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5 Votes

drow PWNAGE 20++ kill build

September 30, 2012 by xTimekeepeRx
Comments: 5    |    Views: 12953    |   

Hero Build

DotA2 Hero: Drow Ranger

Hero Skills

Precision Aura (Innate)

Frost Arrows




1 3 5 7


6 11 16


2 4 9 10 12 13 14 15 17 18

drow PWNAGE 20++ kill build

September 30, 2012


Hi my name is xTimekeepeRx. drow ranger is my first and favorite hero in dota. i have been playing drow for long time so i know all about this hero.

i think i can invent new strat for drow that people will own with after reading!!!

Item reasoning

Eye of Skadi:
This is an excellent item for Drow Ranger because of its slow. With the slow you dont need to up frost arrows!!! THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT. 8 to all stats instead of frost arrow = free ulti orb = 2100 gold at level 7!!!! plus u can have more dmg from the aura. The skadi slow is also better than frost arrows, because it slow attack speed and frost arrows dun!!! and it dont cost mana so you can use it for silence.

Sange and yasha:
Drow is the lowest hp heros in dota 2, so you need some str to survive war. Sange is a good item, because it give you like 500 hp means you can take one more finger from heros like lion!!! Also, sange can make the enemy maim, make them bleed plus slow. when this come out together with skadi, the enemy is super slowed like 80%!! Yasha is a good item coz it gives drow movespeed, then drow can chase the enemy better, and the enemy cannot chase u easily.

mask of madness:
Sometimes in fight, some people like void or pa will want to 1v1 u. this means u need lifesteal, coz u can steal thier life and u wont die.

drow ranger. the best part about this item is that it stack with sny and skadi. when the lightning come out, the slow dont. this makes it a good item bcoz ur enemy dont expect lightning, sometimes they on ghost scepter and the lightning come out = they die - kill for u!!! Also, drow is bad at killing creep cos she dont have any aoe skill. with mjolnir, creeps is easy business!

Boots of travel:
This is the fastest move boot in the game, and it is more expensive, so if u have money, why not???

Ethearel blade:
EB is a end game item for drow, because when u reach level 16 u have ur lvl 3 ulti = 45 agility. this means u are the highest agility hero in the game!! when in team fights, a person is dying, you can just use this item to finish them off. TRIPLE KILL!!!! Also when u have mjolnir, and then you EB them, they will take extra damage from the lightning.


Early game:
in first 20 min of game, it is important to last hit all the creep!! sometimes if you get killed dun worry, just go back to the lane and keep farming. eventually when u have ulti they will be scared, because ur dmg increase +15

Mid game:
when in mid game, just get all the creep again. u must wait until the creep red hp, then u attack them = gold

end game:

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