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29 Votes

Dota Etiquette - How to win games and have fun

April 19, 2016 by Sando
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Rubaboo | May 25, 2014 9:52am
Great job with this guide. I heavily respect you trying to encourage good behavior within the community. Thanks, and keep it up.

LG_Fox_Brazil (5) | October 27, 2013 1:34pm
+ 1 Amazing guide, I just wished everybody read it. Keep it up
K-A-I | October 23, 2013 8:48am
Nice post, we all know this deep inside but we sometimes forget our manners.

But on the bright side of things the dota community is much more loving now than what it was.
I've played warcraft 3 ever since it came out 10 YEARS AGO !! yeah been a while now.
I remember when dota came out around 2005 (not sure when exacly it started getting popular.)
There was a big division on the servers between the dota players and the ladder players always insulting each other at the end of dota games and calling out other players to a 1v1 ladder or dota.
i'm sure i'm not the only one who remembers those days.

It was bad. Even to the point where i got banned from one of my clans because i beat the clan cheiftain in a dota game.

Those days are long gone. Lot's of improovement has been made by steam to make the game much more enjoyable.

I was always impressed by the calmness of pro gamers. At the end of the day it is just a game. :)
Mirror (22) | October 19, 2013 10:53am
- Especially if you're in a support role, help out your team with an Animal Courier, Observer Ward, share consumables if necessary.

You can no longer share consumables.

Also the kyxv video crashed my phone's safari 3 times when I tried to load this page. That was a pain.

Other than that great job! We all should be dota gentlemen like Sando.
Sando (118) | October 9, 2013 3:37pm
Thanks for the feedback guys, glad to help :)

I thought anger management was covered in a roundabout sense (being polite, making suggestions, staying calm when annoyed) rather than having it's own section. Basically getting angry won't get you what you want, be constructive.

And you're absolutely right on the picking phase - but this is more of a strategy/composition issue than strictly an etiquette issue, so I haven't really touched on it for brevity (plenty of other guides on here do that). And yes, it is damned annoying when your team make terrible picks/no courier etc. Again, the key here is to make suggestions on picks/formations, hopefully people will take them on board.
Yosiu | October 9, 2013 11:16am
Any thoughts on picking phase ?
I'm tired of people waiting with their picks to very end and then go with random character. I think a good manner would be to take random fast or don't do it at all.
Also when picking as 5th you should pick hero having in mind team composition. If team needs a support take it, not 4th carry.
I can play with even very bad/noob players, but i can't stand sick team compositions which make games lost from start of the game.
Meph0 | October 9, 2013 4:37am
Sando wrote:

Thanks xC02 - yeah I should mention something about "surrendering". Anything else I've missed guys?

Unless surrender is singleminded across the whole team, you just always play whether you mess up your KDA or not. People should play for fun and team with huge advantage does mistakes and dives crazily which makes up for iteresting dota even if you loose.

"gg wp ff, i'm AFK" should be punishable by report, doubly so if it's "fake call" or if it happens before midgame even starts and t2s are intact.

Overall decent dotiquette, wish 10% of peopre followed these basic rules.
Overall, I find that people in higher skill brackets are more mannered, but far less forgiving.
It ain't a good idea to join with high skill teammate as noob and then feed enemy team and misplay badly.

What I lacked in this guide is basics of anger management, either yours (we are people, we rage) or teammates (just ignore it and play your best).
Debrous | October 7, 2013 4:29pm
Really nice job, you're bringing hope among the Dota 2 community !
Sando (118) | October 7, 2013 2:30am
Added some new sections, as advised. Thanks for the positive feedback guys :).

Think Wisdomeyes has answered your question there Thomas - the only good news is that the opposition are probably doing it too :). The best you can try is "stop auto-attacking please, it's pushing the lane". They may or may not get it.
Wisdomseyes1 (8) | October 6, 2013 5:56pm
Thomaslamchorin: that will go away as you go into higher matchmaking.

I personally don't like playing carry, and in lower levels of gameplay especially playing a heavy nuking support will basically win you the game.

By having a team member who is good early and doesn't need last hits, you can find your team in a favorable position.

Lion, warlock, and crystal maiden come to mind as really really good low level supports (lion because of his ease to play and heavy nuke/disabling, crystal maiden because she counters a lot of popular low level heroes, and warlock because of his ult and new players tendency to 5 man early)

People not knowing how to last hit or with poor communication skills will go away, it just takes a bit of time and a few games under your belt.

EDITED: sorry about that I was on a phone
thomaslamchorin | October 6, 2013 2:12pm
One of the biggest problems that I have faced is that everybody on my team wants to play carry but nobody knows how to last hit. Is there a way I can tell them to not autoattack creeps, or do I just have to live with it?
dynasty987 (6) | October 4, 2013 6:46pm
I'd potentially add something about flaming in all chat. I will always wait for people when they've DC'd unless I've been flamed in all chat in which case they can do one. If you might want 5 people to wait for your friend, best not to alientate them.
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