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If you are planning to get early picks or teamfights starts breaking out early, and so you need to be an useful carry as early as possible, then MoM is the right choice. Because as RossenX mentions, it nearly doubles the damage output.
But if the game is going slowly or you want to gank early then HotD is of most use. Stacking ancients nearly doubles GPM, which has obvious benefit in the mid-lategame. Centaur Khan is going to help you a lot with those ganks (+20 damage and 5 armor ain't that bad either).
I have not played that much Drow Ranger, so I consider this guide quite helpful, +1 :)
The movement and attack speed from
As for frost arrow i mainly use it in the start so that the other team can get a easy kill on him, it's mostly as a support-role to begin with and later on becomes sometimes i actually use to take down people on my own.
Thanks guys!
People mainly get HotD to stack ancients and jungle, or build it into Satanic. MoM can backfire really hard, so I don't like this choice because you are squishy and people like to target you. If your team has enough team fight potential it might be good, but HotD is much safer.
Thank you for the +1! :D I've had a ****-load of fun playing the
A +1 from me though.