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24 Votes

Drain your veins

January 16, 2012 by Lionbone
Comments: 16    |    Views: 46391    |   

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Atticus | December 5, 2012 3:34pm
Skill build makes me sad in the pants.
So does the item build.

The force staff is just about the only thing I agree with. :(
TonyJ#237828 | June 13, 2012 11:53am
dagon is better than force staff
CrixOMix | March 23, 2012 2:14pm
Umm. You're supposed to bloodrage yourself... Mask of madness + lvl 4 bloodrage makes you a killing machine... Not getting bloodrage lvl 4 is a ridiculous idea.
Nexcore | March 18, 2012 12:43pm
Poor Man's Shield is pretty useless if you ask my opinion, better save that money or spend it on a wraith band, and you can level rage earlier if you're confident with your diet(fed), jungling mostly sucks on bloodseeker because he can murder enemy int heroes or carries easily. Especially after getting force staff.
kratrz | February 27, 2012 12:50pm

I vomited looking at this item build. Please don't follow this.
SkyneT800 (1) | February 10, 2012 1:19pm
That was literally my response. Rush blade mail. It's THEE best item on blood hunter. You have innate max move speed buff, you do not need SNY ever. Push staff is only gimmicky, along with basher.

Build order is poor man shield > blade mail > power treads > bkb > mjollnir or eth blade
Superninja (2) | February 10, 2012 9:55am
dotad why so negative?
SkyneT800 (1) | February 9, 2012 11:35am
I vomited looking at this item build. Please don't follow this.
Vexxed (3) | January 31, 2012 5:37pm
Apart from the lack of Radiance there isn't much to disagree with here! I feel very comfortable with this skill build, I just tend not to upgrade the shield and go Force Staff > Radiance, will be sure to check out Ethereal Blade though. +1.
SkyneT800 (1) | January 27, 2012 9:42am
You need Blade mail, other wise with a push staff build, go straight for ethereal blade after force staff.
LuvLes (32) | January 17, 2012 10:41am
HamSandwich wrote:

Never get 2 Stout Shields.

Here's the math:

1 stout shield: 60% chance to block 20dmg, 40% chance to block 0dmg
2 stout shield: 84% chance to block 20dmg, 16% chance to block 0dmg

1 vangaurd: 70% chance to block 40dmg, 30% chance to block 0dmg
2 vanguard: 91% chance to block 40dmg, 9% chance to block 0dmg

1 stout, then 1 vg: 70% chance to block 40dmg, 18% chance to block 20dmg
1 vg, then 1 stout: 28% chance to block 40dmg, 60% chance to block 20dmg
Both have 12% chance to block 0dmg.
I remember reading this before on an Axe guide and I always grab two on him, so I know. Just saying, there is no point in spending 300 gold when you are not even changing anything in the form of mitigation. Maybe a little armor, damage and attack speed, but the creator of the guide was suggesting that it is better in the jungle than a regular Stout Shield. He would be better off getting two Stout Shields than a PMS for jungling.
HamSandwich (34) | January 17, 2012 10:07am
Never get 2 Stout Shields.

Here's the math:

1 stout shield: 60% chance to block 20dmg, 40% chance to block 0dmg
2 stout shield: 84% chance to block 20dmg, 16% chance to block 0dmg

1 vangaurd: 70% chance to block 40dmg, 30% chance to block 0dmg
2 vanguard: 91% chance to block 40dmg, 9% chance to block 0dmg

1 stout, then 1 vg: 70% chance to block 40dmg, 18% chance to block 20dmg
1 vg, then 1 stout: 28% chance to block 40dmg, 60% chance to block 20dmg
Both have 12% chance to block 0dmg.
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