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6 Votes

Drow Ranger's "Tons of Damage" (Under Construction)

January 11, 2013 by Megasian
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moldychicken | August 21, 2013 9:40pm
also black king bar doesnt give you invincibility as you have stated at the end, it only gives you magic immunity, you can still be shut down relatively fast by someone such as a Lycanthrope which has a click passive ulti and is immune to your frost arrows.
moldychicken | August 21, 2013 9:37pm
you should have gone with a helm of the dominator to grab a satanic, also giving you an alpha wolf if one is avaliable in the jungle, also you didnt go with wraith bands? why?
sulaxrox (6) | April 30, 2013 7:55am
He's very correct, this is a cookie cutter build, not trying to bash you at all but consider different items, helm of the dominator over mask of madness is generally better, because it allows you to roam or lane while you stack ancients (general knowledge). Shadow blade is a quite obvious choice for drow considering she lacks an escape mechanism, bkb is the best item for a carry, but it's also the most picked item for tryhards. Consider linkens sphere? Drow is a fast farmer, she does a ton of damage and she can kite big creeps all day, as well as crush towers. Innately I don't feel she needs mask of madness ever, considering her ultimate grants her agility, which translates into insane attack speed. Play her without daedelus maybe? Maybe a linkens (regen, big attribute boost, and the spell null) into a butterfly? Solid evasion and a huge agility boost. Possibly shift the skill build to max her precision aura to benefit the team more? Just switch things up a bit, or try different builds, hell maybe even put a double daedelus build for lulz. All he was trying to say was switch it up, rather than putting up a general pubstomp build. +1 regardless
mightycookie (5) | January 13, 2013 5:07pm

So the other builds aren't cookie cutter?

most of them are, thats why you see them with yellow ratings. but every once in a while a good one comes out and people then use it.
Megasian | January 13, 2013 5:00pm
mightycookie wrote:

i didnt say it was garbage, its cookie-cutter. its called constrictive criticism.
but okay

So the other builds aren't cookie cutter?
mightycookie (5) | January 13, 2013 4:35pm

Well I don't have all the time in the world to construct things nicely. I'm just doing this for the fun of it. Then some guys comes up and says dude your guide garbage and there isn't a need for this guide. I think everyone would become quite defensive about their work. If you don't have anything nice to say then don't say it.

i didnt say it was garbage, its cookie-cutter. its called constrictive criticism.
but okay
Megasian | January 13, 2013 4:33pm
mightycookie wrote:

mask of madness is the 15th most gotten item on drow, while bkb is the 20th. in a game where there are over 100 items, thats pretty common. and im not being a ****, im tryiong to help you make better guides, that people will read and vote on. im only up to my second guide. i uploaded it yesterday and it already has more views than yours. it's for a reason. my guides are nicely constructed and have things people overlook. so people read it, they try it, it works, they like it.
im just trying to help you out.
anyhow, +1 for the effort

Well I don't have all the time in the world to construct things nicely. I'm just doing this for the fun of it. Then some guys comes up and says dude your guide garbage and there isn't a need for this guide. I think everyone would become quite defensive about their work. If you don't have anything nice to say then don't say it. I didn't make the guide to make it to the top. I just made it to share my opinions about a hero that I been recently playing quite often.
mightycookie (5) | January 13, 2013 4:27pm

I did write this is my first guide ever. Way to be a ****! People don't take Mask of Madness and BKB. This is something I think will spice up Drow's game. Activate the Mask of Madness then activate BKB. From what I noticed people don't like to use Mask of Madness because of 30% increase in damage taken. Even though it gives extra 100 damage and increases your movement speed by 25%. After you activate BKB you have don't have any of the negatives of Mask of Maddness downsides. Has any other guides put those 2 items together? Well, I haven't seen any of the guides that do. That was the whole reason why I made this guide. To share people that incredible combination of these 2 items. Also this guide just showed up on Drow's front page a day ago. It only had 30 views which were all mine since I was proof reading this guide. In 24 hours 300 views? Well I think I'm having a fairly great start.

mask of madness is the 15th most gotten item on drow, while bkb is the 20th. in a game where there are over 100 items, thats pretty common. and im not being a ****, im tryiong to help you make better guides, that people will read and vote on. im only up to my second guide. i uploaded it yesterday and it already has more views than yours. it's for a reason. my guides are nicely constructed and have things people overlook. so people read it, they try it, it works, they like it.
im just trying to help you out.
anyhow, +1 for the effort
Megasian | January 13, 2013 4:04pm
mightycookie wrote:

then there is no use for your guide. you are no reference. you are just a guide on the internet that makes guides. people come here to see exciting new ideas to spice up the game. for the most part. i suggest you make other guides a bit more eccentric. see, im the only one that left a comment and your guide has like 4 days.

I did write this is my first guide ever. People don't take Mask of Madness and BKB. This is something I think will spice up Drow's game. Activate the Mask of Madness then activate BKB. From what I noticed people don't like to use Mask of Madness because of 30% increase in damage taken. Even though it gives extra 100 damage and increases your movement speed by 25%. After you activate BKB you have don't have any of the negatives of Mask of Maddness downsides. Has any other guides put those 2 items together? Well, I haven't seen any of the guides that do. That was the whole reason why I made this guide. To share people that incredible combination of these 2 items.
Also this guide just showed up on Drow's front page 2 days ago. It only had 30 views which were all mine since I was proof reading this. Then in few days I have around 300+ views. Well I think people are liking this build.
mightycookie (5) | January 13, 2013 3:47pm

They sure are. However I'm saying that this is the define build. You don't need any other items than these 6. I've seen the other guides and they show other viable items and etc. However I say build this and you will be completely fine.

then there is no use for your guide. you are no reference. you are just a guide on the internet that makes guides. people come here to see exciting new ideas to spice up the game. for the most part. i suggest you make other guides a bit more eccentric. see, im the only one that left a comment and your guide has like 4 days.
Megasian | January 13, 2013 2:52pm
mightycookie wrote:

these are items that everyone builds.......

They sure are. However I'm saying that this is the define build. You don't need any other items than these 6. I've seen the other guides and they show other viable items and etc. However I say build this and you will be completely fine.
mightycookie (5) | January 13, 2013 7:35am
these are items that everyone builds.......
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