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14 Votes

DOTA2 Console Commands

November 30, 2011 by LuvLes
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klamka.357 | February 22, 2012 12:07pm
dota_range_display #
Displays a ring around the hero at the specified radius
LuvLes (32) | December 1, 2011 9:38am
Swordz wrote:

Then you could change the name to "Usefull Dota 2 commands"? It looked like it's every command.

Have you tried the "play" command? You extract the sound from the .vpk and use "play (path to the sound)". I haven't understood what you meant by playing voice overs so sorry if it's not it.

Actually I never specified, so it could be anywhere between none to all, it's simply a guide name. If you want every command, you can do it yourself. find ________ or cvaslist _____

And yes, play *vo\lina\lina_cm_15.mp3 for instance, will tell you that you are adopted. Sadly however, the voice overs for the other heroes that are soon to be released cannot be played. However you can hear their attack and spell sound effects if you wanted, if you are that desperate: play )weapons/hero/bane/enfeeble.wav

But again, who would really want to know all of that.
Swordz (2) | December 1, 2011 9:31am

If I wanted to, I could put the entire actual list, but that wouldn't do much except for the guys who want to try and be nerdy, like it's cool or something. This is just a list of ones that everyone can find useful.

Like right now I'm trying to figure out if I can play voice overs from heroes that aren't released yet, not luck so far. They are there, but someone is preventing them from playing.

Then you could change the name to "Usefull Dota 2 commands"? It looked like it's every command.

Have you tried the "play" command? You extract the sound from the .vpk and use "play (path to the sound)". I haven't understood what you meant by playing voice overs so sorry if it's not it.
mcus (2) | December 1, 2011 7:10am
I think default is 250 (weaver level 1 with 457 hp only had 1 bar division) thanks though, very helpful for a wave forming Morphling! ;)
Leech (25) | December 1, 2011 1:54am
Nevermind, i was looking in my steam files not my actual steam client, derp.
Leech (25) | November 30, 2011 12:38pm
There's no "Set Launch Options" for me in General Properties or any other tab for the Dota 2 beta application. Do I need to enable something before hand?
LuvLes (32) | November 30, 2011 10:27am
Swordz wrote:

Here's all console commands. Just take attention to the ones that begin with cl_ , mat_ , mp_ and sv_, as pretty much only those are on dota.

If I wanted to, I could put the entire actual list, but that wouldn't do much except for the guys who want to try and be nerdy, like it's cool or something. This is just a list of ones that everyone can find useful.

Like right now I'm trying to figure out if I can play voice overs from heroes that aren't released yet, not luck so far. They are there, but someone is preventing them from playing.
Swordz (2) | November 30, 2011 9:24am

Here's all console commands. Just take attention to the ones that begin with cl_ , mat_ , mp_ and sv_, as pretty much only those are on dota.
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