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+1 for the useful info plus funny writing!
Please consider doing a section on the roaming Techies and best mine places (to secure areas/kills, block camps, etc).
PS: Loved the Goo game :)
Errr first thing. Techies doesn't go mid. Never will they go mid. 1, they will loose the lane, 2. very easy to gank them at lvl 1 and get kill. and bottle is not going to be useful, you don't need the hp regen and the 70 mana it gives per use won't that good. it just delays core items on him. Also Eul's is core on every single build. You NEED the move speed without it ur dead with suicide squad on cooldown. and how does omni prove trouble some to remote mines? just because he can be magic immune and have gem it's practically the same as a ranged hero getting gem.
Look up professional DotA Matches with Techies picked, and going Mid. You Need
I have played Techies competitively back in the day, on the Mid Lane. With certain strategies it can be very efficient, on the hands of an skilled midder and experienced Techies player, its devastating.
Gotta try it for yourself. Again and again.
Great guide! Lot's of information and fun too.
However, I would like to know how to contribute in teamfights as techies so it's not always 4v5 when Techies are picked. It's next on my all hero challenge and I don't wanna **** my team over =C
I understand your worry, basically in teamfights you should try to put
However, I would like to know how to contribute in teamfights as techies so it's not always 4v5 when Techies are picked. It's next on my all hero challenge and I don't wanna **** my team over =C
It's just not scary. If you play with a good Techies, one who is getting random minefield kills everywhere, you'll maybe think about that little sign. It needs to be bigger, too. VOLVO. MAKE IT BIGGER.
Love this. Didn't get the reference, though :(
Anywho, I never really used the sign. I mean I played 3 techies games just this morning and I (ofcourse) had the best kill/death ratio. But never once did I place that devious little sign. Oh, it just popped into my head the mind games that little bastard could cause. Just walking into an area that was shadowed and seeing that sign. Makes my heart flutter, the indecision!
Anyway, upvoted. I will try out all of this later today. I see it going very, very well.
Its a reference to an old school glitch very commonly used in Super Mario World speedruns, any speed runner knows it, the orb glitch. Nowadays it has been replaced with the cloud glitch.
The Minefield sign ability, honestly, has lost its power, pub wise, people, as i said, dont even notice it, or choose to ignore it. It still makes me think twice.
Good luck!
Anywho, I never really used the sign. I mean I played 3 techies games just this morning and I (ofcourse) had the best kill/death ratio. But never once did I place that devious little sign. Oh, it just popped into my head the mind games that little bastard could cause. Just walking into an area that was shadowed and seeing that sign. Makes my heart flutter, the indecision!
Anyway, upvoted. I will try out all of this later today. I see it going very, very well.