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6 Votes

Dragon Knight- Simple effective build

April 21, 2013 by Egor190
Comments: 8    |    Views: 76723    |   

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NYX assassin | March 26, 2015 6:59pm
so many ways to play dragon knight i really would like to test a silly build-full hp regeneration... like Pipe of Insight (must be a situational) plus 9 hp per second mekanism Satanic armlet Bloodstone because some hp regen and MANA! and tp boots i would regen hp like a boss but this is no case viable way to play this hero so jim ben doto plz
dday | June 3, 2013 4:01am
make264 wrote:

Nice guide I just played with DK and used this build and it went well but at start i had troubles with mana so I would buy soul ring or something cheap for regen. I suggest you add friends/enemies section and put some color there somewhere and explain when to get some of those situational items like soul ring.

I bought the ring many times, its nice for mana and fire spanmming, but indeed your build-up slows down then. Its better in economical sense to buy a clarity, maybe 2, and be careful with mana in the beginning. Later on, leveled up, theres no prob with mana in my experience.
dday | May 29, 2013 2:08pm
This one works 4 a beginner like me (lvl 8) Its a winner, tx!

Edit: won again, its a nice guide really... I'm eager to see your follow up, especially mid-section.
make264 | April 24, 2013 8:41am
Little things but I think it would look nicer and easier to read if you had pros and cons after introduction not after items.
E: I forgot to tell that you should add enemies.
cROSF1Re (1) | April 23, 2013 7:26am
Good guide. And i agree with Smargoos. And in addition I believe soul ring is a must for mana, hp, ganking and spamming purposes. And I always (or usually) buy these when i go out: Soul Ring Recipe, Gauntlets of strengthx2 or a QB and some Tangos or sth. So this means an early soul is easily made without having to go back home and buy it. +1 though
Egor190 | April 22, 2013 7:16pm
Ive addressed a lot of that now. What else am I missing?
Sando (118) | April 21, 2013 8:17am
Overall I like the build, but think Armlet of Mordiggian and Helm of the Dominator are worth a shout as situational items - they can both be very helpful.
make264 | April 21, 2013 4:11am
Nice guide I just played with DK and used this build and it went well but at start i had troubles with mana so I would buy soul ring or something cheap for regen. I suggest you add friends/enemies section and put some color there somewhere and explain when to get some of those situational items like soul ring.
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