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Detailed Guide to Ganker -> Carry/Support Invoker

March 18, 2012 by alvadagansta
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prastrejda (1) | May 7, 2012 9:22am
hey good job but there is still some things to change...

(this is how i see is good to do it)

really try to fit in somewhere Force Staff...

than at begining try different skill sequence. (try to take qu*** at level 1 and than invoke on lvl 2) it is something great..

than IMO heard of tarrasque is a bit expensive to be in core...

try to thing about items look at other builds and try them...
than look at your build try it and try to make it better.

sorry -1...
DisciplesUnited | April 10, 2012 8:57am
alvadagansta wrote:

You didnt give a lot of explanation for your build, all you do is insisting that this guide is for beginner players. Level 2 invoke has 17 second cooldown. If you wanna use more than 3 skills in team fight with level 2 invoke, good luck.

Btw, maybe the title is confusing, but i meant it to say "become a ganker early game, then turn into support/carry late game". Focus on forge spirit + cold snap = become a ganker.

I can perhaps make a more reasonable statement as to why I think this is a beginner guide for invoker.

#1: You delay invoke until lvl 4 for better last hit. This shows a low level of last hit ability on your part and teaches others to do the same. Having an early cold snap is essential to pushing your opponent out of lane early.

#2: You seem to speak about lvl 1 invoke as if you only have 1 spell to use. Your combos are "cold snap + auto attack" for lvl 1 invoke and "cold snap + forge spirits + auto attack" for lvl 2. This is the surrest sign of a low lvl invoker playstyle as you should realize that lvl 1 invoke should be a two point combo.
Ex... Lvl 1 invoke combo using this build should give you access to BOTH forge spirits and cold snap (by lvl 3 invoker aka 1 quas 1 exort 1 invoke). Thus by lvl 3 you can already do your planned gank/rape combo. You explain that this really only happens at lvl 2 invoke.

All together good guide but these things just scream "I'm a bit new to invoker." That is all. Keep up the good work!
alvadagansta (1) | March 29, 2012 4:38pm
Battlehammer wrote:

I think you are a beginner player or this guide is for beginner invokers. The skill sequence is really awful. I would max Quas first. As i said before i think this is a beginner guide. If a moderate player sees it they will laugh. Invokers usually use 3-5 ability in each team fight or combat. If they can do it, no need to exort. Quas gives you the regen you need to stay at lane (mid)
so here is the correct skill sequence for you.
First 10 levels:

But i must warn you this is not for beginners.You should learn how to play well with invo first.

You didnt give a lot of explanation for your build, all you do is insisting that this guide is for beginner players. Level 2 invoke has 17 second cooldown. If you wanna use more than 3 skills in team fight with level 2 invoke, good luck.

Btw, maybe the title is confusing, but i meant it to say "become a ganker early game, then turn into support/carry late game". Focus on forge spirit + cold snap = become a ganker.
Battlehammer | March 27, 2012 11:02am
I think you are a beginner player or this guide is for beginner invokers. The skill sequence is really awful. I would max Quas first. As i said before i think this is a beginner guide. If a moderate player sees it they will laugh. Invokers usually use 3-5 ability in each team fight or combat. If they can do it, no need to exort. Quas gives you the regen you need to stay at lane (mid)
so here is the correct skill sequence for you.
First 10 levels:

But i must warn you this is not for beginners.You should learn how to play well with invo first.
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