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Delsins Way - Clockwerk!

August 20, 2015 by LeDelsinDoge
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Hey guys! Im here with my first offical guide on Dota Fire.

Todays guide will be on my favourite hero, Clockwerk.
Clockwerk is a initiator that is amazing dury all stages of the game.
His job is to destroy anyone who opposes him in his offlane.

Now lets get into this, Shall we?


For starting items, Buy 2 Branches, Tangoes and Salve, 1 Gauntlet of strenght and 2 claritys.

Early game you should get Phase Boots/Power Treads, A Bracer. (You could get 2), Drums if nobody else is getting it and once thats all done go for a Point Booster.

After you got your point booster, Get a Blademail. Go straight Aghanims after that.
Next you want to get Blink Dagger/Forcestaff. This is for an extra escape is you f*ck up.
After that you may or may not want a BKB. Now heres the thing, You can go allot of ways from here.

You can get a Shivas, Halbert, Orchid, Heck even Dagon.

Skill Build, And the skills themselves.

First off, level your Cogs and go for runes. It'll be easy for you to secure runes. I have seen allot of Clockwerks lvl Flare. But in higher skill the Cogs are better for contesting runes.

Second you need to constantly switch lvling the Battery Assault and your Flare.

Get ultimate whenever you can, Obviously.
Max Cogs last since it doesnt give Clock allot of bonus in the earlygame.

Now onto the skills.

Q : Battery Assault.
Battery assault is a damage dealing ministun, That fires off little bullets like Pyrion Flax said. Its probably my favourite ministun, Since its constant. This is great for cancelling TPs, And to counter some heroes that we will get into later.

W: Power Cogs
Power Cogs are probably the best isolate skill in the game, Since it lasts so long.
You can spam these in your offlane or your midlane, For the enemies to get hit by the
Cogs and lose mana and HP. Its pretty annoying for them.

E: Rocket Flare
Rocket Flare has allot of uses, You can Push, Farm, Kill Scout, You can pretty much
make a bloody firework for those poor irish people you met the other day. Theres not
much to explain to be honest.

R: Hookshot
Ah, Hookshot. This is basically the ability that makes him such a good ganker!
This makes Pudge his hook look like nothing, What this ability does is basically shoot
a hook from 2 Lightyears away, Stunning the target and propelling Clockwork towards
the target. Pretty simple. Its pretty satisfying when you hit a hard Hookshot.

Thats the skills.

Allies, Foes, Who you counter.


Skywrath Mage (His Ultimate and Cogs are f*cking bollocks.)
Storm Spirit (Both you and him are long range initiators, Furthermore Vortex works for easy hookshots.)
Shadow Fiend (For his ulti, if he can manage to sneak inside the cogs.)

Skywrath Mage
Storm Spirit
Anyone with an Escape (PA, Anti Mage, Queen of Pain..)
Slark being a counter varys from Slark to Slark.

Closing words

That was it dudes!
If you have any suggestions, Just say and i'll add them!

Thank you, everyone.

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