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June 9, 2016 by xRiotZx
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Catapam | July 5, 2016 6:48am
The math about the 2700 dmg is just wrong. You cannot assume that the enemy has 0 armor while you have ac/deso. Usually you just reduce their armor a bit. It should not be the case that they have negative armor at the point where you have agha + deso/ac. Otherwise it is a stomp anyway...
YellulzQuiet (8) | June 9, 2016 2:56pm
Scrub guide
Do you know the strengh off Jug ? is because he has a 1.4 BAT (you hardly mentioned this in your guide and you should even know what is it) and a Critic that sinergy far better with agility/AS than damage itself.

You are not Faceless Void and you should not be building Aghs just for CD, what if you have an 70 cd ult ? my Euls/Ghost scepter/Glimmer have a far better cd and i am just a sup :0), also jug atacks between slashs, so one more time, AS has faaaaaaar synergy with him, this build of yours only should work in 3 digit mmr where supports does not buy defensive itens AT ALL.

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xRiotZx | June 10, 2016 8:03am
I just wanted to clear this up. If you know a player on their team has built ghost scepter or euls, DON'T F****ING ULTI THEM UNLESS THEY'RE AROUND THEIR TEAM, or you definitively know the item is on cooldown, because you saw them use it.

Glimmer cape is negligible, sentry wards, gem, dust etc.
ChiChi (47) | June 9, 2016 5:54pm
Wow mate this comment is so salted it's hard to get through it to the actual point, and it's an important one so let's concentrate on that instead of calling scrubness shall we? :)

Now I do agree that Aghanim's Scepter, while it can be good sometimes on Jugg, is not a must-have. Did you check some recently competitive games with him btw, Riotz? You will see that they usually go for either a build that allows you to farm better into late game (Battlefury) or the fighting build, going around things like Sange and Yasha, Blink Dagger and damage items, just to make sure you can dish out damage while also surviving. You say you have no idea why people go for this item, but surely people that are 3k ahead of us and that play as their life job know what they are doing right?

Now I'm not a Jugg player, so I can't help a lot on explaining you why this is almost always better then rush an Aghs, but I'm sure other people here can (including Yellulz, that has a point when he says supports can easily kite you if you go for this build). And still what you said about this being an effective build in low pubs could be right - but do we want to be settling into low pub stomps or to actually get better, more effective builds? :)
xRiotZx | June 9, 2016 10:40pm
ChiChi wrote:
Wow mate this comment is so salted it's hard to get through it to the actual point, and it's an important one so let's concentrate on that instead of calling scrubness shall we? :)

Now I do agree that Aghanim's Scepter, while it can be good sometimes on Jugg, is not a must-have. Did you check some recently competitive games with him btw, Riotz? You will see that they usually go for either a build that allows you to farm better into late game (Battlefury) or the fighting build, going around things like Sange and Yasha, Blink Dagger and damage items, just to make sure you can dish out damage while also surviving. You say you have no idea why people go for this item, but surely people that are 3k ahead of us and that play as their life job know what they are doing right?

Now I'm not a Jugg player, so I can't help a lot on explaining you why this is almost always better then rush an Aghs, but I'm sure other people here can (including Yellulz, that has a point when he says supports can easily kite you if you go for this build). And still what you said about this being an effective build in low pubs could be right - but do we want to be settling into low pub stomps or to actually get better, more effective builds? :)

I've honestly never had issues with being kited. This will come with map awareness, getting behind your enemy and even using smoke situationally. Not to mention there are situations where engagements are forced, and situations where you might be 2v1, and drop your omnislash with aghs and watch them melt. The sheer strength of having aghs in the super early game is hilariously broken, this is just the way I see it, my personal experience with doing this. People will not immediately recognize that the early aghs allows you to win 2v1 fights with ease and they will force engagements with you and all kinds of stupid will occur.

But as far as aghs overall effectiveness, it does diminish into the late game, so the earlier you get it the better, how early though is purely situational.

Building BF or aghs is a huge point of contention among Juggy players, but Jugg is NOT a hard carry, he will get straight up stomped by a Medusa who built properly, or a Phantom Lancer or a Slark in the late game, so getting battlefury on him in order to farm up his typical carry items, butterfly, manta etc, is futile, because you're going to lose in the late game to most baddies anyway.

What I've found is having the massive stacks of armor reduction, at least makes late game fights immensely easier for your teammates and overall makes the damage output of your whole team better.
YellulzQuiet (8) | June 9, 2016 9:11pm
ChiChi wrote:
Wow mate this comment is so salted it's hard to get through it to the actual point, and it's an important one so let's concentrate on that instead of calling scrubness shall we? :)

Now I do agree that Aghanim's Scepter, while it can be good sometimes on Jugg, is not a must-have. Did you check some recently competitive games with him btw, Riotz? You will see that they usually go for either a build that allows you to farm better into late game (Battlefury) or the fighting build, going around things like Sange and Yasha, Blink Dagger and damage items, just to make sure you can dish out damage while also surviving. You say you have no idea why people go for this item, but surely people that are 3k ahead of us and that play as their life job know what they are doing right?

Now I'm not a Jugg player, so I can't help a lot on explaining you why this is almost always better then rush an Aghs, but I'm sure other people here can (including Yellulz, that has a point when he says supports can easily kite you if you go for this build). And still what you said about this being an effective build in low pubs could be right - but do we want to be settling into low pub stomps or to actually get better, more effective builds? :)

Sorry chichi :0/, i had to say those harsh things because dotafire has many misinformation guides, also few people know how to theorycraft in dota comunnity, but i will take easy now

So, what the hero has ? Blade Dance is 35% percent critic of 200% damage, comparing to Mortal Strike of wk(300% critic with 15% chance) and Coup de Grace of PA(15%, 350% critic), we can say that their critic scales far more with Atack damage then Jugg, but jugg also scales far more with AS then PA´s and WK´s critic with Atack speed because he has 35% chance and 1.4 BAT. What does it means ? in the end of the day agility itens such as Difussal Blade , Sange Yasha and Eye of Skadi that give you Atack speed damage and armor does far more than itens that just gives damage and armor reduction like Desolator and Assault Cuirass ( also i think critics in general dont synergy with armor reduction at all, critics go through it).
This image shows efficience per gold, Mask of Madness is on top because it gives pure Atack speed

This graphic shows how Omnislash Damage scales with levels, aghs and Atack speed, if you pay attention you can see that Aghs scales the same as you add 100 AS plus 3 slashs, so MoM scales the same that aghs but for half of the price, also will help you in and out of the ult
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