless your team doesn't have another hero that can build one. Like you already said, you are mana starved, meaning the increased mana cost on mek is going to hurt you. Moreover, as an initiator, there isn't a guarantee that you'd survive the initiation, so relying on you to heal the team isn't recommended.
KoDyAbAbA (65) | November 11, 2014 8:09am
^true dat
Eightfold (9) | November 11, 2014 6:34am
I don't agree with the Mekansm. As you pointed out, you're a very mana-hungry hero and Mekansm just takes away from that. Let another hero, preferably a tank, get it.
Timminatorr (57) | November 11, 2014 6:22am
Divine Wrath wrote:

As a quick note, I don't agree with Refresher Orb beeing better than Aghanim's Scepter, for the following reason:

Enemy heroes doesn't all have same identical HP. If you can control well enough where/when to land it you will also catch creeps/neutral creeps in it.
Now, assuming you got Echo Slam on full team and creeps, there is a huge chance that creeps and maybe a low HP hero will already die. So on your second Echo Slam your number of targets will be much lower. The biggest contribution as damage comes from Echoes, not from the initial damage, I would very much go for double echoes from Aghanim's Scepter since those will still be on even if targets die during it.

You are forgetting one thing, with refresher you can stun multiple heroes for such a rediculously long time, its definately better then aghanim.
And you even get to use your items twice.
Divine Wrath (2) | November 11, 2014 6:10am
As a quick note, I don't agree with Refresher Orb beeing better than Aghanim's Scepter, for the following reason:

Enemy heroes doesn't all have same identical HP. If you can control well enough where/when to land it you will also catch creeps/neutral creeps in it.
Now, assuming you got Echo Slam on full team and creeps, there is a huge chance that creeps and maybe a low HP hero will already die. So on your second Echo Slam your number of targets will be much lower. The biggest contribution as damage comes from Echoes, not from the initial damage, I would very much go for double echoes from Aghanim's Scepter since those will still be on even if targets die during it.
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