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5 Votes

Dragon Knight - Classic Build

July 20, 2012 by Verdey
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Pineapple2407 | April 1, 2013 5:39am
Getting dragon tail first is the best
Its almost a guaranteed kill lvl 1 if you have a good disable on your teammate (Venomancer,Sven,Lina,Crystal Maiden,Vengeful Spirit)
Verdey | August 13, 2012 8:21am
Flamefist wrote:

Always get Dragon Tail at level 1. It's meaningless to get Breathe Fire, it's simple math: you'll deal 90 Magic Damage (67.5 to Heroes, even worse) and on top of that, spending 100 mana, which is half of what you start with. Definitely not worth it. Getting the stun will 1) save you from first blood attempts in a 2v3 or 1v3 early gank 2) get a guarantee first blood in a 3v2 and sometimes in a 2v2 if your mate have a nice stun like Vengeful Spirit.

Not to say it's the biggest level 1 stun in the game (2.5 seconds, this is a steal, making DK that much powerful and feared right after he step out of the Fountain).

Item build is fine, except for Vanguard. He doesn't need it. With that much gold you could get better items, like half way through BKB (Ogre Axe alone will give you 190 HP for 1k gold).

Just my 2 cents though... not saying your build doesn't work!


One word : Radius !
Thank you for pointing out this and giving me feedback, I will enhance this build with your advices, especially the vanguard part.
Flamefist | August 11, 2012 6:19pm
Always get Dragon Tail at level 1. It's meaningless to get Breathe Fire, it's simple math: you'll deal 90 Magic Damage (67.5 to Heroes, even worse) and on top of that, spending 100 mana, which is half of what you start with. Definitely not worth it. Getting the stun will 1) save you from first blood attempts in a 2v3 or 1v3 early gank 2) get a guarantee first blood in a 3v2 and sometimes in a 2v2 if your mate have a nice stun like Vengeful Spirit.

Not to say it's the biggest level 1 stun in the game (2.5 seconds, this is a steal, making DK that much powerful and feared right after he step out of the Fountain).

Item build is fine, except for Vanguard. He doesn't need it. With that much gold you could get better items, like half way through BKB (Ogre Axe alone will give you 190 HP for 1k gold).

Just my 2 cents though... not saying your build doesn't work!

Verdey | July 31, 2012 2:34pm
doom_creator wrote:

would it be good if i use mjollnir?

I guess it could be interesting as a luxury item, otherwise don't rush it.
Thanks everyone for your comments and votes :)
doom_creator | July 30, 2012 5:57am
would it be good if i use mjollnir?
Frodo007 (2) | July 24, 2012 4:47am
What to say bad about it ... ^ ^
good item build, but my first skill would be Dragon Tail. :)
All in all good guide ;)
rabellof (2) | July 20, 2012 8:08pm
Good guide!+1
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