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Destructive Sniper

September 12, 2012 by unknp13
Comments: 6    |    Views: 9350    |   

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NotSureIf (16) | September 12, 2012 9:12pm
Sp12 wrote:

? Why wouldn't you max shrapnel at 7? After a kill in lane/with a push sharpnel is pretty imba early. Obviously don't spam it trying to push the lane but that's true of any AoE nuke.

Some players would argue against this, but I tend to max Shrapnel as well. It's quite nice to get as the damage and slow it grants at low levels is astounding, especially when you lay it down, auto attack a few times then pop Assassinate. Guaranteed kill every time.
Sp12 (25) | September 12, 2012 9:01pm
? Why wouldn't you max shrapnel at 7? After a kill in lane/with a push sharpnel is pretty imba early. Obviously don't spam it trying to push the lane but that's true of any AoE nuke.
gyrate | September 12, 2012 3:16pm
I'm convinced these sniper guides are actually to make you a bad player. For lane control you don't want shrapnel. In fact you shouldn't be shooting creeps except last hit. You'll push yourself into their territory. Curaiss is unnecessary since you are behind or off to the side of your team a good distance if you want to survive. Desolator reduces armor anyways. Starting iyems are just odd. If you want defense this is the wrong hero. I would not recommend this build your team will flip out. The early and mid game items don't even build up to anything. Bits and pieces maybe but you don't want to waste cash with sniper.
SuperNova (16) | September 12, 2012 8:31am
jaslam wrote:

TBH - this build would work on any hero, it's farming up the creeps to do this with is the trouble. Sniper is tooooo easy to kill, which is why people rush shadow blade. Not just for the escape factor, but to discourage the enemy from ganking you in the first place!!

Works al the time in pubs(i only play in pubs, dont understand competitive) early game sniper is laughably bad, snipers often harras me then wish they hadnt as they get torn to bits my be hooking them through the unwarded jungle
SuperNova (16) | September 12, 2012 8:30am
why not turn one of those wraith bands into an aquila?
jaslam (21) | September 12, 2012 5:29am
TBH - this build would work on any hero, it's farming up the creeps to do this with is the trouble. Sniper is tooooo easy to kill, which is why people rush shadow blade. Not just for the escape factor, but to discourage the enemy from ganking you in the first place!!
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