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6 Votes

Divine Punishment: Mid Zeus Guide (Updated for 6.87)

April 27, 2016 by not_my_username
Comments: 19    |    Views: 90399    |   

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Vapor24 (1) | April 27, 2016 3:35pm
For skill build, many zeus players build 1 in q, 1 in w, another in q, then proceed to max there w. The reason that they get 2 points in arc lightning is because it gives them the extra lightning procs they need to hit all the creep AND the enemy midlaner. You may want to include this in your guide. Just trying to give you some helpful tips :) -Vapor24
Edit: PS. Do you keep updating your guide like every 5 minutes so it ranks first above my 3 guides? -_-
not_my_username | April 27, 2016 3:53pm
I am adjusting the guide for the current patch and i make a lot of mistakes so I have to go back a lot of times and type some things again. I don't know how this affects other people's guides, and I don't think it should.
Vapor24 (1) | April 27, 2016 5:11pm
Alright haha. Well what are your thoughts on my recommendation for the skill build?
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Tshirt | April 13, 2016 12:26am
This is the best Zeus guide, thanks for sharing man :)
not_my_username | April 24, 2016 6:10am
Thanks man really appreciate it :D
TheSofa (54) | April 7, 2016 7:10am
Hey there! You might want to fix the skill build, you can't have level 4 Lightning Bolt at level 5.

not_my_username | April 8, 2016 3:33am
Thank you! Just fixed it!
TheSofa (54) | April 8, 2016 6:59am
Also, remember to hit "Publish" after you make changes so the rest of the world can see it!

Divine Wrath (2) | April 7, 2016 7:00am
Odd and useless items. Like the starting items. Low mobility means you will be denied the mana from clarity potions. Branches are useless if u don;t turn them into stick or have tango to eat them.FF healing is completely useless and extra dmg for auto attack is laughable. Would be much better to just go no items and fast buy bottle in first 10 seconds of the game.

Refresher + Octarine is a total fail combo also. For more than 1 reason. For once you went a no HP build, so healing twice fast is .....not viable. One stun alone and you are dead in late game. I would understand if u were going to much more HP + blademail. Secondly Core is already reducing cooldown on skills, so on ult also. Practically getting refresher you cancel half effect of the Core. So either pair Refresher with Agh or if u have one certain target in mid pick orchid to max dmg, either go more HP, get bloodstone, Core, blade mail, force staff (not blink, is useless on Zeus late game).

Bad statements :
"The most common mistake people make when playing against zeus is that they make HP boosting items like heart to survive his burst."
Actually that's the most important and deadly vs Zeus. You see, a full team of 1500 HP will die instantly to a smart Zeus with Agh + Refresher, no matter if they have bkb or not, cause Zeus doesn;t even need to come into fight. Zeus's problem is he is nuker, but his nuke can not be sustained on long term. So the main problem for anyone is to get near him. Once you got near Zeus he is in 99% cases dead.
Heart is actually best item vs Zeus for str heroes, as Zeus vs high HP heroes will act as a hit and run ganker. And that's exactly that counters him, going back 10 seconds and regain all HP, while Zeus will not regen his mana at same rate.
not_my_username | April 8, 2016 3:29am
His passive melts high HP heroes like lifestealer's passive does... As i mentioned by casting 6-7 spells in the duration of the fight you take away 50% of the enemies hp only by your passive, which for a 4k hp hero is a lot. In the end your roll in the late game is not to carry your team but deal as much damage as possible. You might not be able to kill them since his passive is based on current HP but still the amounts of damage for their whole team are huge... Refresher is always a viable option for zeus, no matter if you have aghs or not. It lets you cast 7-8 spells in a 2-3 sec window. Blademail is pretty bad on him unless you go full tank items, which i don't recommend. Zeus is not suppose to be inside the heat of battle, his spells range is huge and now even bigger with aether lens. That his main advantage and why he got so popular in the patch. Why build full tank items when you will be so far away from battles casting spells? Also, I accept good critism like yours, but stating something i say as 'fail' is kind of rude... Refresher on zeus is the better aghs. 900 damage instead of 640. Huge difference. I am not saying you should get it every game, I am saying you can get it without pairing it with scepter.
Vapor24 (1) | April 27, 2016 3:38pm
I would say that tank items like Skadi may be a mistake but heart I would disagree. I understand that Zeus can deal % damage but with a heart you can regen all of your health back after getting ulted by a zeus and you have a high enough hp pool to survive a full out zeus combo and run away with you hp back to full.
michimatsch (26) | April 7, 2016 4:04pm
Kyphoid has children?
Dimonychan (43) | April 7, 2016 7:11am
That's so much ******** in one post I can't even tell if you're trolling or really believe in what you've written.
Safecyn (32) | April 7, 2016 3:34pm
Master of constructive criticism here. XD
Blubbles (13) | January 7, 2016 9:09pm
Formatting looks good now! Info looking better too. Will +1
KoDyAbAbA (65) | January 1, 2016 5:12am
ausar, that's because of his third skill. it does just as much damage as his second skill in the late game, and it damages everybody in its radius
Cheese Ausar (1) | December 31, 2015 8:20pm
You say Zeus is all about AOE, but your main damage spell is single-target...
Blubbles (13) | December 31, 2015 4:21pm
Some more detailed explanations would be nice, as well as some formatting. I recommend checking out this formatting guide for future use:

By Dr.D

EDIT: Sorry this seems a bit negative, it has good content, just needs a touch up. GJ
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