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6 Votes

Disruptor - Teamfight Supporter - UPDATED for 6.83 - Dec 23, 2014

December 23, 2014 by AmishSlayer
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Romark14 (7) | November 7, 2014 4:43am
Great guide. I've just got into Disruptor and i am a big fan. The section about the skill build was very helpful, i really like maxing Glimpse first. The range is a game changer.

AmishSlayer | July 10, 2014 12:09pm
katar7 wrote:

With the latest change to Tranquil Boots, that they can't be disassembled, would you recommend building both sets of boots now?

It's been a while since I looked that this guide and it needs updating. Now that you can't disassemble Tranquils, I wouldn't recommend both sets of boots. I'd recommend going Arcane Boots because Disruptor is pretty mana-hungry and without them I kept finding myself low on mana.

I plan on updating this sometime relatively soon.
katar7 | May 14, 2014 7:09am
With the latest change to Tranquil Boots, that they can't be disassembled, would you recommend building both sets of boots now?
Wisdomseyes1 (8) | June 5, 2013 4:17pm
I would like to point out that the duration of Thunder Strike is now 6 seconds, not 4 (you say it in the description but didn't fix it in the details. Not a big thing). This might actually help Disruptor see play simply because of the nerfs to Io and Shadow Demon, simply because of his vision to enemies being improved. (also, as a nuke, it scales 80 damage a level to a total of 400, which is actually pretty powerful as a nuke)
mnoi (2) | April 19, 2013 10:49pm
Well done, I would add a heaven's halberd and ghost scepter as suggested items too, though the ghost scepter is more situational than a halberd
Themesiah99 | April 9, 2013 3:25am
Great guide for a great hero. The explination of why you maxed your skills the way you did is very helpful. I normally max Q for early lane harass, but I'll have to try maxing Glimpse now.
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