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Dota 101 for the Young Dota-er

December 5, 2014 by papa_akar
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papa_akar (1) | December 24, 2014 7:37am
LordPetrus wrote:

I'd put Dragon Knight as a hero to play too. The reason being is he teaches you to be effective in teamfights and isn't difficult to learn (although to master is another story).

As a not to play, consider adding Antimage, because like Void he needs loads of farm and you have to be decent at last hitting.

Thanks for the feedback! I didn't want to make the list so overwhelming but I think Dragon Knight would be a good addition to the list.
LordPetrus | December 17, 2014 10:08pm
I'd put Dragon Knight as a hero to play too. The reason being is he teaches you to be effective in teamfights and isn't difficult to learn (although to master is another story).

As a not to play, consider adding Antimage, because like Void he needs loads of farm and you have to be decent at last hitting.
papa_akar (1) | December 8, 2014 7:13am
eeon wrote:

BB is short for buyback. CS is short for counter strike:p aaa, the good old days..
Anyway, keep up the god work. You should talk about item, at least the starting items, I saw a lot of people that go to lane without any regen or susteinability.
Oh, one more thing, Pudge is not the best ganker in the game, if you miss the hook the gank is done. Night Stalker imo is the best. Imo=in my opinion.
And you guys should always call miss, like "mid ss".
Gl hf

Thanks, btw, I put in that pudge is "one of the best" not "The Best" for your exact same reason there. To be honest, I've never seen CS stand for "counter-strike" in a Dota context, I've only seen it used as "creep-score". I will also add a section about starting items. Thanks for your input!
eeon (6) | December 7, 2014 8:40pm
BB is short for buyback. CS is short for counter strike:p aaa, the good old days..
Anyway, keep up the god work. You should talk about item, at least the starting items, I saw a lot of people that go to lane without any regen or susteinability.
Oh, one more thing, Pudge is not the best ganker in the game, if you miss the hook the gank is done. Night Stalker imo is the best. Imo=in my opinion.
And you guys should always call miss, like "mid ss".
Gl hf
papa_akar (1) | December 7, 2014 12:51pm
Bunkansee wrote:

I think you need to work on the Cons for some of the recommended heroes, I play Crystal Maiden a lot, and she definitely isn't just weak because of her slow speed. Believe it or not she actually has really bad mana problems, she absolutely cannot cast Crystal Nova, Frostbite and Freezing Field at level 6 because her mana pool is incredibly small. She is also extremely squishy, low armour, low health.

Just add a couple more cons to everybody, if a brand new dota player reads this they need to know all the things wrong with the suggested starting heroes.

Thanks! I don't play Chrystal Maiden a lot so I am not familliar with her. I will also add some cons.
Bunkansee (32) | December 7, 2014 5:45am
I think you need to work on the Cons for some of the recommended heroes, I play Crystal Maiden a lot, and she definitely isn't just weak because of her slow speed. Believe it or not she actually has really bad mana problems, she absolutely cannot cast Crystal Nova, Frostbite and Freezing Field at level 6 because her mana pool is incredibly small. She is also extremely squishy, low armour, low health.

Just add a couple more cons to everybody, if a brand new dota player reads this they need to know all the things wrong with the suggested starting heroes.
Unscathed (47) | December 5, 2014 10:09pm
Razor not squishy

Lich no cons? Put squishy
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