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86 Votes

Disruptor the Harassosaurus *6.84c UPDATE*

August 23, 2015 by rufus
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skarzzz | January 11, 2015 3:10am
this a simple yet effective guide. thank you. a lot of great suggestions in the comments too!
RedNinja | January 14, 2014 9:21am
My two cents, having played him 240+ times. His skill build is very situational. Don't assign your first skill point until you have a feel for the dynamic of your lane. You have options for harassing heavily or securing kills for your lane partner. Regarding items, yeah you are pretty much a support - however, your skills are crucial in controlling the direction of the fights.

For the most part, I end up using 2 points on TS, 2 on glympse and 1 kf before lvl6, then usually max out glympse and kf afterwards, depending on how things are going...

As for items, yep, you normally will get the courier, upgrade it and at least one set of wards before you can think of having your mana boots... of course, this is always negotiable with the team :) ask for ppl to pitch in with wards as needed if you desperately need your boots (most ppl will help out).

The rest of the items - oh well, disrutor doesnt need anything else to mess ppl up :) he is that good. I end up getting a mek after boots, if no one does, a mana regen items such as void stone (which I probably use to build eul's quick)...

Veil? I only get it if it helps several heroes on my team and not just me. You will most likely see me playing with the following items: Mana Boots, Wand, Mek and Eul, forcestaff if needed + a s_h_it load of wards, smoke/dust.

If everything goes fantastic, I get a dagon lol - it is just way too fun. Just do this (with care of course) - get close to the enemies just like hey what's up? Eul yourself - they will normally wait for you to get down to mess u up - as you get down, cast ur ult, then kinetic field and get out (you should be able to, easily)... watch, thunder strike whoever u think needs it and if you have dagon, have fun. Surprisingly enough, two things will happen: Either they learn and step away from this, thus u can use it to trick them or two, they dont and they get messed up - badly.

alexan1308 | October 24, 2013 2:22am
I usually max glimpse, as lnog as you have a laning mate with good slow or stun it will work out well(CK, Ursa, skywrath). Juggernaut also works very well for kinetic and glimpse if first blood is your desire.

Also, veil of discord isnt that good on disruptor, i would get it on zeus, Lina or Jakiro, but a mediocre damage nuke and a ulti that you wont always get right does not justify a veil. Better to go mechanism or drums in my opinion. If not i would even go as far as to say dagon is a better option.
Demus | October 24, 2013 1:53am
also, fun little trick: glimpse heroes that just TP in back to their fountain :) gives your carry 1 more wave of undenied farm. (only works when they TP to their frontmost tower obviously, which is something players do once, and then learn not to do again).

I also agree with lyzern here. The way you build your items (arcane boots at lvl 6) feels like you're either playing the hero mid, or as a farm priority laner. For me, unless you're denying farm to your carry, it seems the only way you can get arcanes up that fast is with some proper kill/tower gold coming in, which you can't count on reliably.
Also: warding, upgrading chick, and warding again is more important than getting quick items. For more experienced players this might seem obvious, but people using these guides usually aren't. It's fine to delay your upgraded boots by a minute or 2 if it means you can see that mid incoming every time he wants to gank you.
Other than that, no mention of mek at all in your item list, and only shortly sidestepping it in your explanation. Every team needs a mek, it's the single best item in the game. Talk with your teammates who's getting it, if you're the best / only candidate (which as a support will happen often, as a mid maybe not so much), get it instead of veil. In a teamfight, mek's HP boost alone outshines everything veil gives you, and that's not taking into account mek's armor boost as well.
lyzern | September 13, 2013 5:19am
Although this may be a very powerful mid lane Disruptor build, I feel like his potential is wasted on a lane where so many other heroes excel in. The facts are that Disruptor is an amazing disabler, life saver and chasing support, and Glimpse is one of the spells that scales best in the entire game and tou leave it for last in this build, replacing it by a mere upgrade of 80 damage on a costly nuke. I'm not saying this is a bad build, it's not, but lane support Disruptor builds that focus on his true potential should be the first mention on the website. But that's just my opinion!
MilkSteak | May 23, 2013 10:13pm
I generally like your guide. It is similar to how I build him. I'm not sure I like the veil of discord as I feel as a support hero it isn't really my job to be the huge damage. Maybe if there are other heavy nukers on my team, but it seems to me that the position control from field and silence from the ult is the biggest thing in the team fights and the damage from lightning and the ult is just icing. It also slows down other useful items such as pipe and unless you are solo mid'ing money isn't the easiest thing to come by if you are with your carry.

Additionally I prefer an early RoB rather than a bracer as I find that I can harass hard enough to not particularly need the extra health and it helps me and any lane mate. A good field and/or glimpse should keep you safe from all but the most determined ganks.

Last, I have played him mid a few times and find he is generally effective there between harass and gank potential. I don't know if it would be helpful to touch on different roles depending on lane choice or if that is just too much detail.

All in all a good guide.
Sooru | April 7, 2013 2:05pm
I found this guide very helpful! I was in a one on one single draft game and went straight for this guide and it helped me win the match! ^_^ I can't say offer much advice, but a great item I recommend after getting Veil of Discord is Mjollnir! With this you can tank towers by yourself late game and absolutely smash creep waves as well as adding another set of damage to your combos! :)

Thanks again!
Bademeister | March 29, 2013 2:37am
Nice guide,
but your skill build is diffrent from what you write under "Skills"
in your skill build you level up glimps at level 4 and under skills you write at level 7.

Also i think Glimps is a mighty spell early, so you should think about leveling it up at level 4 & 8
because 1000 cast range can be the diffrence betweem a successfull gank or a escaping enemy, antimage or qop blink away but still in you line of view... glimps them back ^^.

May you should also mention Disruptor synergize amazing with magnus in a teamfight.
Magnus blink into enemy team - magnus ulti + diruptor ulti + kinetic field = Rampage
Ruffian (1) | March 8, 2013 10:35pm
Really great guide! Discovered how fun this red fool is recently and this is pretty much how I like to play him as well. +1
Necron Overlord | February 19, 2013 3:58am
Nice guide, thumbs up. Btw, can you give me some tips on glimpse? I find that skill hard to use...
LurkInTheDark | February 11, 2013 4:19am
When the thunderdome fails on durable guys, dagon is a kickass finisher.
wormeus | February 4, 2013 12:05am
incredibuild! Together with sand king, we 2v5'd them from level six til 40min ish.

question : Does regen orb work with his ulti? can you ulti, orb, and reulti the same place?

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