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9 Votes

DK's Carry Juggernaut Guide

March 16, 2015 by Death Knight X
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michimatsch (26) | March 16, 2015 7:31pm
Well and if you need attackspeed Mjollnir is so much better.
Timminatorr (57) | March 2, 2014 2:04pm
the probem with this hardcarry jugger build is that his skills and stats make him a very mediocre carry.
he is build to push and do it early, then whenever an enemy comes to defend you ommnislash him. when a lot of enemies come you use bladefury to TP out.

you can play him as a hard carry, but it is really not optimal and not really worth writing a guide about. atleast not claiming this guide is just as legit.

but if you want to farm quicker get a maelstrom, the lightning helps and its also good for pushing lanes out. and mjollnir is a great item now that the bounces got buffed.

also S&Y is not a hard carry item and i wouldnt get it on any agi hero exept maybe slark as a situational item.
Death Knight X | December 26, 2013 8:30am
Yasutsuna wrote:

There are a couple things wrong with this guide. At early game, you should be focus on last-hitting. Spamming Blade Fury might get you a kill, but you'll end up pushing too far to the enemies' towers. This is bad, as Juggernaut is relatively squishy early on, let along you don't have Iron Branches on you for survival.

You should opt for a Quelling Blade instead of those Clarity. Carrying one or two is more than enough on Juggernaut. Lately, people have been changing Juggernaut's skill build. Now, getting an early Drums of Endurance is way better than giving him 2 points of stats since it can allow you some mana, survival and movement speed for a First Blood. So, it would be better to spend that one point on Blade Dance and an early Healing Ward.

It is a relatively good guide, but very situational. If you're up against ranged players like Sniper and so on, you can get underfarm pretty easily.

Oh, and you should add Vladmir's Offering, Desolator, Sange and Yasha and Manta Style into his situational items. The reason for them is because against tanky oppenents, you would rather have Desolator rather than Satanic since Vladmir's Offering can cover up for that. Sange and Yasha provides you movement speed and survival as you need it while Manta Style allows more DPS in a late game.

dynasty987 wrote:

Battlefury is situational on jugg, not core. You only get it in games where you plan on farming a lot (and have a team which will create the space for you to do so), and this is only when you are a safelane carry. Otherwise you're better off going for phase, drum, yasha then maybe some more damage/aghs.

Hey guys! What's up.
Just wanted to note that this guide is focused on creating the best Juggernaut presence in team fights. It might be situation, but a Juggernaut that has Sange and Yasha or Desolator and Vladmir's Offering will easily lose to a Juggernaut that has my item build, let alone a decently farmed enemy carry hero such as Phantom Assassin.
I know about the current meta builds and wanted to create a different one, guides shouldn't be a competition on "how to write the same things better".
dynasty987 (6) | December 25, 2013 10:02am
Battlefury is situational on jugg, not core. You only get it in games where you plan on farming a lot (and have a team which will create the space for you to do so), and this is only when you are a safelane carry. Otherwise you're better off going for phase, drum, yasha then maybe some more damage/aghs.
Yasutsuna (51) | December 25, 2013 4:16am
There are a couple things wrong with this guide. At early game, you should be focus on last-hitting. Spamming Blade Fury might get you a kill, but you'll end up pushing too far to the enemies' towers. This is bad, as Juggernaut is relatively squishy early on, let along you don't have Iron Branches on you for survival.

You should opt for a Quelling Blade instead of those Clarity. Carrying one or two is more than enough on Juggernaut. Lately, people have been changing Juggernaut's skill build. Now, getting an early Drums of Endurance is way better than giving him 2 points of stats since it can allow you some mana, survival and movement speed for a First Blood. So, it would be better to spend that one point on Blade Dance and an early Healing Ward.

It is a relatively good guide, but very situational. If you're up against ranged players like Sniper and so on, you can get underfarm pretty easily.

Oh, and you should add Vladmir's Offering, Desolator, Sange and Yasha and Manta Style into his situational items. The reason for them is because against tanky oppenents, you would rather have Desolator rather than Satanic since Vladmir's Offering can cover up for that. Sange and Yasha provides you movement speed and survival as you need it while Manta Style allows more DPS in a late game.
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