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If he says a RoB delays the Midas, I think he would say a
As for the item icons, put double square brackets to highlight items and Heroes: ((Iron Branch)), with square brackets, becomes
Really you need 120 mana per minute in order to keep using
Where's the love for
Well, it's one of those situations where you need to invest in order to make more money. Doom has a very small mana pool, and rubbish starting intelligence (13). His mana regen is 0.04 * 13 = 0.52 per second, or about 30 per minute.
Really you need 120 mana per minute in order to keep using
Having to go back to the fountain to recharge is very inefficient, it's probably about a minute round trip even from the edge of the jungle - that's a minute with no farm and no xp. Getting RoB allows you to stay in the jungle all the time (bar ganks), hence it will pay for itself in no time. Also handy for ensuring you have mana for escaping, ganking lanes etc. Speculate to accumulate.
You can look here for how to use graphics, hero links etc.
I'll try it in game and see whether is it worth to buy. Is there a list where I can know all the icon, skill and hero code?
Really you need 120 mana per minute in order to keep using
Having to go back to the fountain to recharge is very inefficient, it's probably about a minute round trip even from the edge of the jungle - that's a minute with no farm and no xp. Getting RoB allows you to stay in the jungle all the time (bar ganks), hence it will pay for itself in no time. Also handy for ensuring you have mana for escaping, ganking lanes etc. Speculate to accumulate.
You can look here for how to use graphics, hero links etc.
What he said :)
Because buying this item will actually delay the hand of midas so I actually choose to skip this item, you ask the similar question as the 1st reply, I have wrote the reason why I didn't buy this. And I rarely go for vladmir offering because my aim is to become a semi carry and vladmir would be a waste of slot. If it's a supporter doom and I will get that ittem, but ofc it depend on the situation.
There are some problems with your build:
1. No
2. Jungling using the small camp. You know, supports need to pull to get experience: by stealing the small camp you prevent your team's carry (which should be laning in the side lane close to the jungle with a support) from having a good laning phase, plus you make your support get very little experience or steal it from the carry. You can easily jungle using the medium and big camps near the mid lane (Radiant side) or close to the tier 1 tower top (Dire side): it's not difficult, as long as you have enough mana to cast
By the way,
I would also remove
Previously I actually try Ring of Basilius but I just want to get the hand of midas ASAP and some game enemy won't allowed you to farm that long, every minute is your gold time. As the meta game changed since 6.79, the game ended much quicker than before. I have encounter many times that enemies are breaking our middle lane at around 20 minutes point, and thus I don't take risk for going Ring of Basilius. 2 - 3 minutes mean a lot to me, and I actually went back base once for sure at the early game stage around lv3-4 after using most of the mana and hp.
2. I guess I didn't write to farm the small camp, I'm just telling that the camp have switch since 6.79 patch and you can't do it anymore. Maybe I should have added there, thanks for letting me know.
Lastly, how come you are having all those item icon? Any easy way for me to do it? My guided seems to be very long because there are a lot of word without any icons.
1. No
2. Jungling using the small camp. You know, supports need to pull to get experience: by stealing the small camp you prevent your team's carry (which should be laning in the side lane close to the jungle with a support) from having a good laning phase, plus you make your support get very little experience or steal it from the carry. You can easily jungle using the medium and big camps near the mid lane (Radiant side) or close to the tier 1 tower top (Dire side): it's not difficult, as long as you have enough mana to cast
By the way,
I would also remove