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8 Votes

DioX's Guide (Legion Commander 7.05 Meta OP)

April 18, 2017 by DioX
Comments: 21    |    Views: 23914    |   

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DioX (1) | April 8, 2018 8:24am
Thank you for not helping and complaining. *******s hope you're all stuck in 1k.
DioX (1) | June 1, 2017 3:56pm
complain all you want. you just don't know how to avoid huge amount of anti-duel stragedies.
WhosNuker (7) | May 8, 2017 10:29am
This guide has so many wrong things with it. The item build is so stupidly wrong. You never buy a Bloodstone on Tresdin nor is a Blink Dagger a luxury item. You shouldn't be building Aghanim's Scepter on Tresdin in most games so that should be a situational not luxury. You don't build lifesteal on Tresdin she has a built in broken lifesteal counter. Armlet is such a core item on Tresdin especially in lower games as it gives her 60 damage when toggled on. The "If you have no supports" section is absolutely useless as you shouldn't be supporting anyway and some of those items are core for her. You shouldn't be buying a Refresher Orb on her and a Butterfly shouldn't be a luxury considering she's a strength hero but maybe so that should be situational. Monkey King Bar is also a situational not luxury because you don't need it unless the enemy has evasion. Work on your English, ask for help if you need to send a link to someone and ask them to read over it. The coding needs to be worked on as well same with the English, send to someone and see if they can help you.
knight96-1994 (2) | May 2, 2017 12:53pm
1) The english is bad
2) The first item build is crazy awful: just to make an exemple: how can Blink be a core item and a situational one at the same time. And how can you even think Blink is a situational item?
3) Bloodstone? Seriously?
4) Avoid picking Meka? Why on earth would you avoid that? Guardian Greaves is actually a situational if not a core item on Offlane LC
5) Complete lack of decent "how to play" section
6) Avoid picking Armlets? Again, seriously? It's the most typical pub item to get on a core Tresdin and it's perfectly good for her.
7) You should stop making guides for this sentence alone: "report lc for ks *if dies and it was sure duel win* report lc for fail ks and for noob russian indog pignoy mongoloid *insult stuff*". Reporting players for being bad is the most toxic thing ever and it makes me think you're a seriously hard to bear player.

I don't know how long you've been playing Dota, but I seriously hope we'll never cross our paths
senthil raja | May 5, 2017 7:59pm
This is my guide on LC and it would be great if you can give your feedback :)
DioX (1) | May 6, 2017 1:15pm
you can't just advertise your guide here.
TheSofa (54) | May 6, 2017 8:03am
Hey Senthil Raja!

Here in dotafire, we strictly forbid advertisements of guides on other people's pages.

This is from our official rules:


Do not post links or otherwise advertise your builds or other content. There are pages and lists across the site to show your creations to those who want to visit them. Sharing your content in relevant conversation is one thing, dropping links and otherwise advertising around the site in an attempt to get more visits is another. Don't make us create a Dunce topic, leave the spam alone.

Thank you,
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DioX (1) | May 3, 2017 6:24am
1) The english is bad
2) The first item build is crazy awful: just to make an exemple: how can Blink be a core item and a situational one at the same time. And how can you even think Blink is a situational item?
3) Bloodstone? Seriously?
4) Avoid picking Meka? Why on earth would you avoid that? Guardian Greaves is actually a situational if not a core item on Offlane LC
5) Complete lack of decent "how to play" section
6) Avoid picking Armlets? Again, seriously? It's the most typical pub item to get on a core Tresdin and it's perfectly good for her.
7) You should stop making guides for this sentence alone: "report lc for ks *if dies and it was sure duel win* report lc for fail ks and for noob russian indog pignoy mongoloid *insult stuff*". Reporting players for being bad is the most toxic thing ever and it makes me think you're a seriously hard to bear player.

I don't know how long you've been playing Dota, but I seriously hope we'll never cross our paths

I need help from an admin here, I am literally being rated by an unskilled player.
Hades4u (296) | May 3, 2017 12:50pm
That's his personal opinion about your guide, he didn't say anything inappropriate in order for admin actions to be taken.
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TheSofa (54) | May 3, 2017 7:24am
Hey DioX;

That's entirely the point. You wrote your guides for unskilled players to help them become skilled players like you. Of course, unskilled players would be rating your guide!

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TheSofa (54) | April 20, 2017 5:22pm
Hey DioX!

No worries about the coding problems. We all started somewhere!

You have a lot of good information in your guide, now all you have to do is present it so that people will read it!

Here's a guide to how to code on our site to get you started:

DioX (1) | April 21, 2017 12:00pm
thanks. :)
WhosNuker (7) | April 20, 2017 9:37am
This is a really bad guide.
DioX (1) | April 21, 2017 9:58am
WhosNuker wrote:
This is a really bad guide.

yeah, its bad because its not beautiful and people can't read so I make more derp so they can read properly.

and you only said that because you don't want cancer lc in your region. am I right?
senthil raja | May 5, 2017 8:02pm
Yes! While Formatting is not everything, it is essential for a guide. No one will read a chunk of unformatted text even if it has a lot of useful information :(
Masked_Man98 (20) | April 20, 2017 12:03pm
Hate to say it but whosnuker is right this guide has a major coding problem you are better to do something about it
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