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Np, this is a cool example on how to "disrupt"
Match 462320858
Nice Dagon lvl 3
Match 462320858
I think they way you have it is great, just warn the readers about doing this when it can be coordinated agreed by with the rest of the teammates :). Later on (25+ minute), regardless of the build and items, I think Disruptor is best used to "disrupt" the enemy on team fights (position them correctly and silence as needed) so your team can get the kills. The main issue with Disruptor imo, is that he just doesn't have enough HP /Armor to get kills effectively late game - and getting items on him for just that purpose is kind deviating from what his true skills are.
Other than this, nice job and thanks for sharing your guide
As to not confuse everyone, would you rather me refer to the Thunder God build as a semi-carry build? I play the second build much more like a semi-carry (farm early game then get kills mid game) than a carry. With the Thunder God build you are supposed to farm early game and then go around for solo ganks (Disruptor kinetic + ulti + thunder strike + desolator will kill any hero including enemy carries late game from huge damage output and silence).
I think they way you have it is great, just warn the readers about doing this when it can be coordinated agreed by with the rest of the teammates :). Later on (25+ minute), regardless of the build and items, I think Disruptor is best used to "disrupt" the enemy on team fights (position them correctly and silence as needed) so your team can get the kills. The main issue with Disruptor imo, is that he just doesn't have enough HP /Armor to get kills effectively late game - and getting items on him for just that purpose is kind deviating from what his true skills are.
Other than this, nice job and thanks for sharing your guide
My 2 cents...
I have to agree with Gahruga, I have played well over 200 matches with this hero and he can't just be played effectively as a carry. The beauty about Disruptor is that he does not need many items to play his role: mana boots, a mek, force staff for better initiation/escape, and perhaps another utility item for the team such as an Eul (good mana regen and great to help you position your kf + ult)... and of course, a s_t load of wards, dust and smoke, as needed.
He should be getting most of his gold from assists mainly, plus towers downed by allies.
I have played him mid quite a few times to get the ult very early (as well as boots) - and right after that you can switch (have someone go mid) and start roaming and securing kills for my team as well as warding.
Skill-wise, you really need to play it by ear. I usually max thunder and glimpse first (which one depends on the lane)... kinetic field just depends, 2.5 is usually enough for your carry to get the kill.
As to not confuse everyone, would you rather me refer to the Thunder God build as a semi-carry build? I play the second build much more like a semi-carry (farm early game then get kills mid game) than a carry. With the Thunder God build you are supposed to farm early game and then go around for solo ganks (Disruptor kinetic + ulti + thunder strike + desolator will kill any hero including enemy carries late game from huge damage output and silence).
I have to agree with Gahruga, I have played well over 200 matches with this hero and he can't just be played effectively as a carry. The beauty about Disruptor is that he does not need many items to play his role: mana boots, a mek, force staff for better initiation/escape, and perhaps another utility item for the team such as an Eul (good mana regen and great to help you position your kf + ult)... and of course, a s_t load of wards, dust and smoke, as needed.
He should be getting most of his gold from assists mainly, plus towers downed by allies.
I have played him mid quite a few times to get the ult very early (as well as boots) - and right after that you can switch (have someone go mid) and start roaming and securing kills for my team as well as warding.
Skill-wise, you really need to play it by ear. I usually max thunder and glimpse first (which one depends on the lane)... kinetic field just depends, 2.5 is usually enough for your carry to get the kill.
I usually play it with my friends when we do reversal games (carry plays as support and support plays as carry) but I've done well in pub matches.
1. You are pro enough to do that
2. You get really super nice teamwork in your team
3. Your foes must have some stupid failures.
Yes, as I thought before that you must have done the method pretty well in pub so you are brave enough to post it in your guide. But what I underline is just a merely warning for beginners here to try the first right thing to do with Disruptor: play it as support; otherwise the beginners out there will be laughed and said noobs time after time. It's just like playing a piano: learn what you should learn, and after you master it go have some ****in fun with that. ;)
what is this The Thunder God style? Be careful for new beginners in this forum. this method seems fun, but it will do ultimately nothing for Disruptor. This carry-style-guide will be outclassed by any carry or even semi carry. You gotta be a super pro (and super troll) to use this method.
I usually play it with my friends when we do reversal games (carry plays as support and support plays as carry) but I've done well in pub matches.