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22 Votes

Disruptor - Dino-Riding Puppet Master by E1Mariachi [7.02]

February 11, 2017 by E1Mar1ach1
Comments: 17    |    Views: 140211    |   

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Yorky | August 6, 2016 8:39am
What a fantastic guide. Really motivated me to try disruptore. Many thanks for the time it must have taken to do this. Much appreciation to you, and upvoted.
plaq (3) | May 2, 2016 9:48am

thanks a lot for great guide. I learned a LOT.

As for noob 2,5k player who usually plays support, disruptor has became one of my favourite heroes with 75% winrate from 30games and it wouldn't had happened without THIS guide.

Thanks a lot and please one more support hero guide!
E1Mar1ach1 (5) | May 21, 2016 12:47pm
plaq wrote:

thanks a lot for great guide. I learned a LOT.

As for noob 2,5k player who usually plays support, disruptor has became one of my favourite heroes with 75% winrate from 30games and it wouldn't had happened without THIS guide.

Thanks a lot and please one more support hero guide!

Hey plaq!
I am honestly happy to hear, that this guide helped you laying down such a winrate with Disruptor. I think he is really strong in this patch and meta and this is reflected by the competetive picks. Since I learned to love Thrall, I never really got tired of him, especiall against disgusting heroes like Slark in this metagame.

Thanks again, mate,
E1Mar1ach1 (5) | May 2, 2015 11:33pm
sypherian wrote:

Great guide +1 Maybe this is the excuse to become better with Disruptor.

Keep up the good work loved your Wraith King guide as well :-D

He, sypherian,

thanks alot for supporting and liking this and the Wraith King guide aswell.
Makes me really happy when players get the motivation to start picking and practicing heroes out of these guides. That's basically what it's all about!

Have a nice day, E1
sypherian (1) | May 2, 2015 10:43pm
Great guide +1 Maybe this is the excuse to become better with Disruptor.

Keep up the good work loved your Wraith King guide as well :-D
E1Mar1ach1 (5) | May 2, 2015 10:22am
Sando wrote:

No problem at all El Mariachi, I think this is actually a better guide than mine - it's certainly more up to date :). Appreciate your thoughts on Glimpse, it can be difficult when doing builds not to confuse matters by adding 7 different ones for every eventuality.

To explain Static Storm, the DPS start out very low (like 24-36 DPS), and ends up quite high (300 dps at 5 seconds, 420 dps at 7). So a Static Storm that lasts 5 seconds could do a total of 520/648/780 damage to a single hero in it for the entire duration. By adding those extra 2 seconds of Scepter time, it can do 1009/1257/1512 - almost double. (figures from Dota2 wiki btw)

Keep up the good work!

Hey Sando,

thanks a lot for explaining the backloading mechanism of Static Storm. I knew it was scaling starting off weaker from the tooltip, but quite did not work out, that it has such a big scaling effect, especially with Aghanim's Scepter. I'll add this in now.

Especially for Disruptor I find it difficult to provide static skill build, which is not a real option anyway since build vary hugely with every change to lane composition. I tried to give some fix, case based examples and hope players will figure out themselves when to spend points on different levels.

I really appreciate your opinion and constructive comments, E1


Gamepedia notes that Thunder Strike in fact does deal damage to targets turning invisible (unlike turning hidden or invulnernable) regarding Bounty Hunter with Shadow Walk, though not granting the ground vision.
E1Mar1ach1 (5) | May 2, 2015 10:11am

Great guide and great formatting, +1 from me.

Thanks a lot SuperKamiGuru,

appreciate your support!

Have a nice day, E1
Sando (118) | May 1, 2015 5:02pm
No problem at all El Mariachi, I think this is actually a better guide than mine - it's certainly more up to date :). Appreciate your thoughts on Glimpse, it can be difficult when doing builds not to confuse matters by adding 7 different ones for every eventuality.

To explain Static Storm, the DPS start out very low (like 24-36 DPS), and ends up quite high (300 dps at 5 seconds, 420 dps at 7). So a Static Storm that lasts 5 seconds could do a total of 520/648/780 damage to a single hero in it for the entire duration. By adding those extra 2 seconds of Scepter time, it can do 1009/1257/1512 - almost double. (figures from Dota2 wiki btw)

Keep up the good work!
SuperKamiGuru2.0 | May 1, 2015 4:41pm
Great guide and great formatting, +1 from me.
E1Mar1ach1 (5) | May 1, 2015 10:03am

Hey elmariachi!
You keep on putting out quality content. Keep it up.
Your guide is a pleasure to read(altho there are some misplacement of text in video section).

I always wonder where you get the guide titles from, coz they always make me snort with laughter.

And a lot of respect! You Made me play disruptor after reading this guide.

Hi Keep Calm and Feed,

Really apprecitae you liked the guide. I'll check the layout of the video section asap.

I'll keep stuff coming as soon as I am so excited about another hero, that I start theory crafting all day. But first of all there is a lot of update work coming with 6.84 items and hero changes.

I'm glad you like my titles! I really try let run thoughts through my mind as I am writing and then you start getting these strange ideas :3.

Good day to you, Sir. E1
E1Mar1ach1 (5) | May 1, 2015 9:58am

It's a wall of text but get didn't get bored. Well formatted, Good items for a #5 position support and Good guide. Maybe you can add a Wombo-Combo and Friends-Foes Section.
Well done :)

PS: update this guide right after the 6.84 update, I would like to see your ideas/opinions for the new items.

He there, fires.of.hell,

I'm really happy you liked the guide and its length did make you lose grip on it. I really tried to give it a readable layout. I plan on adding a Combo section very soon as I have some spare time for it.

I'm very excited about the 6.84 items, though I do not think the build is going to change that drastically. I am not practicing the items and new interactions in the main client and as soon as I got an opinion on the new stuff, I'll add this in.

Greetings, E1
E1Mar1ach1 (5) | May 1, 2015 9:54am
Sando wrote:

Really good guide overall, detailed and well presented +1

I especially like that you've got anti-squish items in there like Urn of Shadows which I think is a great pickup on him.

The only "buts" I'd add are that I don't know it the max Glimpse first builds are really that necessary any more - with the manacost reduction, it's less of an issue - although the range is important and the CD reduction nice. Personally I tend to go maybe 2 early points and then invest more in my other skills.

I'd also add that I personally consider the Aghanim's Scepter upgrade a much higher priority for various reasons:

1) A reasonably early Point Booster solves a lot of problems.
2) The item mute is REALLY important mid-late game, if you can initiate or follow up successfully, you disable BKB activation - which makes you infinitely nastier and more effective in team fights.
3) As all the damage is backloaded in Static Storm, those extra 2 seconds actually double the damage output! (if you can keep them there, obviously)

Also worth noting (at least the last time I tried many patches!) that Thunder Strike does no damage to invisible targets - it will mark them (useful), but the likes of Bounty Hunter can dodge your harassment easily.

Overall though, excellent work.

Good morning, Sando!

First of all: Thanks a lot for rating this guide. I'm really honored by you commenting on my take on Disruptor. I'm really impressed by your Disruptor guide, I worked with and learned from it a lot. I wasn't really sure about the making of this guide since there are already so many high-quality guides, especially yours!

Back to topic:
I personally am a fan of maxing Glimpse first and tend to do so in most cases, though I totally agree that you could leave it at level 2 and should do so, if you do not get any benefits from leveling it further, which may be the case, if you have to stick to your lane for a long time. The maxing of Glimpse, which is also followd by the competitive matches I provided, give you a nasry ganking presence and you can be active in all lanes pretty early on, what I think is the big upside of it. But after all it comes to being situational for every match up and personal preference and how you want to be present as Disruptor.

I totally agree with Aghanim's Scepter being a high priority pick in most cases. I guess I did not make this quite as clear as I intended it to be. The Point Booster is infact a great early pick up, I guess I will include this one as a seperate pick in the suggestions. Yeah, the mute component of Aghanim's Scepter gives Disruptor back his relevance for lategame, so one should try to go for it as the game proceeds into the later stages.

Would be nice for me, if you could elaborate what you mean by "backloading" from Static Storm. This expression is somehow unfamiliar to me.

I totally forgot to mention the interaction of Thunder Strike with invisible heroes, I'll add this in as soon as possible.

Thanks again for your very helpful comment, I really appreciate it!

Have a nice day, E1
E1Mar1ach1 (5) | May 1, 2015 9:37am
ChiChi wrote:

Omg another awesome guide, complete and gorgeous =O

I don't play Disruptor yet, but I'm feeling like doing it with this help. +1

Mate, keep them coming!

Hi there ChiChi,

very happy to see you around here again! And thanks for +1-ing this one.
Give the Storm Crafter a chance, it's really worth it!

Have a nice day, E1
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