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7 Votes

Drow Ranger

December 21, 2011 by Vexxed
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kumquat (15) | December 22, 2011 1:21am
HamSandwich wrote:

Stats + Trueshot Aura is a perfectly fine skillbuild in a trilane.

Yeah, like I said, it's good in a Luna/Vengeeful trilane because of the synergy your auras have, but in a duo lane, or solo bot, your utility is much more useful because of the utility you bring to ganks. I pretty much exclusively play roaming gankers like Chen/Venomancer/Zeus and it always makes me rage when our Drow goes stats and aura because she brings absolutely nothing to any of the ganks and then complains when I don't net her kills or gank her lane -.-

Cheers for the comments, i'm not an experienced player of the game which is why i've started a guide with the dead simple basics. I'm not going to attempt to write about things that i'm not 100% about myself yet, my goal was to simply share my opinion of a good item and skill build, this build works best for me and may be the case for other players I leave that upto them as everyone is entitled to their own opinion of what is better. I will be adding more when I find time to and when I have better knowledge myself.

Sorry, but I am completely against that build. It's a very selfish build that doesn't even work nearly as well as a frost shot one does unless you are trilaning. This is going to receive a downvote from me. Sorry.
HamSandwich (34) | December 21, 2011 3:10pm
Stats + Trueshot Aura is a perfectly fine skillbuild in a trilane.
OneSantaPlz | December 21, 2011 7:30am
Max Frostarrows, they are needed to orbwalk (slow the enemy and walking towards him all the time) and get some kills with a lane partner.
Silence is taken next to help out in teamfights.

Damage Aura is also applied on your ranged creep, he will start pushing the lane, that is something you dont want to do.

You pick lifesteal as orb effect. Your Frostarrows are an orb themselfs, and if you look at my comment above this one, frost arrows is the way to go.

In my humble opinion, skip the Helm of Dominator and the Shadowblade. if you think about it: Shadow Blade does not give survivability. Semidecent opponents will buy dust and sentry wards.

A cloak is never a bad idea with the amount of magic damage in this game.

Thanks to the orbwalking you can get a Monkey King Bar, you will snipe a lot of hp of the enemy.
Also think about a Black King Bar. The magic immunity keeps you in the game.
Sarcy (27) | December 21, 2011 7:30am
Good item build, but as has already been stated you should not max trueshot aura first :) stats for drow are powerful as is her frost arrow and especially her silence! Good guide though keep working on it!
Vexxed (3) | December 21, 2011 6:15am
Cheers for the comments, i'm not an experienced player of the game which is why i've started a guide with the dead simple basics. I'm not going to attempt to write about things that i'm not 100% about myself yet, my goal was to simply share my opinion of a good item and skill build, this build works best for me and may be the case for other players I leave that upto them as everyone is entitled to their own opinion of what is better. I will be adding more when I find time to and when I have better knowledge myself.
kumquat (15) | December 21, 2011 5:17am
^ This.

You can't underestimate her silence or her frost slow. Her utility is her greatest asset, and allows her to be extremely useful when your teammates gank your lane. Otherwise, all you have is a ****ty aura that boosts your damage by a little bit and contributes not much else. Your aura is good to max out if you are in a trilane with Vengeful spirit and Luna for example, but without that huge, overall bonus, you are contributing very little because it scales off of how effective your items are.

Outside of that, your guide lacks depth. Anyone can give an item build, but you don't explain why that item build is good. Your goal is to convince us that you are right. On top of that, this is supposed to be a guide to playing Drow. There is much more to playing a hero than what items to buy. Talk about her early game, her strengths, her weaknesses, where to stand in a fight, who to target, how to use your silence, how to orb walk, map awareness, using the courier, how to stack creeps, etc. I won't downvote, because there isn't anything blatantly wrong about this guide (Although I don't agree with your skill build), but I would like to see you flesh it out a bit more before you get my vote. :)

You don't have to write pages upon pages upon pages about Drow, but there is definitely more to her than a couple of sentences. You need to act as if the person you are talking to knows absolutely NOTHING about Drow.
BoredomIsFun (12) | December 21, 2011 4:18am
Do not max true shot aura first! Max it last! (before stats), this is due to the aura not really affect your damage until you get your items, by then it will be late game!
Do not underestimate the silence my friend.
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