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20 Votes

Drow, The New Thor [6.86e]

February 14, 2016 by Croofe
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Ryuzard | March 26, 2016 7:55pm
after played her a couple more time, i think the second maelstrom isn't really worthed it,the proc chance already so high with Aghanim and 1 maelstorm. (it's if you want to be a pusher, or your enemy has bad teamwork that they rarely coming together)
you better go for a survivability item like shadow blade or BKB,
or if you want to become a stronger pusher you can get Desolator to push the tower

sorry for broken english
Ryuzard | March 24, 2016 6:48pm
Thank you so very much for posting this guide, i actually get 600++ GPM easily with this, it's insane,

sorry for being noisy, but it's my first time get past 600GPM so easily,
i used antimage, and it's such a pain to get that 600gpm,
and i actually make this account simply to vote your guide,
GF Ranchu | March 18, 2016 8:42am
I've tried this a couple times since reading. It's is one of the most entertaining builds I have played with her.
Luckily at my mmr the opponents are too slow to stop it... So far.
KEEP CALM AND FEED (15) | February 7, 2016 10:19pm
I went this build and it is legit.

Whole creep wave in 2 shots at level 16.

Don't get two mjollnirs, invest in AS or armor or BKB.
michimatsch (26) | February 5, 2016 7:55am
Croof wrote:
anyone can see this is not a serious build haha

I think you are underestimating your own build. It can be extremely potent in some cases - although I would change some items.
Eon_Theory (2) | February 4, 2016 11:11pm
Croofe wrote:

Thank you for the feedback people.

Dragon Lance is good, but well, usually I just jump straight to Black King Bar due to my experience often being main target of enemies in team fights, especially if the team is using Blink Dagger intensively. but yes, it is viable item if you have the time to spare 900 gold to delay BKB. I will add this to situational items.

To be honest, I do not expect this build to be popular even though anyone can see this is not a serious build haha, so once again, thanks for the feedback people.

Yeah, I just got a chance to play it, even with 2 Disconnects on my team, an OD who was building Arcane boots and force staffing me into the enemy team I still went 19/9 with 750 GPM. Very fun build to play and if your enemies stand next to creeps they will melt.

(This was against a Slark and QOP, btw, not exactly ideal)
Croofe (1) | February 4, 2016 5:22pm
Thank you for the feedback people.

Dragon Lance is good, but well, usually I just jump straight to Black King Bar due to my experience often being main target of enemies in team fights, especially if the team is using Blink Dagger intensively. but yes, it is viable item if you have the time to spare 900 gold to delay BKB. I will add this to situational items.

To be honest, I do not expect this build to be popular even though anyone can see this is not a serious build haha, so once again, thanks for the feedback people.
michimatsch (26) | February 4, 2016 4:06pm
The Dragon Lance is actually legit even late game in some cases because it lets you hit the tower with drow without getting into it's range...just saying.
Anyaways is a good guide and the build is situationally good if you have a lot of teamfight.
Aghanim's Scepter is a bit like a ranged Sven to me.
Eon_Theory (2) | February 4, 2016 3:20pm
It may be a little stupid, but perhaps you could add Dragon Lance in as a situational item to later disassemble into BKB and Butterfly, depending on the game? It would mean you'd have a lot of earlier tankiness, and it'd help you proc the lightning from further away in a teamfight, although it'd be against the manfighting premise in the guide.

Overall an interesting and fun (perhaps effective, I need to try it first though) build, +1
Bunkansee (32) | February 3, 2016 10:09am
I've been really interested in trying this build, it's so fun to play. I might just go for it and try it in a pub, worst thing that could happen is I fail miserably I suppose haha.

Good guide, well explained and it looks nice! +1
VWXZ | February 3, 2016 8:24am
Damn it - I was 5 minutes off of finishing an almost identical guide GGWP. +1
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