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DPS Treant Protector

January 25, 2013 by MrDrWho
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Wraa | July 3, 2013 9:51pm
Solid DPS Tree build:
Start with 2 gauntlets, tangos, and the rest in branches.
Early: Tranquil Boots(Trust me), Urn of Shadows, Wand, Orb of Venom
Ganking Phase: Medallion of Courage & Mask of Madness
Initiation: One of the following: Rod of Atos(my favorite), Shadowblade(no joke its a good escape and plays mindgames with your natural invis), Blink Dagger(always great)
Beef Up for Lategame: Sange->Heaven's Halberd, or Sange->Sange&Yasha
Lategame Mobility: Boots of Travel upgrade from Tranquils
Finally: Heart or Eye of Skadi.

early you rely on tranquil boots to keep your hp up, and use your living armor on allies in other lanes. Urn gives you a fantastic burst heal or an average 150 pure damage dot to secure kills that would have otherwise escaped you.

during the ganking phase you can sacrifice your tankiness for offense. Just use medallion and mask of madness wisely because they take you from tanky to average. Gank with full mana so you can invis yourself...then use wand and a clarity potion WHILE INVIS to replenish some of that missing mana for your leech seed and ultimate combo.

Only use your ultimate AFTER leech seed has worn off.

Using the money from the ganking phase, you pick up a solid initiation item. choice here is yours... but I love the rod of atos chained with leach seed.

Now you want to beef up your damage AND TANKINESS again, so you get a Sange.
Turning that into a S&Y gives you attackspeed(always good) and movespeed you may need if you are going to skip boots of travel. Heaven's Halbard is amazing chained with your ultimate (which is also a disarm)... between these two they aren't gonna hit you anytime soon.

Boots of Travel gives you global presence and really beefs up your GPM...

Which allows you to afford one final dps item. Eye of Skadi on tree is amazing.
Heart is what some people prefer though... both of these give you not only dmg but tankiness which allows you to continue using your mask of madness & medallion of courage when facing strong physical damage.
Targnil (1) | June 28, 2013 8:39am
hmm, I agree this guide isn't the best, but then again, it does emphasize treant's ridiculously high starting damage, it gives you almost 100 damage to start out with.
SuperNova (16) | January 28, 2013 6:29am
Do it as soon as possible, I really want to have a solid build on dps tree.
xCO2 (72) | January 28, 2013 5:25am
MrDrWho wrote:

is there an official way to show you how I did or just me giving you the numbers. I am new to this site still.

Simply find a recent game and copy+paste the number of the match ID and we can find the replay.
MrDrWho | January 27, 2013 10:36pm
is there an official way to show you how I did or just me giving you the numbers. I am new to this site still.
SuperNova (16) | January 27, 2013 4:16am
Could you please post some of your games? I want to see how you play them, I honestly am intrigued by the idea of dps treant as treant has huge base damage.
MrDrWho | January 26, 2013 11:07am
My only this is since I don't need the tangos (most of the time) because of living armor. And for the clarity since the only thing I am using in my lane is living armor at 25 mana I just can't justify buying those items. I rather just take that 150 gold and work towards power treads.

One last thing I am willing to try new things this build is a work in progress and I encourage you guys to help me out and hopefully make guilds for Treant yourself. He is my favorite hero and all I want is to play him better.

Also, thanks for being the only one not just insulting me and just giving me advice. Thanks also for the advice about rushing radiance. I realize after you said that it was a no brainer.
xCO2 (72) | January 26, 2013 9:36am
My suggestion is that if starting a belt is that big for you, you still have 150 gold, get a tango and a clarity as well.
SuperNova (16) | January 26, 2013 8:51am
MrDrWho wrote:

I use Belt so i can work towards getting my boots faster. Also, the only reason I made this was because I have done this build and it works. I have played 5 or 6 games like this and it works. I'm sorry that you didn't like it, but thanks for the input.

Links please and what skill-bracket are you in? We need proof to take this seriously.
MrDrWho | January 25, 2013 8:49am
I use Belt so i can work towards getting my boots faster. Also, the only reason I made this was because I have done this build and it works. I have played 5 or 6 games like this and it works. I'm sorry that you didn't like it, but thanks for the input.
rocky (4) | January 25, 2013 8:37am
Is this a joke? I'm honestly not sure.

Belt of strength = 6 str = 450 Gold
2x Gauntlet + 3x branch = 9 str / 3 agl / 3 int = 444 Gold

And even then it would be a terrible build.
Also rofl @ skill/item build in general
xCO2 (72) | January 25, 2013 7:44am
You need a set of starting items, not just a belt. Also if you're getting Radiance you rush it. So your priority would be Relic > Hyperstone, and if you get Radiance first then just change the order of the items instead of having to make a note above it.

You also should always start with your escape if you're gonna be ranked a 1 or 2 in farm. I recommend picking up an early Q, even if you do find it ineffective, a point could save your life.
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