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2 Votes

Definitive Prophet

December 6, 2014 by apaz
Comments: 8    |    Views: 10457    |   

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ChiChi (47) | February 10, 2015 4:21am
Apaz, your guide still appears as before, that is, not finished. Are you sure you hit the "publish" botton? I ask you because I was wrong about that myself for a while, saving new edits and thinking they were appearing online but nope... :)
ChiChi (47) | February 9, 2015 6:03am
Nature's Profit lol nice one!
apaz (17) | December 13, 2014 7:20pm
Guide finished
apaz (17) | December 7, 2014 12:33pm
Metabee wrote:

You explained well the usage of Nature's Call but... how do I use the other 3 skills? Do I spam ultimate on cooldown? It seems a bit lacking not talking about the great Teleportation: I really think it is one of the strongest if not the strongest ability in the game and should be explained on detail.

I'll be eplaining the usages of skills in it's own section. (WIP)
apaz (17) | December 7, 2014 12:14pm
Thank you all for your criticisms, I do understand what you're getting at.

The guide is currently not very close to finished, and I may have admittedly accidentally pressed the "Publish" button.

I'm going to go over almost all the Items in the game in detail, so I'll get to Mekansm and Boots of Travel eventually.

Thanks for your criticisms, and I'll be working overtime on finishing the guide.

Btw, I hate Shadow Blade too, but it's a good item on him unfortunately. I'll be going into detail on it. I, personally prefer Blink Dagger.

I'll get to it guys, I'll get to it.
famasofwar (4) | December 7, 2014 2:47am
Mek is actually a pretty useful item on furion. Good for prolonged pushing and very useful if you are trying to take roshan earlier than usual. Armor helps furion too since his build up isn't very great and the regen can keep you more prolonged.

Boots of travel is a very, very good item for a late game furion. You won't be pushing for prolonged periods most likely during late game as you won't be given the chance, so having an assured escape that isn't on a 20 second cool down is very important. Especially since yo won't be wasting a slot on a TP and you will be gaining from the move speed.

Blade mail can be a good item if you are going against a very DPS heavy team with certain pick off characters like phantom assassin or drow.

I also think it is important to note in your guide that you only go midas if you are going for a late game build since you do not receive profit from them for around 18 minutes. So it doesn't really resonate with something as your dagon build.
Unscathed (47) | December 6, 2014 11:58pm
It is not the aoe spells that kill treants. Its their tankiness and damage.
Metabee (2) | December 6, 2014 11:48pm
I feel this guide was a bit prereleased? It seems some parts are missing, something more conclusive than talking about dagon.

You explained well the usage of Nature's Call but... how do I use the other 3 skills? Do I spam ultimate on cooldown? It seems a bit lacking not talking about the great Teleportation: I really think it is one of the strongest if not the strongest ability in the game and should be explained on detail.

I was never a fan of Shadow Blade on Nature's Prophet because it is so predictable, that you'd better be selling it soon since it would be trash gold. I've had plenty more success with Blink Dagger (into the trees) instead of Hand of Midas because it allows me to take part in the game much faster than I would with a greedier build.

I liked your starting items. Good picks.
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