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5 Votes


July 1, 2012 by tobepeople
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HamSandwich (34) | July 4, 2012 7:56pm
tobepeople wrote:

FOR Dagon ; + 21 intelligent and more far you can do atack
FOR Astral; every lvl 2 intelligent you can steal but not need +8 intelligent in the early game and coold down more too ,duration for every lvl 1 duration i need 2 duration but more important third skill need mana

but you can use first skill astrall if in your line enemy silencer or invoker

The biggest problem with Dagon is that it costs 2805g. Astral imprisonment is free. Furthermore, at level 1, it only gives +13 intelligence and from then on, you're paying 650g for each additional point of intelligence.

Dagon 5(8005g) sounds really sexy because of that 800 damage burst, but in reality, a sheepstick(5675g) and Force Staff (2200g) give you far more damage and utility in the long run.
Numeta (27) | July 4, 2012 4:48pm
If you don't have banish middle. You will never kill your opponent.
wilddeonpwn (102) | July 4, 2012 3:44pm
Dude stop writing guides they are really bad and if a new player joined dota and looked At your guides for guidance, they are going to get smashed
tobepeople | July 3, 2012 10:09am
FOR Dagon ; + 21 intelligent and more far you can do atack
FOR Astral; every lvl 2 intelligent you can steal but not need +8 intelligent in the early game and coold down more too ,duration for every lvl 1 duration i need 2 duration but more important third skill need mana

but you can use first skill astrall if in your line enemy silencer or invoker
WorkPants (7) | July 2, 2012 3:10pm
-1 for Dagon and delaying Astral Imprisonment (your lane control spell...) until Level 10, among other horrendous things.
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